

Trakanon Raider
Then perhaps this is not the forum for you.
This is now the netdecking thread. If you don't netdeck gtfo and go stream until you win a HS championship.

I netdeck all day with slight variation because I don't make a living off playing video games. I let others do the work for me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Simmer down nerds. I did rip that off directly from Gaynad. I just assumed nobody would recognize it because I only saw him tinker with it for like half an hour then stop playing it, so I assumed he had given up on it.


Trakanon Raider
Then perhaps this is not the forum for you.
What? Sarcasm? I'd bet less than half the people that post in this thread know every pro streamer and all their decks and the entire history of their decks. I'd actually say those people are in the minority, so it is a bit silly to assume that just because you are interested in talking about a game you play on a forum you visit, that you're all hardcore about it and know everything about the highest levels of its competitive scene.


Sparkletot Monger
Ok... Then to get away from the Net Decking...

I have been trying, and failing miserably, to create a working Paladin/Malygos nuke deck. There are none online anywhere. It has to actually work though (40-50% win rate)

Anyone wanna pick up that challenge? That would be a hipster deck.


<Silver Donator>
Ok... Then to get away from the Net Decking...

I have been trying, and failing miserably, to create a working Paladin/Malygos nuke deck. There are none online anywhere. It has to actually work though (40-50% win rate)

Anyone wanna pick up that challenge? That would be a hipster deck.
How would such a deck make sense though? Paladin has poor nuking capabilities, and mostly high cost ones so you can't play them on the same turn as Malygos. Malygos works with rogue and to an extent druid/mage because of sinister strike, moonfire and arcane missiles and shit like that. That's basically like doing a deck with every 2 attack minions in the game "just because".


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok... Then to get away from the Net Decking...

I have been trying, and failing miserably, to create a working Paladin/Malygos nuke deck. There are none online anywhere. It has to actually work though (40-50% win rate)

Anyone wanna pick up that challenge? That would be a hipster deck.
You should have played during beta when avenging wrath got +spellpower on every single little blast instead of just adding more 1 point blasts. Avenging Wrath for 48 bitches!!!

Unfortunately what you're asking is basically impossible because paladin nukes suck and most spellpower creatures suck.


Trakanon Raider
You should have played during beta when avenging wrath got +spellpower on every single little blast instead of just adding more 1 point blasts. Avenging Wrath for 48 bitches!!!

Unfortunately what you're asking is basically impossible because paladin nukes suck and mostspelldamagecreatures suck.
*Ahem*. Fixed


Trakanon Raider
If anyone has a good Control Warrior that can, actually, get wins, I'd love to see it. I can't win worth shit with Warrior right now.


Molten Core Raider
Seems to me like priest is the current top dog control hero. They took it's only vulnerability (4 power minions) and gave them a combo card to not only let priests SW:p them, but also perma-MC them or shadow madness them.
The class is a no brainer for control.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Control warrior just dropped cairne and tbk or a 5 drop for 2 shield maidens and I guess geddon? for dr boom. I value geddon highly though because I don't run brawl. Seems to be performing to control warrior standards still. What are you having a problem against? aggro or other control matchups?


Trakanon Raider
I am 10-0 right now with a Mage that has 0 Flamestrikes and 0 Blizzards.

On a scale of 1-10, how bummed do you guys think this Paladin was after waiting all game long to make this play? I think what happens next after he passes the turn to me is pretty clear, rofl.

On my 12th game my opponent conceded on turn 6 when my Sludge Belcher got Duplicated. Damn that was one of the biggest slaughterhouses I've ever had in Arena. Not sure if I've ever gone 12 wins with no Flamestrikes or Blizzards before.

500 gold is nice and all, but I wish I woulda got a cool Golden rare+ instead.


Trakanon Raider
I'll give that list a try.

Right now my biggest problem is that I'm simply getting overrun by the decks out there and I simply can't keep up. When I win, I win big but it seems like there are just too many games where I'm simply trying to hold off the inevitable.

Warlock: Zoo is all about how my mulligans are. If I get good early cards (fiery waraxe in particular), I don't have too many troubles with Zoo. But when I get hosed, I get hosed in a bad way. Handlock seems to be getting the correct removal at the correct times and keeping track of their threats. If I'm able to, effectively, deal with their giants, it's not too bad. If I can't, I'll lose.

Paladin: This is almost an auto-lose for me. Muster of Battle + Quatermaster is SO good that it's hard to keep clearing their board 3 or 4 times a game. They can just nickle and dime me to death and it's hard to outdamage them when they're running 30+ points of healing. Honestly I think Paladin is one of the strongest classes right now and I've had some hilarious wins with them. Turn 5 or 6 wins aren't uncommon with the Muster + Quartermaster combo. Even if 2 of the little shits get buffed, it's a hard board to deal with for a lot of classes.

Priest: I hate playing against Priest so I just auto-concede. This one is on me. I simply don't find it fun to have my own cards, constantly, turned against me. Since I'm not hitting Legend this season, there's no reason to put myself through 30 minutes of hell where, even if I win, it was a miserable experience. I like playing priest. I just hate playing against them.

Mage: Very similar to Zoo. Either I win hard with lots of early removal to transition me into the late game, or I'm overrun by mech after mech after mech.

Shaman: This one seems like another coin flip. I either have absolutely no problem beating them or they have perfect answers for everything I try to do.

Hunter: I'm favored in this one but it all comes down to having Fiery Waraxe in my opening hand to deal with their turn 1 Undertaker. With Hunter, it just bothers me how they will hard mulligan for Undertaker and it seems like they ALWAYS get him. I hard mulligan for Fiery Waraxe and it seems like I never get it. I know this is just a perception thing but it annoys the fuck out of me knowing what's coming and being helpless to do anything about it.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Simmer down nerds. I did rip that off directly from Gaynad. I just assumed nobody would recognize it because I only saw him tinker with it for like half an hour then stop playing it, so I assumed he had given up on it.
He actually ended up going from rank 8 to rank 4 with it. And the idea, though not the exact list, ended up getting played in the tournaments last weekend by a couple of people. First legit use of Fel Cannon I have ever seen.

On an unrelated note, BGH is so good right now. Zoo is running Sea Giant, everyone runs Dr. Boom (even half the Hunters I run into are running Boom for Feign Death decks). I guess Druid is mostly only playing mid-range and mech Mage's biggest card is Antonidas and Toshly. For me that means 95% of my match ups, he has at least one target. I'm debating running two in all my control decks (73% of my match ups he'll have 2+ targets according to my stats).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you running gorehowl? If you're falling behind on board often it can be a card that trades favorably.


Trakanon Raider
You're right in that it can trade very favorably but my thoughts on Gorehowl is that it's too slow at 7 mana. I also find a deck with 2 Fiery's and 2 Death's Bites to be a bit weapon heavy. The, obvious, solution is to replace one of the Death's Bites or Axes for the Gorehowl but then the deck becomes slower.

I do see some Control Warriors with it still so I'm not completely ruling it out. I've just been in a mindset that it's a bit redundant and slow right now but I may need to rethink it.

The Ancient_sl

I'm sure you could dump a Death's Bite for Gorehowl. The current Control Warrior seems less focused on the damage interaction and more focused on massive sustain.