

<Bronze Donator>
So I finally got to try out Renolock today (with Sir Finley and Justicar!) and it's a pretty fun deck. I'm still scrubbin it up at rank 13 this season, but man people have a tendency of conceding when you drop Reno at less than 10 health.


I am down at rank 18 with the scrubs. I got beat by a deck with only basic cards. That was good for a giggle at least.


Mr. Poopybutthole
When does this aggro Shaman deck actually get to top rank? Tempostorm has it as Tier 1. I have been using it all day (20 games?) and must have a win rate of like 20 percent. Either Tempostorm are trolling people or EU server is wise to it already.
There's nothing to get wise to. The only unfavored matchups the deck has are tempo mage, patron warrior, and renolock. Even if you're facing tons of those there's no way you should have a 20% win rate with aggro shaman.


Trakanon Raider
I've found that Aggro Shaman plays very similar to the old Hyper Aggro Mage deck. You mulligan very hard for cheap minions and spam them out. However around turn 5 or 6 youre going to lose control of the the board entirely and just focus on burning your opponent down with direct damage to the face. Ideally your opponent should be so busy trying to keep your minions off of the table that by the time they think they've stabilized you have them in spell lethal range.


Molten Core Raider
When does this aggro Shaman deck actually get to top rank? Tempostorm has it as Tier 1. I have been using it all day (20 games?) and must have a win rate of like 20 percent. Either Tempostorm are trolling people or EU server is wise to it already.
I feel the same way. Losing like a motherfucker w/ that deck. Switched to midrange hunter and got rank 5 in a breeze.


I played against a raptor rogue who had the dream opening on me. Turn 1 - coin, egg, 2 - egg, 3 - raptor, 4 - defender of argus on the 2 eggs. I was salty.


Shaman is my favorite class. Don't ask me why--it just is. I'm currently rocking midrange and dragon control decks, and focusing more on getting to 500 wins (still newish so I have like 400 to go) than on climbing the ladder. I've been trying to do a shaman murloc deck for some time with no luck..I do t think they have the cards. I was annoyed that pally got murloc knight and anyfin can happen when they were already competitively strong, and it got me thinking: given that it is accepted wisdom that shamans are comparatively underpowered, due to the randomness of their hero power and inconsistency of overload, will they ever (or can they ever) be "fixed"?


Still a Music Elitist
I played against a Murloc Pally and got pissed when he played Anyfin and it happened to bring back every single Bluegill which gave him enough for lethal when I had lethal next turn. Fuck that guy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Having tons of fun with Reno Pal/Mage/Lock and that Raptor Rogue.

Also Entomb Priest. That's like the ultimate fuck you card.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You know there's an anyfin decklist out there that specifically runs enough murlocs for anyfin to be an OTK right? Or are you saying this was just some scrub who got lucky?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This Thursday we get the final wing of LoE, so here's my last review... and since I didn't mention any of these in my "First Impressions" review a while ago, it'll be a bit shorter han my last reviews:

Fossilized Devilsaur:Neutral, 8/8 for 8, gain taunt if you control a beast.

It's an Ironbark for beast classes. Since Ironbark never gets played, I see this treated similarly. However, Hunters lack good taunt minions and maybe this guy does see play in a new Control Hunter deck or Reno Hunter deck. This card will never see play in Druid when they can easily take Ironbark but for Hunter maybe it finds a home somewhere.

Wobbling Runts:Neutral 2/6 for 6, Deathrattle summon three 2/2/ Runts.

Savannah Highmane is 10/9 worth of stats if Deathrattle procs, this minion is 8/12 worth of stats. Downside is a 2/6 is really slow on 6 mana and can't trade with anything. I can't see it making many lists, although Token Druid and maybe Raptor Rogue could make a case for it. Probably too slow, though. In Arena it seems better than Kodo Rider which is 6/10 worth of stats on 8 mana.

Eerie Statue:Neutral 7/7 for 4, Can't attack unless it's the only minion on the battlefield.

It's twice as slow as Ancient Watcher but it's also much stronger. If you can taunt this guy up your opponent has to kill it. It's a BGH target which isn't so bad since it's only a 4 mana minion as opposed to the 7+ mana BGH targets. I can see this replacing Watcher in Handlocks, and also see it in Renolock. It's a nice Shadowflame target too. Obviously we might see some Silence decks built with this, but they always seem too inconsistent so I don't expect there to be any major meta-deck built around this. The bonus with Eerie Statue over Ancient Watcher is if you get board control you might actually be able to attack enemy face with it once in a while too. I like this card and I believe it will see play in a few decks.

Museum Curator:Priest, 1/2 for 2, Discover a Deathrattle card.

There's a really good chance you discover Dark Cultist, which is a 3 drop and would be on curve if you play this on 2 mana. Otherwise, any other Deathrattle card would be Neutral. Discover is a strong mechanic and I can see this in many Priest decks. Dragon Priest is unlikely to run this card simply because Wyrmwrest & Welps are already flooding their early drops, and are stronger. If you've been using Scarab in your priest deck, this card can easily replace it with the upside of getting Shredder/Sylvanas/etc instead of just a 3 cost card. A 1/2 isn't very strong, but Priest are normally passive until turn 3 or 4, so being able to grab a 3 or 4 drop from this would be excellent.

Raven Idol:Druid, 1 Mana spell, Choose one: Discover a Minion or Spell.

I see 2 of this run in almost all Druid decks. IMO it's one of the strongest cards in this set for Druid. Aggro & Control each should love this card. Discover allows you to get immediate answers to whatever you're facing. Aggro Druid might prefer to discover another Savage Roar or Force. Any Druid deck would love a 3rd Swipe/DotC/Keeper of the Grove/Ancient of Lore & War/etc. It's cheap which means past turn 5 you should be able to play most cards you've Discovered. The flexibility to get answers to problems is huge. I can't imagine not playing 2 of this in any Druid deck.

Desert Camel:Hunter, 2/4 for 3, Battlecry: put a 1 cost minion from each deck into the battlefield.

This is a strong minion. I don't see this in Face Hunter though. It's a card that's unable to do face damage the turn it's played, and it could waste your Abusive's battlecry. This card should be in mid-range & control hunter. 1 drop minions are not often played, except in Priest and Aggro decks, you could use this to take out a Priest's Cleric before they have a chance to use it for card draw, or pull out Zoo's Reliquary Seeker before they can use it to become a 5/5, or pull out some Abusive's before they can use them to make big trades. Dragon Priest Whelps would not obtain the Battlecry either. A 2/4 is 1 less attack than ideal, but you are also putting a 1 drop into play yourself, which makes up for it imo.

Cursed Blade:Warrior, Weapon, 2/3 for 1, Double all damage dealt to your hero.

It's strong but 3 durability is 3 turns minimum of you taking double damage - ouch! And not only do you take double damage from the minions you attack, but also you are taking double damage when it's the opponent's turn. I can't see this being viable. Face decks would roll over you in 3 turns.

Curse of Rafaam:Warlock, 2 Mana Spell, Give your opponent a cursed card, they take 2 damage on their turn if they hold it.

Zoo might play this, but I doubt it. Your opponent either spends 2 mana to get rid of the curse, which gives you tempo, or they hold on to it and take 2 damage per turn as they try to build board presence. Zoo needs board presence which this spell doesn't help with, so in many ways it's not optimal. It will probably be tried, but I can't see it being optimal in any deck atm.

Animated Armor:Mage, 4/4 for 4, your hero can only take 1 damage at a time.

Seems bad. Water Elemental is a 3/6 for 4 and freezes targets. This card is better vs aggro but Mage are already good against Aggro decks. Grinder Mage/Freeze Mage/Tempo Mage all have really good tools to prevent taking damage already. This card could see a lot of play in other classes, but for Mage it doesn't seem optimal.

Tomb Pillager:Rogue, 5/4 for 4, Deathrattle: add a coin to your hand.

With the Deathrattle this is a 5/4 for 3. It's ahead of the curve and is yet another big minion for Rogues. Should make it into the Raptor Rogue arsenal, and perhaps other decks too. Rogue have so many big minions already which never see play, but they are all around 5 mana. This card trades with most 5 drops and is played on turn 3/4. This card should be good.

Elise Starseeker:Neutral, 3/5 for 4. Shuffle the Map into your deck. Map is 2 mana: Shuffle the Golden Monkey into your deck. Golden monkey is 6/6 for 4 mana: Replace your hand and deck with Legendary Minions.

Super slow card, super fun card. Shouldn't see much play and will probably never see competitive play. The downside with replacing all your cards with Legendaries is that you remove all of your spells, which are often key for board control. If there was such as thing as Legendary Spells then this card would be tons better. Of course you could always hope for Nef/Ysera/Rafaam but that wouldn't be consistent. Maybe this card squeezes into a Reno list. Against Control matchups this card might be viable, but in most cases it's going to be bad.

Arch-Thief Rafaam:Neutral, 7/8 for 9, Discover a Powerful Artifact.

Some people expect this to be auto-include in control decks. I do not think it'll be auto-include, but it will be strong. Most control decks can only afford one or two 9-drops. This card loses against any 8/8 and trades even against any 4/12 minion that you would play at 9 mana. The Artifacts are 10 mana which is super-slow, but they are strong. The upside is you get to choose between having up to seven 3/3 minions on board, dealing 10 random damage, or buffing a minion with +10/+10. The downside is you spend 2 complete turns for something that may not give you board control. This card is comparable to Ysera and Nef, except it's not a Dragon, so it wouldn't see play in any Dragon themed deck. Next viable candidates are Control Warrior or Priest. It's unlikely to see much play outside those extreme Control decks imo.


<Silver Donator>
I've been watching Dog play Anyfin and it seems pretty solid.

It's basically a control paladin deck, with a lot of the slow slow shit, double lay on hands, double healbot, double belchers, double consecration+equality with even a pyromancer, uldaman and follow the rules etc, and then it replaces the general win conditions(Tyrion, Boom, the 5/6 healing guys, Rag etc) with 2x Anyfin, 2x Murloc Warlords, 2x Bluegill charges(which act as anti aggro early game) and Old Murkeye. Only those 5 murlocs and 2x Anyfin, and basically if he gets to cast the 2nd Anyfin, it's an OTK on pretty much everyone because it summons like 6-10damage chargers x2-3.

It hard counters every control decks due to the stupid damage output once you get the Anyfins out and it does well to stall against most other decks. Looks pretty fun tbh, but I'm not sure Blizzard will leave it like that. It felt the point of Anyfin was to refill your boards with crappy murlocs, but the way it's used it refills the board with super OP murlocs chargers. I've seen him put a 45health warrior at like minus 12 on the 2nd anyfin.


Still a Music Elitist
You know there's an anyfin decklist out there that specifically runs enough murlocs for anyfin to be an OTK right? Or are you saying this was just some scrub who got lucky?
I think it's just a deck I had never seen before so I wasn't expecting it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Animated Armor: Mage, 4/4 for 4, your hero can only take 1 damage at a time.

Seems bad. Water Elemental is a 3/6 for 4 and freezes targets. This card is better vs aggro but Mage are already good against Aggro decks. Grinder Mage/Freeze Mage/Tempo Mage all have really good tools to prevent taking damage already. This card could see a lot of play in other classes, but for Mage it doesn't seem optimal.
I think this might see play in some sort of fatigue mage. Lowering fatigue to 1 a pop as you chew them up with oracles might be a thing.


I've been watching Dog play Anyfin and it seems pretty solid.

It's basically a control paladin deck, with a lot of the slow slow shit, double lay on hands, double healbot, double belchers, double consecration+equality with even a pyromancer, uldaman and follow the rules etc, and then it replaces the general win conditions(Tyrion, Boom, the 5/6 healing guys, Rag etc) with 2x Anyfin, 2x Murloc Warlords, 2x Bluegill charges(which act as anti aggro early game) and Old Murkeye. Only those 5 murlocs and 2x Anyfin, and basically if he gets to cast the 2nd Anyfin, it's an OTK on pretty much everyone because it summons like 6-10damage chargers x2-3.

It hard counters every control decks due to the stupid damage output once you get the Anyfins out and it does well to stall against most other decks. Looks pretty fun tbh, but I'm not sure Blizzard will leave it like that. It felt the point of Anyfin was to refill your boards with crappy murlocs, but the way it's used it refills the board with super OP murlocs chargers. I've seen him put a 45health warrior at like minus 12 on the 2nd anyfin.
The first game I played against a murloc pally he cast anyfin, I cleared the board with lightning storm, and next turn he cast anyfin again. It sucked. Not sure why that card went to paladins given their current strength. When I first started tinkering with a murloc shaman deck, I quickly realized that most murloc don't have enough board staying power, and shamans don't have enough reliable removal/buffs, to keep them on the board early. I was more successful with a control variant that relied on card draw, but still not that successful. Mostgames I won with a murloc shaman were due to dropping neptulon early enough.

By contrast, paladins have divine shield and a group of reliable buffs/debuffs to makekeeping murloc on the board more manageable.

Given that you need to drop a few at a time to have a chance of keeping them on the board, I think control is the way to go with murloc. Given that, anyfin is (to me) an amazing card and I'm pretty salty it didn't go to shamans. Sure, shamans got everyfin is awesome, but that card requires a lot of murloc on the board to be effective. It doesn't solve the shamans problem with them.

Again though, I'm pretty new to the game so I could be way off base. That's just how I see things right now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Anyfin is Awesome works on non-murlocs, so you only need a few murlocs to get the cost low to be able to buff your entire board. It's actually not bad.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Aggro shaman is the gayest deck of faggots ever played by faggots and only played by faggots on the entire faggot ladder.


Anyfin is Awesome works on non-murlocs, so you only need a few murlocs to get the cost low to be able to buff your entire board. It's actually not bad.
That is a redeeming quality for sure. My issue was that there is very little room left in the deck once it's stacked with an appropriate number of murlocs for much else, so getting a full enough board to get good value out of everyfin can be exceedingly tough with a shaman. Every class has low cost board clears that decimate murlocs since most only have one or two health.