

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
After having some fun with my Dragon/N'Zoth paladin I transitioned to Deathrattle hunter which had a lot more success than I originally anticipated.

Current List:

It's a fast Tempo deck. Still toying with numbers.

My fluctuations:
2x Infest or 1?
2x Forlorn Stalkers or 1 or 0?
2x Call of the Wild or 1?
2x Cult Master or 1?
2x Hunter's Mark or 1?
Add Ram Wrangler(s)?
Add Traps?
Lose Kill Commands?
Lose Huhuran?
Add Owl(s)?
Add Sylvanas or Cairne or Ragnaros?

The deck refills the board a lot. I initially claimed N'Zoth was better for high-end Deathrattles, but find him to be a huge game winning play for this type of deck too. Even if he doesn't spawn Highmane, he easily wins you the games if you get him down.

Infested Wolf is so nice because the spiders are also Beasts, allowing 5 damage kill command or a Houndmaster buff easily.

Huhuran is a nice 5 drop even if the battlecry isn't used, but the battlecry on any deathrattle is usually really great since it can setup a nice Infest.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It would definitely be nice to fit Sylvanas and Cairne in there but I don't know what you'd cut. Maybe one hunter's mark for either? Adding both might make the deck too slow.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I was pretty skeptical of this expansion the last few weeks leading up. First impression, I was wrong. Yesterday was the funnest day I have ever had playing Hearthstone.

Opened 69 (yeah baby) packs, from the free ones and bought the rest with saved up gold. Only ended up with 2 legends, N'zoth and Herald Volazj. I made a nasty Rogue Deathrattle N'zoth deck that is incredibly fun.
Would love to see your deck. N'Zoth was the best legend I've crafted in a while. Much like Reno, I will be making a bunch of N'Zoth decks just for fun.

Fawe- Thanks a lot for the list. Will try it out. Looks like a lot of fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Would love to see your deck.
I started with theTrump's N'zoth Rogueand changed it only slightly.

- Xarl, the Poisoned Mind x1 (Don't have him. Seems like if you are going to include him, you should find a spot for 1 Gadgetzan Auctioneer as well, maybe removing an Azure Drake)
- Southsea Squid Face x1 (Deathrattle to affect equipped weapon too situational)
- SI 7 Agent x1 (rarely was getting combo value, had to use as a meh 3 drop too often)

+ Infested Tauren x1 (only Deathrattle Taunter in Standard. It was an MVP in a number of games, because the deck has no healing. Very important to have N'zoth summon a taunt onto your board late game to survive to next turn when you can win)
+ Journey Below x2 (love this card, combo starter, gives you the situational Deathrattle that you need in the moment)


Molten Core Raider
So after playing a shit-ton of Patron warrior last night I'll just think of the general meta at ranks 1-5, and what cards preformed the best for the warrior.

The most common decks seem to be face shaman which is everywhere, midrange shaman (evolve I guess? Seems more like Shaman goodstuff to me with board clears and what not), midrange hunter, zoo, tempo mage, and C'thun druid, with C'thun warrior a bit less common than the druid.

Just from first impressions I think the shaman decks and hunter decks feel stronger. Zoo seems more or less the same as before, and the tempo mage and C'thun decks are underwhelming. To get your C'thun up to a level where he is threatening, you have to play fair minion. And constructed isn't about fair minions, it's about OP minions and spells. So theoretically if you want to play one which works you have to rush through your deck a lot faster to get those buffs going, but if you're stacked with these minions you lack the draw spells and you have this tension, but there's probably a balance in there somewhere.

I didn't see another patron deck, I saw pirate warrior, and just straight up face warrior but no patrons. Which kind of makes a little sense, since in my opinion the deck is actually harder to play optimally now and you have to plan your turns a few steps ahead. The big spells though wereBlood to IchorandRavaging Ghoul.


<Bronze Donator>
Has anyone given C'Thun Reno Lock a try? I basically took the standard RenoLock and replaced the leeroy/faceless/po combo with C'Thun cards:

Deck Builder - Hearthstone

There's an open slot for teching or value. Not saying this is a better deck than leeroy/faceless, or even a good deck in the current meta. Tooled around with it for a few games and it was fun to have answers, lots of answers, in my hand after months of zoo. Won all my games but the competition seemed soft. People throwing decks together that didn't make much sense, which this one might be too!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Watching Kripp's stream while I was working last night made running one of Blood Brothers look really good. Consistently got value from it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Has anyone given C'Thun Reno Lock a try? I basically took the standard RenoLock and replaced the leeroy/faceless/po combo with C'Thun cards:

Deck Builder - Hearthstone

There's an open slot for teching or value. Not saying this is a better deck than leeroy/faceless, or even a good deck in the current meta. Tooled around with it for a few games and it was fun to have answers, lots of answers, in my hand after months of zoo. Won all my games but the competition seemed soft. People throwing decks together that didn't make much sense, which this one might be too!
I think the standard leeroy combo + jaraxxus is still better.


Watching Kripp's stream while I was working last night made running one of Blood Brothers look really good. Consistently got value from it.
People probably just wanted to make sure it died before he could drop the 2nd (Which I guess he didn't have). Therefore, playing one makes sense as it basically forces your opponent to remove it.


Molten Core Raider
Yogg-Saron is such a troll card

It's pretty awesome watching nearly all the streamers play it.

I can imagine the salt if you are on the receiving end though.


<Bronze Donator>
I think the standard leeroy combo + jaraxxus is still better.
I played around with that possibility and I couldn't find enough cards to replace the C'Thun cards. Obviously keep the Disciple, he's good by himself. Replace the Twins with a taunt or two. But there's still 1-2 cards after adding leeroy/faceless/abusive.

Just add late game value?


<Bronze Donator>
People probably just wanted to make sure it died before he could drop the 2nd (Which I guess he didn't have). Therefore, playing one makes sense as it basically forces your opponent to remove it.
He probably meant the warrior card, Blood Warriors.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think mage is pretty fucked so far. Shocked at how happy I am to see a mage across from me in my matches(just a couple seen).


Mr. Poopybutthole
The fact that doomcaller brings back a polymorphed c'thun is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen in this expansion so far.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It doesn't ruin an entire deck. You've already gotten the fucking battlecry if i'm polymorphing your c'thun.