

Trakanon Raider

I'm on the cusp of getting my working Mage delay/secrets deck *kinda* working. It's winning right now but mostly because it just has some traction against the current meta and it is under the radar.

Freeze is *still* damned powerful and playing with certain conditions is neat even if not long-term effective. I'd never call it decent for tourney play or anything but it is so damned fun to imagine the huge rage on the other side while it is clicking.
I got one, it's really fun. Not as fun as Hunter trap/delay/Secretkeeper, but it's close.


Also have a golden southsea captain that I haven't dusted yet, cause I have a dream of getting golden captain's parrots. Which would probably entail crafting a golden captain greenskin, and well fuck I ain't doing that any time soon.
Do it.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How do you get the second copy? Thought you only get 1 Parrot when you finish the set like Old Murk-Eye? Do you actually get a pair for the bird?


Trakanon Raider
So fucking god damned sick of UTH it's not even funny. I picture the most DERP retards playing these sad little greasy decks. It's just the matter of being fucking BORED at this point.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Interesting, had assumed it would be like the murloc - good to know - makes getting them less disheartening. (Working on the dust for Greenskin currently to get mine)


Molten Core Raider
UTH Hunters can still pull stupid shit out but it is relatively easy to deal with. Just remember you ideally only want ONE or TWO minions on the board period. One must have taunt. If you decide you want 3 minions on the board, better be ready for pain. If you don't have taunts, you better be running the paladin heal-heavy deck.

Shamans deal with them easily enough with Ancestral whatever (the one that heals to full + taunt) just throw it on an unbound elemental and start overloading.
Paladins easily deal with it via Sunfury protector + any big beefy plus tons of heals.
Control Locks have ancient watcher + sunfury, or ancient watcher + void terror + sunfury.
Druids have Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War (the best ever)

Every other class runs stupid shit aggro decks so they don't matter or count.


UTH still always has the advantage imo. If they get the strong opener there is no way to deal with them

Like I play the UTH deck as part of my 3 deck ladder, and I've beaten every form of deck out there. From the healers to the taunters and shielding wars.

It's the kind of deck you can lose allot, but you can also win allot of games very fast. So if you want to push ranking get like a 5 game UTH advantage, then come with a Strife or Roar co.
From what I've seen of Legendary play there is way less hunters, and that is probly because they want a more consistent win/loss is what I'm guessing.

In Ranks 6-1 you see a shitload of UTH hunters depending on what time of day it is. Most play that deck during primetime.

Every other class runs stupid shit aggro decks so they don't matter or count.
I would argue that Roarco can be up there on the aggro decks, but not as in the face as UTH.
It can still win equally as fast by turn 7, and if it doesn't it can still play versus UTH where if you don't win by turn 6-7 you probly won't win.


Molten Core Raider
Just got Big Winner! (1000 games any mode) against some scrub named scrump playing the fotm warrior budget deck from reynad.
Get shit on scrump. Thanks for the 300 gold.

Edit: Yea I'm fluxuating around rank 6-5 but to be honest hitting legend doesn't mean jack yet, so not going to pull my hair out til there are rewards for it.


Trakanon Raider
So, I think I can say for sure, every enemy druid's opening hand always has wrath. Rogues always have backstab. Warriors always have their fiery axe! Ok, maybe not -always-, but holy shit is it rare to get a turn 1-2 play and have it survive.

Recently though, my favorite yet. I double innervate out Illidan on turn 2 as a druid vs a paladin's empty board, with wrath and swipe left in my hand to protect him. The dream opener, since paladin has no answer until like turn 4+. What does he do on his turn 2? Coin out big game hunter. The fuck, who keeps BGH in their opening hand...


Golden Knight of the Realm
Started playing ranked yesterday. Up to rank 10. The hunter meta is my easiest matchup at the moment, playing taunt heavy.


Molten Core Raider
So, I think I can say for sure, every enemy druid's opening hand always has wrath. Rogues always have backstab. Warriors always have their fiery axe! Ok, maybe not -always-, but holy shit is it rare to get a turn 1-2 play and have it survive.

Recently though, my favorite yet. I double innervate out Illidan on turn 2 as a druid vs a paladin's empty board, with wrath and swipe left in my hand to protect him. The dream opener, since paladin has no answer until like turn 4+. What does he do on his turn 2? Coin out big game hunter. The fuck, who keeps BGH in their opening hand...
I had something similar, I coined out Millhouse Manastorm vs a priest. In today's meta of rush rush rush he's actually a really decent 2 drop. This priest has double thoughtsteal and mind control.
Like THAT is what he kept in his hand. Are you for serious?!
I lost of course. He stole my innervate and also had my swipe for when I managed to get a 4 drop on the field.


The Master

Bronze Squire
I can say with confidence whenever I play my Priest, which runs one Mind Control, I always get it from my mulligan. So it isn't so much that people keep it...

Blue has never commented on if the Misdirection thing is working as intended or not. I guess one could make an argument it is intended, since your character has an "attack value" when your weapon is unsheathed during your turn. Clearly the game thinks it should work that way.