

Mr. Poopybutthole
I clear the board against a shaman. He responds by putting 17 power on the board in a single turn. Not broken at all!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm having more fun with this ramp elder god druid than I have had with most decks ever, and I normally hate druid. It's just nice getting to play all these fun cards.


Molten Core Raider
I decided to try abomination in an nzoth druid deck to do a daily. The second game was against a freeze mage who roped every single turn/emoted. I dropped it into one of his doomsayers after popping his ice block with living roots. It was a good day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
TLDR; Shaman OP

So after fucking about the first half of the month I decided I should hit 5. Started playing that midrange deathrattle hunter and was doing well but while not a really bad matchup, its not great against zoo and we all know there is always a lot of zoo. At the time I didn't think the deck had any really bad matchups, but these latest shaman lists and that weapon warrior just completely shit on it since they both can also fight for the board and hunter has no heals. So I was swapping back and forth between hunter and fatigue warrior since it does well against what the hunter does poorly against and I would keep queueing into bad matchups. Queue hunter, its shaman, queue warrior its priest. So I was flip flopping back and forth around rank 9-10 when I got a shaman quest for 5 wins. Build what I think is pretty typical shaman these days and I instantly go from rank 9 almost to 5, 0 losses. I then lost 3 in a row when I was about to hit 5, one loss was a priest which was built for this meta - he cleared my board 3x, twice with excavated evil and once w/ coh/new card and he ran harrison. Another loss was to hunter when I just had a shit opening hand and was still very close. And the third I threw as I made a few mistakes through out. But after that 4 more wins in a row to hit 5. Been flip flopping around 10 for a fucking week and then hit 5 in about an hour with shaman.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shaman - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Is the list I was using. It started as a deck I built when WotoG launched and just swapped some cards out for popular cards I see now. Actually meant to replace brann, he was in there because of what the deck originally was, I'll probably replace him with harvest golem tbh or the guy that mana cost reduces 1 each turn. Also think I'll try replacing the earth shock with stormcrack and see how that goes. Just realized when building the deck in deck builder there are only 3 neutral cards in that list! Argent squires are irreplaceable, but definitely could be 28 shaman cards and 2 argent squires.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I went on a pretty epic win streak the other day with plain old aggro shaman to clear a daily. Felt dirty as hell but good god was I just taking ass and kicking names.


Molten Core Raider
I went on a pretty epic win streak the other day with plain old aggro shaman to clear a daily. Felt dirty as hell but good god was I just taking ass and kicking names.
I need to get over my "Oh Gee, I can make XXX work"...And just whore myself to Shaman to get it Gold.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So went back to fucking around. Tried an aggro n'zoth paladin and more of a mid range n'zoth druid. The aggro n'zoth paladin failed miserably, maybe I wasn't being aggressive enough. Even just having tirion and n'zoth really fucks over divine favor as I like to always have my highest cost cards in my opening hand apparently. Mid range n'zoth druid shows potential.


Mr. Poopybutthole
See no zoo players for over an hour, switch to aggro shaman. Immediately queue into zoo three times in a row.


Third zoo player I had down to 5 while I was at 30. I lost.


Can't fucking hit 5 to save my life.

Harrison Jones was already a good tech card choice in this meta, but now, with this pirate warrior all over, it seems like a necessary inclusion in almost every deck. If I go back to my dragon priest, I'll be putting a Harrison in.

Any good tips for playing against the control nzoth healing pally? Do you just go all in on the damage and pray they don't have equality/wild pyro? I was trying to be cautious and not overextend with my dragon priest, but by doing that was never very threatening either. Finding the correct level of aggression must be one of the things that separates good HS players from mediocre ones. It's not a match up that I've seen much (thank god), so I'm still feeling it out. I feel pretty helpless when I play them. If I try to develop a strong board, they wipe it. If I play cautiously, that sort of plays right into their hands. So, back to my original question... do you just pressure them and pray they don't draw enough removal in time?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Druid seems to be in such a bad spot right now because shaman is in such a good spot. Shaman was a bad match up for druid prior to wotog because they can't keep their board clear, now it seems impossible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Can't fucking hit 5 to save my life.

Harrison Jones was already a good tech card choice in this meta, but now, with this pirate warrior all over, it seems like a necessary inclusion in almost every deck. If I go back to my dragon priest, I'll be putting a Harrison in.

Any good tips for playing against the control nzoth healing pally? Do you just go all in on the damage and pray they don't have equality/wild pyro? I was trying to be cautious and not overextend with my dragon priest, but by doing that was never very threatening either. Finding the correct level of aggression must be one of the things that separates good HS players from mediocre ones. It's not a match up that I've seen much (thank god), so I'm still feeling it out. I feel pretty helpless when I play them. If I try to develop a strong board, they wipe it. If I play cautiously, that sort of plays right into their hands. So, back to my original question... do you just pressure them and pray they don't draw enough removal in time?
Depends on your deck. If you're one of the few decks that can out-control N'Zoth pally, you just stick to your normal gameplan. Otherwise, you have to put enough pressure on the board to force an early equality combo without over-extending into it so badly that you can't immediately follow up with more pressure.

Or if you're a super-aggressive face deck like aggro shaman or pirate warrior, you just swing for the fences and try to overwhelm them before they can stabilize.

Druid seems to be in such a bad spot right now because shaman is in such a good spot. Shaman was a bad match up for druid prior to wotog because they can't keep their board clear, now it seems impossible.
Depends on what your matchups look like. Pirate warrior, which is very common atm, matches up pretty poorly against ramp druid because they can't power through taunts nearly as efficiently as zoo or shaman can.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thats the thing, I think druid is solid just its terrible against shaman and at least 50% of my matches are shaman.


Trakanon Raider
I really like the Miracle Rogue deck out there. When you get rolling it just smashes things out of nowhere. But it's borderline unplayable since Shaman is a bad matchup and Shaman are everywhere.