

Trakanon Raider
Yea.. most of the time when I watch a good arena streamer, I would have made a similar play as them. BUT, when they do something I wouldn't have, I often don't understand why that play was better. Or, I'll hear them respond to chat (who are suggesting a similar play that I thought was best) about how this was obviously better' or the 'only good play'. I'm guessing they just have a 6th sense about what their opponent is going to do on the next turn that they've developed from playing for a long time. In MTG, I got to the point I could do that all the time.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
PO is only strong when Warlock can stick minions, and for some reason they always seem to get sticky or board flood shit every expansion. It's so weird. The spell's +4 health isn't even useful. I think the original intent was to combo it with Faceless or Void Terror but the spell is only ever used as 4 direct damage. The "deal 1 damage" would be suitable except I'm pretty sure you'd need to remove the +4 health too. I don't believe the creature will "die" before the +4 is applied, it'll go to 0 or -1 then +4 and still survive.

Maybe it should be +3 attack/+5 health or something.... or just stop giving warlocks bullshit cards. PO is a fine spell really, their ease of creating a board is OP.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm guessing the logic is it would work like Earthshock, where the effects are staggered.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that was my drunken logic at the time after I was triple PO killed by a 1-1.

PO is OP but the primary problem is giving lock a 2/2 for 2 that so easily allows you to get maybe 2 more POs. In games I lose, I usually beat the 1st rush and sometimes the second. They then just draw into the win and peddler is usually a primary culprit for my losses. Discover is an awesome mechanic but I don't think Lock needed a cheap creature with that ability as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It doesn't help that Dark Peddler is the only discover creature that basically the vanilla test. 1/1 and 1/2 for 2, 3/3 and 3/4 for 4, 6/3 for 5? Pretty much all shit bodies for the cost. 2/2 for 2 with a useful ability? Dire Wolf Alpha says hello.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I don't know if this meta is healthy right now, or I just had shit luck all weekend.

Seemed like every class I played I couldn't do much better than 50% wins. Midrange hunter, ramp druid, aggro shaman, midrange shaman, zoolock, dragon warrior, it just didn't matter, I had maybe 3 winstreaks of 3 or so out of maybe 60 games. Usually one of those classes has a chance to get a good streak going, usually aggro shaman or zoolock.

As an example, I was playing aggro shaman and just getting shit cards for like 4 games in a row, finally I get tunnel trogg and totem golem to start vs mage.
  • Turn 1 tunnel trogg
  • He plays mana wyrm
  • Turn 2 totem golem and trogg goes face
  • He plays coin, frost bolt to golem, arcane blast to golem, then attacks trogg with mana wyrm which is now at 4/1
  • Turn 3 I have no play but hero power, and it goes worse from there

It seems like the most popular "OP" decks like those I've mentioned are so popular that everyone has put in tech options to fight them specifically. But, I could have just been facing a horrible run of luck. GRRRRR
(And at least combo druid is no longer a thing. Fuck that deck.)


<Bronze Donator>
I don't know if this meta is healthy right now, or I just had shit luck all weekend.

Seemed like every class I played I couldn't do much better than 50% wins. Midrange hunter, ramp druid, aggro shaman, midrange shaman, zoolock, dragon warrior, it just didn't matter, I had maybe 3 winstreaks of 3 or so out of maybe 60 games. Usually one of those classes has a chance to get a good streak going, usually aggro shaman or zoolock.

As an example, I was playing aggro shaman and just getting shit cards for like 4 games in a row, finally I get tunnel trogg and totem golem to start vs mage.
  • Turn 1 tunnel trogg
  • He plays mana wyrm
  • Turn 2 totem golem and trogg goes face
  • He plays coin, frost bolt to golem, arcane blast to golem, then attacks trogg with mana wyrm which is now at 4/1
  • Turn 3 I have no play but hero power, and it goes worse from there

It seems like the most popular "OP" decks like those I've mentioned are so popular that everyone has put in tech options to fight them specifically. But, I could have just been facing a horrible run of luck. GRRRRR
(And at least combo druid is no longer a thing. Fuck that deck.)
I would have ran the trog into the wyrm personally. It prevents getting blown out in ways like that.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Also it's the first week of the month and you're probably playing against really good players right now. Most of my opponents at 15 had the Legend card back. I've been dicking around with a Handlock list because I always love some Handlock and wanted to see if I can get it to work again. Maintained about a 50% win rate with a sub-optimal deck, not too shabby.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Ya, you're probably right Slippery. I have a hard time recognizing when to go board control or face sometimes. I think I was just glad to finally not have a terrible opening hand I went for it. Opening hands like both flamewreathed and thing below and lava burst.

Also, I don't get the hype for that dragon warrior list. If you don't curve out reasonably well it's pretty terrible IMO. Maybe I just don't like tempo lists in general, too luck dependent.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still not great by any means, but I got up to rank 16 within a week or two of starting to play last month. This month, now that I've got a couple 'legit' decks instead of my completely f2p based decks, I can't even get past rank 20 so far. I'm at a 49% win rate according to HDT. Been swapping between C'thun druid, zoolock (still need peddlers though), and tempo mage. From my poker and mtg background I KNOW I'm reading too much into small sample sizes, but I swear it's like the game is actively trying to screw me over. If I play zoolock for 10 games, I will play against all people with 4+ AOE spells in their deck, and they draw all of them by turn 5. Had a priest get 2x holy nova, 2x excavated evil, 2x darkshire alchemist, 2x northshire cleric, and 2x museum curator as his first 10 cards played against my zoolock, which currently has a few too many 1 health minions as it's a 'budget' version so 1/2s and 1/3s are very good against me. Had him down to 5 life with about 8 outs to draw before he just healed back up.
If I swap to c'thun druid, I play against murlock pallys, aggro shaman and zoolocks, and never draw swipe or starfall.

I'm hoping the good players with real decks get the fuck out of the high ranks soon, been very frustrating. Was able to just coast into the mid teens last month with worse decks. Thought it'd be easier now that I have some real cards, but nope!

At least my arena average has gone up by about 1.5 wins.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I tried control priest. I have found not having Harrison Jones has a way of biting me in the ass. He is not ALL that but when you get him against a warrior, it helps. That said, I have really enjoyed the complexity of Control Priest. So many choices and ways of making those choices have made for some pleasant games. The downside is the game time. I have had multiple matches go to out of cards. I will admit though, that those might not have happened with better experience with this deck.

Trying Arena, again. I am 3-0 and due for a loss. Go Go Mage power. Having 3 of the 6-3 Pick a spell and 2 board wipes has helped immensely. I even have 3 of the Inspire spell damage guys. Arena is the only place that they are good in.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Sometimes you also just hit a run of bad rng. I just got crushed by it over and over. Have a 5 shammy/mage win quest and decks that usually roll...just got smashed and I won 2 out of 11 games.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I tried control priest. I have found not having Harrison Jones has a way of biting me in the ass. He is not ALL that but when you get him against a warrior, it helps. That said, I have really enjoyed the complexity of Control Priest. So many choices and ways of making those choices have made for some pleasant games. The downside is the game time. I have had multiple matches go to out of cards. I will admit though, that those might not have happened with better experience with this deck
Better experience with the deck would probably lead you to stop playing it. There's a reason Tempostorm calls Tier 4 'priest tier' in the meta snapshot articles.


Golden Squire
Sometimes this game is still worth playing. Znoth Renolock vs Znoth Renorogue(??) was pretty fucking entertaining. Finally he picks majordomo from journey below and I siphon soul and my rag hits the 1 in 3.


Trakanon Raider
Oh, so I got the 'spectate friend' quest yesterday and realized I have no one to spectate

If anyone here wants to add me, that'd be appreciated. I already rerolled that quest, but in case I get it again, a free pack is certainly nice. Not sure how to add someone other then playing against them, if someone wants to let me know what I need to do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I tried control priest. I have found not having Harrison Jones has a way of biting me in the ass. He is not ALL that but when you get him against a warrior, it helps. That said, I have really enjoyed the complexity of Control Priest. So many choices and ways of making those choices have made for some pleasant games. The downside is the game time. I have had multiple matches go to out of cards. I will admit though, that those might not have happened with better experience with this deck.
Priest is the class I toil away with the most and I think it's totally unplayable atm.