

Tranny Chaser
I'm not sure that C'thun plus enablers is going to be any better than just running more focused cards and one Deathwing.

Wait, you could run a C'thun deck WITH Deathwing and have two massive ten drops that give you commanding board position!


I guess I understand the sorta combo deck thing here as people do seem to like that type of mechanic. Still though, a 10 mana card that might not even be in your hand at that point? That's real slow and terribly risky to build the entire deck around even if the supporter cards *are* passing the vanilla test.

Meh, we'll see. In a couple of months?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure that C'thun plus enablers is going to be any better than just running more focused cards and one Deathwing.

Wait, you could run a C'thun deck WITH Deathwing and have two massive ten drops that give you commanding board position!
C'Thun can hit face though, so if you're a control deck that can keep board clear or even 1-2 minions max, a 20/20 C'Thun could be 12+ damage to face rather easily.


Trakanon Raider
Finally I hit 500 wins for Golden Paladin. I pushed hard in the last week because I didn't realize I was going to have two more months to grind...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Funniest brawl sequence in a while:

T2 Sneeds, I kill it, pops out a Rhonin, I kill it, T5 he plays a 1 mana Malygos and a 1 mana Frothing and 3 arcane missiles. Good stuff. Hardest I've laughed at this game in a while.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Looking at the bright side, I'll have like 5k gold and dust by the time this shit launches.

I killed a rhonin in the brawl earlier today while my opponent had a secret, turned out it was effigy and it spawned Kel'Thuzad


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sitting on 8k gold but 0 dust right now. which I may or may not have a lot of once standard goes live.


Trakanon Raider
5,300 Gold here. 235 Dust. If I hit the "Disenchant Extra Cards" button right now I'd get 5,750 dust. I don't disenchant until I'm ready to craft something or cards actually get nerfed. So 2 months until Whispers means a minimum of 2,700 more gold assuming nothing but 40 gold "win 2 games with X" quests. Blizzard pretty much has to do good deals on pre-orders because there's a lot of people out there with just as much, or more, gold and dust.

But after grinding out Golden Paladin I think I'm going back to "do daily and log off" mode again for awhile. Druid is just over 200 wins from Golden. I know they're going to get raped with the new expansion but I've had enough grinding for the time being.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Okay wtf, this brawl is just hilarious today. Some guy just played back to back Deathwings.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm ~150 wins from golden priest and have been for a couple months. Just haven't been in the mood to grind the rest of them out, even though Dragon Priest isn't in all that bad a spot in the meta right now, despite the low ranking on tempostorm. Or maybe it depends more on the way you customize your list. Double entomb/nova/single lightbomb has pretty much been a perfect removal package for me.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Priest games are so fucking boring so I can see why grinding them out would be a pain. Just not a class I can ever see getting Golden.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Priest games are so fucking boring so I can see why grinding them out would be a pain. Just not a class I can ever see getting Golden.
Eh, Dragon Priest is pretty proactive and games don't drag on that bad. It's just that I had gotten 4-5 golden classes in a month and didn't feel up to finishing off priest, and still haven't since, heh.


Trakanon Raider
http://www.oldgods.comdoesn't work yet but apparently it'll link here:Whispers of the Old Gods - Card Sets - Hearthstone
If you didn't watch the stream, it was said there will be 16 cards that buff C'Thun. I don't see that fact posted anywhere else yet.
We've seen 2 of 16 so far. Seems like a high probability that each class will have a unique acolyte since 16 neutrals would be 32 cards whereas 7 neutrals + 1 class card is 16 cards for a deck, not counting C'Thun himself.

Re: Validated Doomsayer: 7/7 Turn 6 for 5 mana is still ahead of curve but yea, might not see play since it dies for free if opponent has a board already. I could see it being similar to Fel Reaver in aggro decks, just without the downside. Put it in the aggro druid deck, zoo, face hunter, etc. Soaks up 7 damage or you insta-lose.
They didn't say 16 cards that "buff" Cthun. They said 16 that interact with Cthun.


I can imagine a tentacle that could randomly do damage to enemies or remove all the buffs of C'Thun. Maybe a minion that summons tentacles (like Dr Boom) but instead of Boom Bots, tentacles with random effects. Would fit the AQ encounter at least. I really hope it's not a Dr Boom replacement, but I could see a minion that summons a random 1/1 tentacle being a thing.