

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have a theory... the original intention for Purify was for the card to return one of your minions to it's original state (ie: remove silence, hex, etc), but they couldn't get it right mechanically and the expansion needed to be released so they just said fuckit and made it silence your own minion. Or, if it wasn't a technical issue, maybe they just chickened out and decided now is not the time to introduce this new game mechanic. That seems to be the only conceivable way that Purify created and makes it into the game, as is.

Well in that case, destroy a friendly minion and resummon it, draw a card. Would have seemed slightly uncreative given the shaman card, and they probably don't want two classes to have that same thing, but silence was really boring and uninspired too, worse yet its fucking useless.

I still say it should have been a buff card, make it one of those portals. Helps replace Velen's and supplies some early game tempo in the form of a buff for trading and the portal minon summon for some "free" early board.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
No but getting a 1/1 Cairne, Sylvanas or Tirion (or even Tauren) with your 4-drop is insane tempo and will help you reach your N'Zoth turn in one piece. Also, it does help lessen the likelihood of being screwed for deathrattle minions. Once in a while, you do sit there with N'Zoth in hand and the only thing it'll bring back is a Loothoarder or something like that. I'm pretty sure Barnes is a perfect fit for N'Zoth paladin at least, where you don't have the greatest midgame drops but do have the best deathrattle minions (i.e. Tirion). I can't see how this card doesn't see play there. Almost every card it grabs is good. Ragnaros (both), Acolyte, Loothoarder... the deck might remain a bit bad, but surely it plays Barnes.
No. Barnes is shit.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Barnes will make some decks. He's a ton of value early. It's still 5/5 stats for 4 mana, and since a majority of your minions will have some sort of effect, it's even more of a bonus. Just vanilla 5/5 for 4 is great value.

Outside of Doomsayer he's not going to screw you over.

N'Zoth isn't even the first type of deck I want to try him in. He's obviously good with Deathrattles, but some sort of OTK Maly deck with Yogg sounds more fun.

Also if the 1/1 can be silenced, maybe he fits into a Purify Priest Deck!
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This video by Amaz goes into more detail why Priest just sucks, he actually isn't annoying in this one!

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Trakanon Raider
TIL: Iceblock does not stop fatigue damage.. :-/

Had a game playing a yogg mage I threw together for fun and to finish a quest.. came down to last turns, thought iceblock would let me live one more turn and I'd fireblast him + fatigue damage to win, but nope.. well, learn something every day!


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I sort of knew that, but I hadn't internalized that for every secret. Like, I knew things like effigy and shit wont proc if you trade minions on your turn, but for some reason I figured ice block would work.


Vyemm Raider
Oh my god, that was so fucking painful and disheartening to watch.

Number one: he needed to use that as a practice take, make some notes/an outline, then do a take two.

Secondly: what the fuck ben? Just fess up that the card is shit and you don't know what you were thinking and announce that you're overhauling it by the time it releases in the last wing. Is that really soooooooo difficult? 2 mana 2/3 minion that steals an enemy minion for one turn on deathrattle. Fucking done, fixed. Or any of a million other ideas that the community came up with, just pick one, literally anything is better than as is.
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Trakanon Raider
I mean, there are people out there that play the game for different reasons then the vocal competitive minded people in the community. Using it in a weird combo deck to make fel reaver, eerie statue, etc.. useful; is probably a fun deck for a lot of players.

That said, this is just a bad time to be releasing a card for that group of players with how trash they are in competitive play. Need to get at least one priest archetype to a 50% win rate before you start printing too many cards for casual fun decks.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Since no one wants to watch the video I'm sure:

Ben Brode has clarified that Purify will not be appearing in Arena in the latest episode of Hearthstone Designer Insights. We've recapped below!

  • The card was not intended to be powerful.
  • Internally they tried Removes all buffs and all effects (even those written on the card) from the target while the target remains in play.

    ">Silence any minion but they're trying to cut back on Removes all buffs and all effects (even those written on the card) from the target while the target remains in play.

    ">Silence to see what the game feels like without it.
  • Purify was 1-mana at one point but was changed due to play testers using it just to cycle through cards.
  • Ben acknowledges they messed up with the timing on Purify with the community's current views on the Priest class.
  • Purify is good for the game, but maybe better in a set with flashy, exciting Priest cards.
  • Ben has hopes for Dragon Priest.
  • Purify will not show up in Arena. This is due to them not having a system in place where they can balance card appearances individually but do have one which can remove cards completely from the draft. "It won't solve Arena balance but it's a step in the right direction".
So they are walking back on the card already after the community flipped.

The card is really indefensible.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh my god, that was so fucking painful and disheartening to watch.

Number one: he needed to use that as a practice take, make some notes/an outline, then do a take two.

Secondly: what the fuck ben? Just fess up that the card is shit and you don't know what you were thinking and announce that you're overhauling it by the time it releases in the last wing. Is that really soooooooo difficult? 2 mana 2/3 minion that steals an enemy minion for one turn on deathrattle. Fucking done, fixed. Or any of a million other ideas that the community came up with, just pick one, literally anything is better than as is.
I thought it was a good video. He sounds genuine and clearly admits it was a mistake to release the card in an Adventure. Releasing this card in an expansion would have been fine. There's always some trash in expansions. A card like this can be used in some niche fun decks, as he says, but when a class is already shit and only gets 3 cards, you don't make 1 of them trash or niche.

You can tell he is disheartened and wasn't really making any excuses, just gave us backstory on how this card came to exist. The fact it isn't going to show up in arena is clearly admitting the card is terrible.

There really is no excuse but as Amaz pointed out, they must have no priest players on their team, the creativity just isnt there. They need to refocus their efforts and find a path for priest. Amaz had a lot of other great points about why priest will always be a problem. Their core set is garbage, Auchenai prevents good healing spells, their removal is all 1 for 1, etc. So many problems with priest. Relying on expansions to make priest good isn't a great solution due to the rotation.

Priest really need an overhaul to their core set.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Since everyone seems to be playing it, I tried out a Yogg mage deck and I'm just not having much luck. I'm usually getting matched up with Hunters who CoTW me by turn 8 so even if I get to Yogg by 10 I'm pretty much already dead. I probably don't have a great deck for it but does anyone have an example that's been somewhat successful?
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Since everyone seems to be playing it, I tried out a Yogg mage deck and I'm just not having much luck. I'm usually getting matched up with Hunters who CoTW me by turn 8 so even if I get to Yogg by 10 I'm pretty much already dead. I probably don't have a great deck for it but does anyone have an example that's been somewhat successful?

Most of the Mage decks I see aren't using Yogg. Tempo and Reno seem to be most popular. Maybe Yogg is slotted in somewhere but usually not.
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Trakanon Raider
My Yogg Mage deck:

2x Mana Wyrm
2x Arcane Blast
2x Arcane Missiles
2x Mirror Images
2x Sorceror's Apprentice
2x Cult Sorceror
1x Bloodmage Thalnos
2x Frostbolt
2x Flamewaker
2x Acolyte of Pain
2x Forgotten Torch
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Water Elemental
2x Fireball
2x Azure Drake
1x Yogg

Acolytes are your tech cards but I really like them for card draw.

Basically go for board control until you can get your opponent to lethal range and then blow him up. Yogg isn't a win condition so much as a Hail Mary. At times he will swing the game for you and other times he says "Nope you lose." The real strength of this deck are the insane Flamewaker turns you can get. Especially if you have the coin. Never drop a Flamewaker as a solo play and don't blow your load too early.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Priest really need an overhaul to their core set.

This, but god knows Blizzard won't actually knuckle down and do this until priest continues to be shit tier for another full season or two. Or they'll just keep trying and failing to do bandaid fixes with expansions.
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<Bronze Donator>
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You do realize that you can't cycle purify without a minion in play and you don't want to silence most of your minions right?
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