

Blackwing Lair Raider
Agree juggler will probably still see play, should have made it a 3/1 imo. Still going to disenchant my golden one for full price though, can always craft it again if wanted.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Juggler basically still creates the threat it always has, just doesn't trade quite so well. Not much of a nerf in a way.


Mr. Poopybutthole
rooofl. 2 cards left against a priest who has already played monkey and his deck is out of cards. I kill one of his minions and pass the turn, then realize I forgot to play a card so I'm gonna burn a card. I have execute and death's bite left, im fine with losing the weapon because I already have gorehowl equipped so I really don't want to burn the execute. 50/50.

Then he plays iron juggernaut, and I burn the burrowing mine.


Molten Core Raider
What is the counter to shaman? That is the question...If there is no reasonable counter to it...We should all be playing it. It looks so solid.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What is the counter to shaman? That is the question...If there is no reasonable counter to it...We should all be playing it. It looks so solid.
There is no 'counter' to aggro shaman but tempo mage, control warrior, zoo, freeze mage, and renolock all have favorable matchups against it.


Molten Core Raider
There is no 'counter' to aggro shaman but tempo mage, control warrior, zoo, freeze mage, and renolock all have favorable matchups against it.
I'm talking about tomorrow...Do you really think that tempo mage is viable after tomorrow? We shall see, but I think many of those 'favorable' matchups you mentioned are not as favorable come the new format (I don't give a crap about Wild atm...Just standard.)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Great, new bugs introduced with the latest patch I suppose. Just had a display error/hang up when my opponent played a weapon, so I closed hs and reopened and it didn't even try to reconnect me to the game...


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tempo mage will still be viable but it's gonna be slowing way the hell down without flamecannon and mad scientist and almost certainly won't be favorable against aggro shaman anymore. Hell, even freeze might not be favorable against aggro shaman anymore, with the loss of mad scientist and the addition of flamewreathed. Aggro druid could give freeze mage fits with an early fel reaver, but at least with reaver you still had the option of just keeping it frozen and milling them. The only answer freeze mage has for flamewreath is nova/doomsayer and hoping they don't have an earthshock.

Zoo is gonna have a rougher time without having disposable minions like egg/creeper, but they still might be able to out muscle aggro shaman. Reno lock will be pretty screwed by the BGH nerf though.


Molten Core Raider
Tempo mage will still be viable but it's gonna be slowing way the hell down without flamecannon and mad scientist and almost certainly won't be favorable against aggro shaman anymore. Hell, even freeze might not be favorable against aggro shaman anymore, with the loss of mad scientist and the addition of flamewreathed. Aggro druid could give freeze mage fits with an early fel reaver, but at least with reaver you still had the option of just keeping it frozen and milling them. The only answer freeze mage has for flamewreath is nova/doomsayer and hoping they don't have an earthshock.

Zoo is gonna have a rougher time without having disposable minions like egg/creeper, but they still might be able to out muscle aggro shaman. Reno lock will be pretty screwed by the BGH nerf though.
Tempo also loses Unstable Portal...That, with Mad Scientist, sticks a fork in it. Zoo is taking a lot of hits and I find it strange you reference BGH in a deck that would only have 1 BGH...I think RenoLock is already a bad matchup to any focused aggro deck. You need to mulligan and draw well to counter aggro...Having lots of 1 off creatures and a single Reno is not a plan...It is just hoping for a bad player and a good draw.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got more dust than I thought I would. I forgot I had golden copies of cards like blade flurry and master of disguise. Going in with 5,340 gold and no less than 10,490 dust.


Trakanon Raider
I'm ready. Would have had another ~8k had I stopped disenchanting things a few months earlier than I did.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Decided to get back into this game since GVG is rotating out. Sold a playset of Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, and turned it into 300 Amazon Coins.
Already opened:
80 Packs of Classic
40 Packs of TGT
50 Packs of WotoG
2 Adventures

$55 in Amazon coins left. The question is: GVG 40 pack before they're crafting-only (for Wild/Brawls purposes), or Classic/TGT since there are still rares I need from those sets (and classic having several cards nerfed right now for the straight up dust conversion value).


Golden Knight of the Realm
I guess this expansion is going to start off pretty blingy. Looks like most of the people who have been playing a while have a bunch of dust to burn.