

<Bronze Donator>
How do you guys go about doing postmortems on terrible arena runs? I had a 3-3 rogue and 2-3 mage run yesterday that I thought both would easily have gone 7+.

I've stopped using HearthArena and maybe that has affected my average, sample size not big enough yet. What's the general guidelines for drafting 1-5 drops? I usually aim for 6 2-4 drops, and 3 1 and 5 drops. Obviously you might never be even offered 3 1 drops, so I usually take them if I can get them unless they stink. But typing that out, I now realize if I actually hit that goal, that's 24 cards and leaves very little room for weapons, removal, board clears, buffs, reach, big drops, etc.


<Gold Donor>
Just took a short break from work to play a game or two...just a relaxing mental break. Holy fuck was that a bad move! This is probably the 1st time I have been really frustrated/annoyed with the game. Played 3 games lost all 3, 1st up was Hunter which I tend to struggle with as a Zoo Lock because they seem to have all the answers even when I get ahead on the board, they just summon a bunch of dogs with charge and my board presence gets wiped out.

2nd game was against a Mage, I was crushing had him down to 11 health by like turn 6 with a full board of minions. Bam Flamestrike, followed by Reno on the next turn and then Ragnaros and some fucking Dragons and he cloned Rag I still managed to get him down to 12 but he just over powered me.

Last game, Patron Warrior GO FUCK YOURSELF if you play that deck. I was full health he had 9 health and 2 armor and out come the patrons. It was a complete shit show I just got absolutely raped and there was NOTHING I could do.

The problem I am finding with Zoo Lock is that my board presence and domination gets reversed so easily with one big card from other classes. I have even showed restraint and not just played cards because I could knowing a big board clear card was coming but there is just nothing I can do to retake board dominance after they clear.

I was pissed when I first started typing, I actually feel better after typing it all out. It was cathartic, like therapy I guess. Who wants to start Hearthstone Anonymous Meetings with me? Feels good man!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Or it's new players who don't have the collection to play a different competitive deck. Don't be a faggot.


Still a Music Elitist
Zoo is probably my most successful deck. Dragon Priest is pretty good but everything else isn't that great. Reno Lock can be OK, but it's not as good as it used to be.


<Bronze Donator>
Perhaps confirmation of what a lot of people suspected:

Top is win rate, bottom I'm pretty sure is representation. The win rate stats seems ultimately flawed if you're going to lump multiple decks into one class. Especially something like murloc and secret paladin, or tempo and freeze mage.

The rest of the link contains the specs used for each class. Never heard of Noz Mage or Wall Druid.

NGA meta report #0 - Album on Imgur


Mr. Poopybutthole
Weird. I find Dragon Priest to be pretty solid.
Except it's not uncommon to get screwed on having a dragon in your hand at the wrong time, and when that happens you just lose. I love my dragon priest deck but I want to pitch my monitor across the room sometimes when I draw dead.

I'm shocked the hunter win rate is so high, and I'm amazed that the shaman participation rate is so low. Is that just from the Asian servers?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I really expected Blizz to release some news this weak. Here's hoping we get a preview March 1st.

The 2016 Hearthstone Americas Winter Championship is March 11-13.

According to their Tour schedule, Spring series is March - May.
I would have thought they would want to start the Spring series with Standard but at this point it's too late.
Looks like March should be previews and then Standard launch April 1st.
I would assume Standard has to launch in the beginning of a month to give players time to climb the ladder.
Doesn't make sense to start a new ranked mode and expect everyone to climb up in a 2 week span.

So hopefully next Tuesday we get to see some new cards, then a slow trickle leading into the Winter Championship and then an announcement that xpac+standard mode is coming April 1st.


Molten Core Raider
New expansion needs to release already. It gets pretty boring always playing against secret pally, tempo mage and combo druid with the occasional control warrior thrown in. Zzzzzz

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
I felt the same way, but then beating some rerolled bros while trashtalking really brightened up my day. Sorry Beagle