

Golden Knight of the Realm
jesus /r/hearthstone might be the shittiest subreddit ever.
Honestly, it isn't much different than this thread--way too many people complaining without data and hoping for nerfs.

The competitive hearthstone subreddit is a much better read.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I do think challenger should be nerfed in some way, but I guarantee the earliest it could happen is a month or two after the next adventure comes out. Settle in.


Molten Core Raider
I do think challenger should be nerfed in some way, but I guarantee the earliest it could happen is a month or two after the next adventure comes out. Settle in.
I think you are dead on...And I'm not sure it ever gets nerfed.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So there are some options for griefing in the new brawl, like healing mechazod as the priest, or using attack buffs on him if you're the paladin. Shit is hard though. I was two turns away from killing him on my first go.


Honestly, it isn't much different than this thread--way too many people complaining without data and hoping for nerfs.
The shit ratio is way, way different though. Sure, people in this thread complain about stuff and vent about bad luck, but most of it is in pretty a measured tone and occasionally people will even back complaints up by reasonable arguments.

/r/hearthstone is like 80% shit posts, stupid memes, whining for the sake of whining, taking things out of context (the more clickbait-y titles the better to farm that all important reddit karma) and posting Kripp videos.

I go there maybe once every other day or so to quickly check for news, if I actually want to read some opinions on a deck or class I'll go to /r/competitivehs as you also point to.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If he overclocks early it's unwinnable.


Apparently if you fill your board he gets to destroy all your minions for free, because he wiped my board AND cast double zap.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just got first friend request in a long while. Playing dragon priest for daily in casual mode. Mirror match with another dragon priest. It was my turn four and I'd drawn two cards off a cleric, then wiped his agent/shrinkmaster plus drew with my PW:S buffed cleric and a coined nova. Leaving me like a 1/2 cleric and he had a 2/1 whelp.

Friends me to say "all luck no damn skill". Like we played a few turns of a match that can frequently go to fatigue and you're assessing a skill differential? Of course he was no longer my friend as soon as he said that. You'd think I was playing pally or facehunter, heh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Finally won one with a double god draw. He drops milhouse, I respond with cho and a handful of blessings to buff milhouse. He trades them all back to me before Mechazod kills Cho. Not doing the brawl again, that's for damn sure.


Oh and he wipes your board so he has room to swap over. Not very fair, he should just destroy one random minion instead of a board wipe.


Trakanon Raider
Lol I played one game. We got him to 12 health. Guy friends me, and I thought it was going to be nice because it was a difficult game and we pulled in a lot of teamwork. Nah, he just added me to tell me how trash I was and to "l2p before I ever play a brawl again" and to "go back to casual". Haha, won't be playing that again. Was really stupid anyways. Decent concept, faulty implementation. What's new?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean, if they tuned mechazod better it would be fun. He should overclock on a schedule instead of randomly.


Trakanon Raider
Like every week I do brawl for the free pack. Even though we didn't kill him I still got a pack cause he died first. I was a priest and kept healing myself and drooping cards down until I outlived him.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The brawl is kinda fun. Even with a sub-par intellectual on the other side you can still manage to win. I think Priest has a better chance to "carry" the match.

1-1 in 2 tries. First as Paladin we were 1 turn from winning but my partner had 9 health and Mecha had 10 attack to finish him off. I could have healed him up with a Refreshment Vendor but took a chance maybe Mecha would use a different ability. Thinking back, his abilities don't seem to be random, I thought they were. He ALWAYS draws the best answer. Anyway, I assumed it was randomized and so I chose to do 34 damage to Mecha instead of healing my friend up past lethal.

Next run I was Priest. I was trying to setup my partner for some sweet combos but he totally flopped lol. I dropped Millhouse and Coldlight to load up his hand with tons of free spells... His turn was truly a face-palm moment. We both had a few minions out, in particular I had a Holy Champion on board. My partner was 12 health and I was at 14.

He goes : 2x Holy Light (me) > 2x Blessed Champion (my Holy Champion) > Seal of Champions (my Holy Champion) >>>>>>>>> Lorewalker Cho

I had to laugh at that one.... next turn Mecha Assassinates my Holy Champion, which had 39 attack and Divine Shield, thus all his buff cards get wasted, and then after my turn Mecha uses "Destroy Lorewalker Cho" card.. Lol.

My partner was topdecking and mostly useless now but we still won the Brawl with me healing him every turn and me slowly doing dmg with whatever I could.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Since I don't have Geddon I've been using Troggzor in his place in control warrior. Works pretty well, generally forces bad trades like Sylvanas does if they dont want to leave a trogg or two behind to remove it. Geddon definitely better in this meta though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Since I don't have Geddon I've been using Troggzor in his place in control warrior. Works pretty well, generally forces bad trades like Sylvanas does if they dont want to leave a trogg or two behind to remove it. Geddon definitely better in this meta though.
I've used Trogg off and on since I opened him on like the first day of GvG, you're right on about the bad trades. He's fun for sure and can be decent in the right decks.


Trakanon Raider
The Trolling in the Brawl is crazy - I keep getting teamed up with people who put Blessing of Might, or Divine Spirit on the Boss.