

<Bronze Donator>
neat card actually.. might be more useful than we think.

having minions on board is critical and this thing just wont go away unless it's hard cc'd. Using hard cc on this is a bonus for many control decks and a 1/1 is decent against aggro, except patron will hard counter this so bad lol..
Faceless the Warsong Commander then!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was really hoping Dreadsteed would be something cool instead of something shit. One more terrible possibility for bane of doom.

Honestly, that's what Patron should be. The current incarnation fits better thematically but it's obviously broken as fuck.


I kinda like it. Can't get rid of it unless you silence or Poly/Hex it.

It's also a demon, so it gets buffed by Mal'Ganis / other Demonfire/fuse/heart, can be pulled out of your hand by Void Caller so you don't have to pay 4 mana for a 1/1, can use Power Overwhelming and/or Shadowflame and get your minion back. You can also Sacrificial Pact on it and get your back minion. You can also buff it with Hobgoblin for +2/+2.


<WoW Guild Officer>
M:TG has had plenty of uses for recurring creatures over the years. It /might/ see play. It really should be 3 mana though, not 4.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's a 1/1 for 4. By the time you get 4 mana worth of value out of it, your game will have been over 10 turns ago.


<Bronze Donator>
Nice, turn 10 combo unless he has hard removal in hand (or another way to deal with a 9/9).
How is that a turn 10 combo? Dreadsteed is one of the few cards that can be safely played the turn previous. If it gets silenced/hexed/polyd before you play your Anima Golem, the Dreadsteed might have been useful anyway. Not sure what you're going to do next turn though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea i wouldnt wait till turn 10 but I was kinda joking since Blood Imp or Shade of Naxx could easily be used instead and yet no deck has been created with Anima Golem.


I was more excited that you could play both Dreadsteed and Anima Golem on the same turn. But you're right, you probably wouldn't be holding on to Dreadsteed to drop them both at the same time.
neat card actually.. might be more useful than we think.

having minions on board is critical and this thing just wont go away unless it's hard cc'd. Using hard cc on this is a bonus for many control decks and a 1/1 is decent against aggro, except patron will hard counter this so bad lol..
that thing is a wet dream come true for any patron warrior


Yea i wouldnt wait till turn 10 but I was kinda joking since Blood Imp or Shade of Naxx could easily be used instead and yet no deck has been created with Anima Golem.
Sea Giant Zoo is pretty strong. Replace a few cards for 2x Shade and 2x Anima Golem and it may work.


Trakanon Raider
More great concepts with very shitty implementations. Again, they are too afraid to make anything overly powerful. Jesus. Cutpurse and Dreadsteed coulda been really cool, as with 90% of the other cards revealed so far, if they weren't so badly overcosted. And FFS, would Cutpurse really be that op with Stealth? Woulda been fine.


Molten Core Raider
Burglar with stealth would put rogue on top, I'm not kidding, I've played enough rogue to know that having ramp + a combo enabler on demand would be ridiculously busted.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Burglar for one turn slower can still be concealed....

Or can give value to those early taunters that are usually bad.

Coin every turn (assuming no taunters) until removed is too good for combo to not try to get to work.


Trakanon Raider
Burglar with stealth would put rogue on top, I'm not kidding, I've played enough rogue to know that having ramp + a combo enabler on demand would be ridiculously busted.
Are you a top legend player or something? That's a pretty grandiose self-assured statement. You think giving a 2/2 minion Stealth would unequivocally put Rogue on top? Mmhmm, right. Out of curiosity, what is your top rank and what season? I'm not trying to knock you, I'm just trying to knock some sense into you re: making statements like that.

Burglar for one turn slower can still be concealed....

Or can give value to those early taunters that are usually bad.

Coin every turn (assuming no taunters) until removed is too good for combo to not try to get to work.
So you think using another card (assuming you mean Conceal) is worth a coin? And no, it is not going to get a coin every turn assuming no taunters lol. It's a 2/2. I swear sometimes I have no idea what some HS players are thinking when they hypothesize so unrealistically.

It shoulda been what some people were saying on Reddit. "Inspire: Gain a coin". Maybe with different stats as well. That would have been cool. But just a 2/2 for 2 is pretty bad. You are wasting a card slot on bad stats for a single coin if you're lucky. I'm not saying the card is horrible, or doesn't have "some" potential, but cmon people, seriously? Even at 2/3 it woulda still likely been only slightly better than mediocre. Mad Scientist not only draws you a card, but puts it into play for free, and Mad Scientist isn't even amazing, it's just good. Do you guys really think a 0 mana activator is that good? One that you aren't even guaranteed and one that if you do get, will only happen once, 95% of the time? Sheesh.


Mad Scientist really is pretty amazing in the decks that use it. You get immense value out of it.

I'd agree though on the Burgler card. It's not bad and I do think it'll see a little play but it sure isn't amazing. Even with stealth it would only be good, not great. The 1/1 for 4? Trash tier as long as Patron is in the meta unless we get a Greater Hobgoblin or something.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I lost to a goddamn patron ... priest


I hope he loses all his games for the next week with that bullshit of a deck.