

Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I don't get it either. I tried playing the deck a couple times and I drew like absolute shit every time, but damn near every time I get matched against the deck I get destroyed.

Shit, someone was spectating me this morning and thought I had the game won because I had established board control and he had spent a bit of burn on my minions instead of going face. I told him nope, I'm still probably going to lose and sure enough two turns later I was dead without him ever playing another minion. Fuck, had complete control of a game last night, was almost full health, and then the faggot did something like 26 damage from hand and killed me.


Still a Music Elitist
Here's mine. It's done pretty well for me. Unfortunately I'm missing a second Cabal Shadow Priest which is why I use Shadow Madness. Shadow Madness actually works pretty well with all the deathrattle decks out there. And I almost always am able to clear two minions with that card. I'm thinking about replacing Light of Naaru though.



Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh for fuck's sake, Priest just Thoughtsteal my Golden Monkey, played it on the same turn and then proceeded to rape me with Legendaries.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So what Entomb deck are ya'll using? I'm thinking of joining the dark side.
Ive been experimenting with different things, the core is:

2x Circle of Healing
2x Power Word Shield
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Wild Pyromancer
2x Shadow Word Death
2x Auchenai Soulpriest
2x Deathlord
1x Holy Nova
2x Entomb
2x Lightbomb

= 19 cards.

My other 11 cards have been in flux but atm are:

2x Museum Curator
2x Injured Blademaster
2x Thoughtsteal
1x Shadow Word Pain
1x Elise Starseeker
1x Harrison Jones
1x Sludge Belcher
1x Dr Boom
Cards I've tried at some point:

1x/2x Cabal Shadow Priest
1x Loatheb
1x Paletress
2x Light of the Naaru
1x Shadow Madness
Cards I still plan to try:

1x Feugen
1x Stalagg
2x Flash Heal
1x Sylvanas

Edit: Forgot, my current list has Justicar in it too, I forget what I took out for her. Might only be running 1x Death.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I don't mind Priest decks usually. But Entomb. Damn does the spell irk me. Gets me seriously worried about dropping any of my key cards at any time. Combined with so many board clears. It just pisses me off to no end.

I feel you on the Shaman Aggro. Every time I'm all, "Naw dog. I have 20 health. I'm safe, he only has 2 more charges on Doomhammer and I have a taunt up). Earth Shock, Cackle Cackle (6 each of course), double rockbiter. Die. FML.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Here's my current list. Elise actually makes a decent amount of sense in priest since it's not uncommon to approach fatigue with a few useless cards stuck in your hand like shield or circle. I wasn't sold on it at first, but now I'm convinced that every single priest deck should be running 2x Curator.



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Trying Rafaam and Brann right now in Reno. Probably the main reason I love the deck is all the experimentation you can do. Still lots of fun.

Edit- will probably keep Brann in my competitive version. Just another threat they have to remove.


<Bronze Donator>
I was trying 1x Raven idol and 1x Living Roots in Druid today (had 5 win quest) and Raven Idol is a really good card. It won me at least 3 of the 5 games for the quest. One game it pulled a Savage Roar, and I dropped Emperor on 6, Boom on 7, and then 3x Roar for way over lethal. Another game it gave me Force to have combo, and another game that I had just spells in hand it gave me an Ancient of War


Still a Music Elitist
An opponent pulled an Ancient of War from that card today. I Entombed that bitch.


what Suineg set it to
Discover seems really good, I'm not quite sure but it FEELS like it's less than perfectly random. There always seems to be an acceptable choice if not an ideal one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's weighted towards giving you a class card, but aside from that it's random. Get yo feels data outta here.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah after 30ish games with Museum Curator I usually get something sexy but it's very easy to be offered 3 shit choices.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah after 30ish games with Museum Curator I usually get something sexy but it's very easy to be offered 3 shit choices.
It's not that easy, although Curator might be easier not sure about priest deathrattle cards. The fact it gives you 3choices instead of a random card that fits the profile is where the RNG is way better than other RNG mechanics. It's kinda like Track versus a pure draw card(which there's none of for a single card with no side effects, but let's assume there was). Track's better even though it discards 2 cards because it lets you pick the better card.

Sometimes it's still gonna fail, but that's like the entire game. Sometimes you'll mulligan into all your high cost cards and only draw more and lose on turn 4 because you literally had nothing to play but your hero power. Discover is a lot more controlled both in what you can target and what you pick out of these targetted abilities than other RNG shit like Joust or Unstable Portal(although Unstable has the strong opportunity of breaking the game so it tends to balance out).


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Time for a break from this shitfest. Dropped 4 ranks yesterday, whatever class I picked I was matched up against the perfect answer...every.single.time.


Tomb Spider discovering only beasts is pretty great value. I don't think I've ever had a completely shit draw from it. I'd imagine Gorillabot would work the same way for mechs, except that it has the requirement of having a mech in play already.

It's interesting though, both are 4 mana discover-a-race card, but by having the mech prerequisite for Gorillabot, he gets an extra point of health (3/3 beast versus 3/4 mech).

Another point is that there are both 48 mechs and 48 beasts in the game. However, a lot of the beasts are Hunter specific (14), whereas each class has 2-3 mechs, though Warrior has 4 mechs for some reason. Unfortunately, discover doesn't get you cards out of your class, so Beast Druid can never get a Highmane. But like I said, I haven't gotten a completely worthless discover from Tomb Spider.