
Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Bonemare (8 mana), Corridor Creeper (2/5), Patches (no charge), and Raza (1 mana hp instead of 0) nerfed next month

Upcoming Balance Changes – Update 10.2

That's a big nerf, damn.

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<Silver Donator>
That Patches nerf like a year too late lol.

I guess this marks a change in how they're handling the game? They let shit be unbalanced for months/years before or just never fix it until it rotates out, but now they're nerfing the shit out of creeper even though it's pretty new(and it's not a small nerf to see how it goes either, it makes the card way way way shittier, although it's probably still useable if you have buffs)
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Bonemare and CC, sure. Patches and Raza, who gives a fuck when they are rotating out in a couple of months. You just killed one priest arch type(the one best equipped to deal with warlock/druid control) and neutered every aggro deck. I would have rather seen a spiteful summoner nerf.

Personal note, this past week is probably the most I've played since the latest xpac and yeah, its no wonder viewership was way down for the championship. Game is in a bad state right now, quite possibly the worst meta we've had thus far. Too many wombo combo decks that are still strong enough without the combo and you just feel helpless against when they do get their combo.
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Tranny Chaser
Bonemare and CC, sure. Patches and Raza, who gives a fuck when they are rotating out in a couple of months.

I think it's an indication that they at least acknowledge that Wild exists. Raza and Patches see plenty of play in Wild and I guess they didn't them to just always be doing the things that they do in that format.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Bonemare and CC, sure. Patches and Raza, who gives a fuck when they are rotating out in a couple of months. You just killed one priest arch type(the one best equipped to deal with warlock/druid control) and neutered every aggro deck. I would have rather seen a spiteful summoner nerf.

Personal note, this past week is probably the most I've played since the latest xpac and yeah, its no wonder viewership was way down for the championship. Game is in a bad state right now, quite possibly the worst meta we've had thus far. Too many wombo combo decks that are still strong enough without the combo and you just feel helpless against when they do get their combo.

The Rise of Spiteful Summoner Warrior and Priest is here. Also Cubelock. With the Standard Rotation on the way. Also Cube Warlock and Aggro Warlock.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
This thread is dead. Hearthstone Twitch is a lot more dead than before. The devs let AIDS meta fester for so long that tons of people stopping playing. It was a fair question.

These are pretty intense changes. Way more dramatic than any nerfs they've ever done before. Clearly the AIDS meta actually got their numbers to plummet a lot.

I wonder if that will be a net gain for the game?
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
These are pretty intense changes. Way more dramatic than any nerfs they've ever done before. Clearly the AIDS meta actually got their numbers to plummet a lot.

I wonder if that will be a net gain for the game?
I think a lot of the people gone arent coming back. They let it go on for way too long.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I think a lot of the people gone arent coming back. They let it go on for way too long.

I find it kind of impressive that their lack of testing and game design led to increasingly AIDS cards design that made each, "shittiest meta ever" subsequently worse than the previous, "shittiest meta ever."

That takes dedication.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I find it kind of impressive that their lack of testing and game design led to increasingly AIDS cards design that made each, "shittiest meta ever" subsequently worse than the previous, "shittiest meta ever."

That takes dedication.
It was pretty shocking how little they cared about balancing their game.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Nah, myself and many ppl would agree un'goro was the best meta the game has seen. Certainly most diverse and most classes having more than one arch type. Frozen Throne wasn't the best, but definitely not the worst meta the game has seen either. Now to kobolds, it's definitely one of, if not the worst meta the game has had ever. I was wondering why viewership numbers were so low when I was watching the championship and that kind of supports that theory.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I have been playing Arena a lot actually, but Bonemare wrecks in arena, happy about the nerf, still strong though. I can't count how many wins & losses are attributed to that card in arena.

The meta is shit and the game is shit simply because they refuse to make a legitimate good competitive mode. Ladder is aids. Who cares about decks, it's the damn gamemode.

Give us tournament mode, give us bans, sideboards, etc etc. Shit that can actually add Strategy to a match.

This has been going on far too long and even these nerfs, as well deserved as they are, won't change this.

Cubelock will be the strongest deck going into rotation as it's seeing really no losses at all. Spiteful decks lose (or weakened) from the Bonemare/CC .. and even patches nerfs. Most spiteful decks have Bonemare/CC and some have pirate package. But Dragon Priest version probably still strong. Not sure about warrior version tbh.

Paladin still floods and I even see a lot of the 4 horsemen deck for pal.


good nerfs, but without new modes & features (bans/sideboards), the game will remain stagnant.
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<Bronze Donator>
The real sad part is nobody's taking advantage of this. Obviously, I have no numbers to back this, but my feel has been that people are just quitting online TCGs instead of going to a competitor. It's not that this thread is dead, none of the TCG threads on this forum are being frequented.

Nerfing Raza and Patches this late just shouts that you don't know what you're doing. Even the Bonemare change is too late. This kind of shit needs to be caught *before* the playerbase catches on. If you rely on playerbase data to make balance changes, you've already lost.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The real sad part is nobody's taking advantage of this. Obviously, I have no numbers to back this, but my feel has been that people are just quitting online TCGs instead of going to a competitor. It's not that this thread is dead, none of the TCG threads on this forum are being frequented.

Nerfing Raza and Patches this late just shouts that you don't know what you're doing. Even the Bonemare change is too late. This kind of shit needs to be caught *before* the playerbase catches on. If you rely on playerbase data to make balance changes, you've already lost.

Yeah the level of this nerf compared to previous nerfs and the timeframe of it screams that they are a bit desperate to save their quarterly reports on Hearthstone. Most likely viewership and player numbers/frequency.

I love TCGs. They're great for casual play, generally, and there is a definitely a space to just hit it out of the park. But the gaming community might be a little burned out on them for awhile.
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Molten Core Raider
I'm happy to see these nerfs, but it just creates a whole new fucked up meta revolving around other imba cards. It is funny that some of these cards are getting adjusted literally weeks before they rotate out.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I’ll take a massive dust infusion. Cubelock/control lock is going to be fucking oppressive for the next few months minimum.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Lots of pros talked about how broken this meta would be before release. Fuck these guys and their lack of testing and general care of the game. Brode is the perfect example of someone getting success who has no fucking clue about their job. He smiles a lot and kisses a lot of ass. Did him wonders but hurt a once impressive game.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I have been playing Arena a lot actually, but Bonemare wrecks in arena, happy about the nerf, still strong though. I can't count how many wins & losses are attributed to that card in arena.

The meta is shit and the game is shit simply because they refuse to make a legitimate good competitive mode. Ladder is aids. Who cares about decks, it's the damn gamemode.

Give us tournament mode, give us bans, sideboards, etc etc. Shit that can actually add Strategy to a match.

This has been going on far too long and even these nerfs, as well deserved as they are, won't change this.

Cubelock will be the strongest deck going into rotation as it's seeing really no losses at all. Spiteful decks lose (or weakened) from the Bonemare/CC .. and even patches nerfs. Most spiteful decks have Bonemare/CC and some have pirate package. But Dragon Priest version probably still strong. Not sure about warrior version tbh.

Paladin still floods and I even see a lot of the 4 horsemen deck for pal.


good nerfs, but without new modes & features (bans/sideboards), the game will remain stagnant.

I agree with all of this and will also add that the game has become WAY more expensive. They purposely started doing shit like 2 class legendaries per expansion, instead of 1 plus more neutral legendaries. They also started doing "aggro" legendaries and epics, in a further effort to make it so no cheap decks could ever be competitive in the meta. Zoo used to be a super cheap and competitive deck, along with some cheap aggro hunter decks that did pretty well, for less than 3k dust. That is essentially gone now.

It's like they saw the life of the game coming to an end, and said fuck it, we'll just rape the playerbase as hard as possible before they move on to other games. Which would be totally unnecessary if they'd just not print stupid shit like patches, CC, and bonemare.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I love the hindsight crew here. AFAIK no one was saying Patches or Creeper would be OP doing set reviews. Shit I don't even remember Bonemare getting much attention prior to KFT launch.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I love the hindsight crew here. AFAIK no one was saying Patches or Creeper would be OP doing set reviews. Shit I don't even remember Bonemare getting much attention prior to KFT launch.

Nah man. Most of us were at minimum shocked that Bonemare wasn't a Lich King encounter specific card and knew it would totally fuck Arena. As the card first showed up in a Lich King fight promo thing.

I don't really hard review sets and didn't much realize Creeper or anything though.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I love the hindsight crew here. AFAIK no one was saying Patches or Creeper would be OP doing set reviews. Shit I don't even remember Bonemare getting much attention prior to KFT launch.

He had a few other pros echo his thoughts. Patches was a surprise...that Blizzard never fixed during it's entire broken run.

In Reynad's video he talked about the quick turnaround between the card database being released and going live. Kinda like a really bad movie releases quickly without a lot of critic previews. The thing is...a release that is tested really well wouldn't have these issues. A game that has problems fixed quickly...doesn't have these issues. No matter hwo surprised anyone was by these broken cards...Blizzard did nothing to stop these shitty metas. Sorry, that argument had no legs.
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