

Tranny Chaser
Mana cost increases are just so lazy. In the case of a card like Buzzard I'd rather it was just a new card entirely. Make it the crocolisk that draws a card when you play it or something. Having it trigger on beast death is also more interesting than just fiddling with costs.


Trakanon Raider
So, Blizzard will nerf cards. What about buffing them?

I need a ton of legendary cards still, and I just opened a Nat Pagle... and I can't see myself ever playing him in his current form.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Something always confused me was Buzzard being changed from a 2/2 to a 2/1. The stated reason was that Hunters were winning vs Mages (and some other classes) too often. This was back when OTK Hunter was the only Hunter. According to their internal stats, Hunters were beating Mages very often. But I'm not sure how changing Buzzard changed that, because in the OTK deck you basically only played the Buzzard the turn you killed your opponent and Hunters were winning because they could Flare the Ice Block that every Mage was running. They changed UTH and Buzzard in the same patch.

I bring this up because I feel like this change makes about as much sense.


Trakanon Raider
It would be nice to have extra Leeroy's to DE for the bonus dust, but I don't think he's junk tier now. He's still a finisher but the increase in cost gives you a lot more time to react. Miracle Rogue can still use him but the most he can do is 20 damage in on turn 10 (Leeroy, Shadowstep, Leeroy, Cold Blood, Cold Blood). But he's still good. Just not as good. But I have a feeling it's going to be like the Sylvanas nerf where she went from auto-include to only include in very specific decks.

Buzzard isn't good at all now. 3/2 for 4 mana is terrible. Especially since you can't combo him with UTH until Turn 8 now. I hate huntards as much as the next guy but I think this one might have been a bit too far.


Molten Core Raider
Buzzard isn't good at all now. 3/2 for 4 mana is terrible. Especially since you can't combo him with UTH until Turn 8 now. I hate huntards as much as the next guy but I think this one might have been a bit too far.
Buzzard costs 5 now. I bet people still play 2 of him in every single hunter deck.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Miracle was already pretty dead. Watching Forsen and Hyped play it on stream, arguably two of the best Miracle Rogue players, they were still losing quite a bit. Over 50% I think. You haven't seen it in tournaments lately either. Loatheb and Sludge Belcher wounded it, this is a nail in the coffin. Rogue has some great cards, there has to be something out there that'll be good. Malygod, maybe Alex-Miracle done a little differently, but the current Miracle deck is dead imo.

So it looks like Druid, Priest, Warrior, Warlock will at the top after the change and maybe Shaman. That, to me, means Mages might be viable again without Hunter around. Be a nice bump for them since they are the worst ladder class right now. Hunters will probably go back to non-beast face rush decks which won't have a favorable win rate vs Warrior, Priest, or Druid. So Rogue and Paladin are the two classes that I'll be looking at for a new deck innovation to see if the meta can be shaken up.


Molten Core Raider
I sure as hell won't be. Hunter is gonna need a pretty hefty redesign without the power of buzzard unleash.
It is still that good to draw cards...All it means is that you can't do it all on turn 5 to reload. You have to play the buzzard and leave it vulnerable, or wait until turn 8. I'm not saying it will be as broken as it has been, but I bet we still see it used.


Trakanon Raider
Buzzard costs 5 now. I bet people still play 2 of him in every single hunter deck.
I fat fingered 4 instead of 5.

I don't think people will still be auto-including 2 of them. The 3 mana nerf completely changes the synergy of the card and it's simply too weak to stand on it's own for 5 mana.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't think either of these changes are necessary at all. Neither Hunter nor any deck that combo's Leeroy is dominant right now, because in slower meta's they don't work as well. Hunter actually has multiple counters, and Miracle while still okay doesn't do well against the field. Buzzard at 5 mana is unplayable, you might as well just use a Cult Master. I'm not sure in what circumstance they think you're ever going to be a 5 mana 3/2, ever. I think Hunter is about to be permanently riding the pine again.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I was thinking of turning my Leeroy into a rag but I feel like cairne is getting a lot more use these days

The Master

Bronze Squire
Level 60 Paladin. 23 levels to go. Not doing so great on the one/day thing, but I'm chipping away at it. I wish Rogue were stronger right now, I want my golden Sen'jins.