

Trakanon Raider
Played the absolute worst kind of fucking asshat in Brawl today. Was a Priest playing some sort of bore you to death deck. Wasn't fatigue because he had too much draw. He just played a bunch of 9 mana minions for infinite tree of life and SOMEHOW he got Anub'Arak which = infinite Tree of Life. Omg wow.


Still a Music Elitist
How is that "somehow got Anub'Arak"? He had the card, put it in his deck, and drew it. Mind blown.


Molten Core Raider
If you opt to do arena, watch a few streamers on twitch to get the flavor.
Definitely do this

Arena seems easy but actually it takes a lot of thought into drafting a decent deck. If you are picking subpar cards or screwing up your curve then expect to rarely go past 3 wins

I recommend watching Hafu and Kripp on Twitch as they are Arena specialists. I prefer Hafu more since Kripp tends to only stick to the more powerful classes and he never plays Hunter whilst Hafu plays them all and is less salty. She is doing the Amaz 100in10 challenge at the moment (get 100 wins in 10 Arena runs) and her current record is 97 which is pretty obscene.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How is that "somehow got Anub'Arak"? He had the card, put it in his deck, and drew it. Mind blown.
It's a Rogue card, so kinda unlucky he got an infinite tree of life spawner


Trakanon Raider
It's a Rogue card, so kinda unlucky he got an infinite tree of life spawner
How is that "somehow got Anub'Arak"? He had the card, put it in his deck, and drew it. Mind blown.
Exactly. Duh? My *somehow* was rage at the RNG that his Summoning Portal'd Tree of Life gave him an Anub'Arak, which is essentially an infinite Tree of Life engine. Man some people really don't know the cards do they. It's hard to use sarcasm here when some of you have no idea what cards are what. If you are one of those people, just don't attempt witty remarks. It'll only end bad for you.


Almost beat a priest in this brawl, but he forced a tie with Auchenai + Tree of Life. Stupid troll move, just let me get the win


Molten Core Raider
... With mana addict I'm not sure how you guys even get to turn 10 in this brawl, won my three within four turns each time.


Trakanon Raider
Of the Forbidden spells this seems the most playable. Lay on Hands is a very situational card. At 8 mana it can be very difficult to play properly since you're using your whole turn to play it leaving, at most, 2 mana (not counting discounts or coin shenanigans) to spend. So if you've lost control of the board than all Lay on hands does is buy you one turn. It's the card draw that makes Lay on Hands so good. If you can play it cleanly than you get a good heal and draw some cards. But, even for Paladins, it can be hard to play cleanly.

Forbidden Healing seems pretty playable to me. It's the x2 healing which makes it playable in my opinion. So if you're at 10 mana you're able to burn 6 mana on board presence/clears and spend that leftover 4 mana on an 8 point heal (Lay on Hands level). With Antique Healbot rotating out than this will pick up the slack a bit. On the other hands, even without Antique Healbot, Paladins have more healing than any other class in the game so do they really need this one? It doesn't add board presence like Guardian of Kings does. But overall it seems playable to me.


It doesn't give you a minion like Guardian nor Healbot, but I think the power will come in the flexibility. Without Shredders, I could see Yeti-style midrange minions coming back into play where you'd want to get a 4- or 6-point heal to refresh them after a favorable trade. Sure, people don't play Holy Light (2 mana 6 point heal), but you could also use this card late game for a 20 point heal when you've finally gotten back tempo, but are sub-10 hp.


Mr. Poopybutthole
No, it specifically needs to not be neutral. I'm hoping they learned their lesson from antique healbot.
Learned their lesson from healbot? Healbot was one of the few things that kept the meta from completely falling to dogshit. I can't even begin to imagine how shitty the ladder would have been all this time without healbot.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
There are no neutral spells anyway, so yea...

But that card is good for sure. Healadin returns.

Before Paladin was god-tier, they always relied on Equal+Consec or Pyro+Equal to take the board turns 4-6... The Healadin build allowed you to delay until you drew the combo. This card will suit that deck perfectly. 2 copies of this for a healadin deck, in a tempo deck (if such a thing can be made for Paladin after removal of all their early game) would likely run 1 or 0 of this.


<Bronze Donator>
It lends powerful healing, especially with Brann, to classes that weren't designed to have such. That it might have fixed the meta at one point(haven't seen him much lately) is a separate issue.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There are no neutral spells anyway, so yea...

But that card is good for sure. Healadin returns.

Before Paladin was god-tier, they always relied on Equal+Consec or Pyro+Equal to take the board turns 4-6... The Healadin build allowed you to delay until you drew the combo. This card will suit that deck perfectly. 2 copies of this for a healadin deck, in a tempo deck (if such a thing can be made for Paladin after removal of all their early game) would likely run 1 or 0 of this.
'Healadin' was originally and will continue to be a shit tier deck. The formerly favorable matchup against control warrior will likely no longer be favorable due to new tools and a heavy migration to the charging frost giant finisher package. Freeze mage, assuming it isn't pushed out of the meta entirely by the presumed resurgence of control warrior, can power through the healing by waiting to set up a strong emperor into archmage play since healadin won't be putting much of a clock on you.

Reactive board clears work for warriors and priests because you can force the opponent to extend into them. Paladins can't.