

Blackwing Lair Raider
Been playing since early beta and the game is in the worst state its ever been imo. There is basically nil board interaction in the meta right now, the most popular decks are all ones that just do their thing and there is nothing you can really do to stop it.


Molten Core Raider
It is certainly better than pre-nerf buzzard hunter... You don't play stuff, you die to burn. You play stuff, that actually helps the hunter.

It is certainly a BORING meta though.


Bronze Squire
The threats are just so strong in comparison to the answers right now. Too many cards that either win the game if not answered, or protect other cards from being answered. Also, you can die at 30 life with nothing on the board against a bunch of decks.

Only solution is to just wait for new stuff/standard and hope it works out I guess.


Trakanon Raider
Too many sticky minions. It takes so many resources to kill a Shredder that many times it's better to just ignore it (as an example). Standard will fix that.


Molten Core Raider
Malygos decks, combo warlock, and Murloc paladin are the only ones that come to mind. And they kind of have to earn it.


Still a Music Elitist
What's funny is right after Reno decks started coming out everyone was saying it was the healthiest the meta's ever been.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The only deck in the format that can realistically kill you from 30 with a clear board is Murloc pal, and you'll know it's coming because it will be their second Anyfin. Malygos rogue sure as fuck isn't doing 30 damage from a clear board, leeroy/faceless would require double PO + Abusive and that three of the cards get discounted by Emperor to do 30+.

There is quite a lot of burst in the meta, but lets not descend into hyperbole.


Molten Core Raider
The only deck in the format that can realistically kill you from 30 with a clear board is Murloc pal, and you'll know it's coming because it will be their second Anyfin. Malygos rogue sure as fuck isn't doing 30 damage from a clear board
I was thinking Malygos Shaman, or Freeze Mage with Malygos, but they need the ultimate Emperor activations to do it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I kind of agree. I really dislike how bursty the game currently is. Dying a 20hp in a single turn is not uncommon. But the light of hope here is that Blizzard (if Explorer and TGT are any indicator) understand that charge, burst, stickiness are generally shitty mechanics and they should shy away from them.

They really need to announce the new expansion though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
LoE definitely made the game better, can't deny that. Without Reno/Elise and even Brann/Finley, the game would be an even larger cesspool. LoE put the game on life support for a few more months until they can get Standard released. Nothing too toxic came with LoE. So yes, Reno/LoE made the meta better for sure.

Main issue is the game is too mature and most decks and deckslots are already as efficient as possible. So the meta is still shit. Until we can lose Boom/Shredder/etc, there's no room for innovation or fun.

The stickyness of these S-tier minions makes it infinitely frustrating once you lose board. Other than Lightbomb and a couple other cases, the amount of comeback cards pales in comparison to the amount of sticky minions. While there is still strategy in the game, it's certainly not as deep. Decks are known and a lot boils down to draws and decisions on trading vs face or overextending. Decisions as to which card(s) to play any given turn and what should be in your deck in general have been narrowed down to the point it's boring and feels like everything is on autopilot.

We have a right to complain about the meta, it's shit, but we also know the solution is coming. After getting Rank 5, which only took 3 days using Secret Paladin and some Elise Priest, I'm only logging in for quests every 2-3 days, which I'm completing in Tavern Brawl since it's usually faster (unless it's a shitty brawl).

Regarding burst: Most decks with burst require turn 10 and 3+ cards. There will always be burst if you let the game go that long. It's not a problem at all. Druid combo is an issue since it's 2 cards at turn 9, and you run 2 copies of each without hindering the deck. There isn't much other burst with the same flexibility and that can be used pre-turn 10. Burst is healthy for the game. It's a strategy to save burst against some classes. Against Priest and Warrior, if you blow your burst early without killing them, you'll probably lose as they heal/armor for 2-4 every turn. It can be equally as frustrating to lose that way than the few times you lose on turn 15 to a 3-4 card combo.

The flexibility of Force+Savage is way too strong. You really don't see people dropping Malygos or the PO+Faceless combos unless it's the final push, but druids use Force/Savage all the time as a board clear. 4 attacks for 14 total damage at 9 mana is just so flexible compared to anything else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The only deck in the format that can realistically kill you from 30 with a clear board is Murloc pal, and you'll know it's coming because it will be their second Anyfin. Malygos rogue sure as fuck isn't doing 30 damage from a clear board, leeroy/faceless would require double PO + Abusive and that three of the cards get discounted by Emperor to do 30+.

There is quite a lot of burst in the meta, but lets not descend into hyperbole.
Emp Thau > Leeroy/PO/PO/Abu/Abu + Faceless = 36 damage turn. Reno lock.

Token lock. Two sea giants and Brann on board, Argus>Abu/Abu>Gormock = 36 damage turn. You also have the option of getting PO's mixed in to that instead of or in addition to an abusive or two.

I've pulled off both of these, but the Brann shit is way harder to set up. Reno with Leeroy/Faceless its actually not that hard to survive to such a turn with emp ticks on any of the key components. Usually don't manage an Emp tick on both PO's and Abu's though, but very commonly two or three of the four, and you don't even need an emp tick on the faceless or leeroy per se. If you have it on them too it just makes it easier. Also, that's doing OVER 30 in a turn, doing a straight thirty requires less set up.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I have barely played since December. I rank to 10, then stop...don't even bother with daily quest really, I log in maybe once a week to clear them at best. I haven't played the last 2 brawls.

It's the normal hearthstone fatigue that hits me a few months after an expansion. It has been amplified by the announcement of Standard of course, since it should rejuvenate the game a bit and make it more interesting for a while.

I'm sitting on 6000+ dust, and 5500 gold, so I'm kinda ready for the next expansion to get here.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Emp Thau > Leeroy/PO/PO/Abu/Abu + Faceless = 36 damage turn. Reno lock.

Token lock. Two sea giants and Brann on board, Argus>Abu/Abu>Gormock = 36 damage turn. You also have the option of getting PO's mixed in to that instead of or in addition to an abusive or two.

I've pulled off both of these, but the Brann shit is way harder to set up. Reno with Leeroy/Faceless its actually not that hard to survive to such a turn with emp ticks on any of the key components. Usually don't manage an Emp tick on both PO's and Abu's though, but very commonly two or three of the four, and you don't even need an emp tick on the faceless or leeroy per se. If you have it on them too it just makes it easier. Also, that's doing OVER 30 in a turn, doing a straight thirty requires less set up.
If you lose to a 6-card combo on turn 10+ after an Emp hit you were not going to win that match anyway. That's a ton of cards/resources you didn't have to actually deal with and you still managed to not kill him.

Emp isn't going away for a while but that kind of super-combo nonsense is not reliable enough right now (and probably won't be with the expansions) to balance around. There's hardly any decks that use it, and those that do aren't going to even see it that much of the time. It seems a bit ridiculous to complain about considering the actual legitimate complaints there are to bitch about :p