

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Druid is hamstrung by the ramp mechanic. They won't give them strong AoE or overpowered small minions due to that I think.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nah, but just in reference to you mentioning that they've never really had good clears. I think Bliz is gunshy on that due to innervate/growth.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I agree there. They've had pseudo board clear in the past with Seeds+Starfall. Mill Druid ftw?
Druid actually has a lot of good single target control right now but they're losing Mulch which is going to be a decent hit to their removals.
I do like the concept of tying removal to big minions for Druid, they are supposed to be a "big minion" class.

Outside Jades we don't see them that way, they've always been a combo deck prior.

I still think a Hemet+Jade deck will be super-strong and everything else won't matter.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just a common.... but could see some play in Pal/Hunter. Alleycat or Lost in the Jungle into this . Give this Poisonous, Divine Shield or +atk/health. Seems ok.
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<Bronze Donator>
And this is why Sylvanas got rotated out. Someone predicted this on reddit when the Sylvanas rotate got announced

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It would be great in control decks with Sylv... better than Syl+Shadowflame in a lot of cases

It might even see a lot of play without Sylv..

Priest is obvious because of their quest, but I think it has the least chance here actually

Hunter also has a 1 mana deathrattle minion coming out, and they have Grandmother / Highmane / wolves / rat pack / etc. Also Hunter are getting the "Trigger a friendly Deathrattle" on a 3 cost card now, so Deathrattle Hunter is making a lot of sense and this card seems strongest here simply because the Deathrattles typically add to your board, whereas Priest will generate more resources to hand.

Some edge cases could be:
Jade Rogue. I've been playing Dog's Jade Rogue deck which is fun as hell and actually decent. I can easily see this card fitting in to generate more Jades from Swarmers.

And then you have the greedy N'zoth meme decks that I've tried in the past such as:

N'Zoth Shaman: Triggering White Eyes/Aya/Cairne without worry of a Hex/Poly is awesome!
N'Zoth Mage: Mage Legendary will be fun as hell but also the more obscure Twilight Summoner makes even more sense. 8 mana for a 1/1, 5/5, & 3/4. Sweet!


Not to mention you can combo this with
Hoarder / Mistress / Thalnos for emergency draws or healing


So yea I think this card will be tried.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
That combo on turn 10 is obviously way stronger than mind control in control vs. control matchups, but how often do you get to sit on Sylv until 10? And obviously if that's the only deathrattle in your deck it's terrible, so you may have to add in other cards just to justify it. I actually think it's an OK card and fairly interesting design, but the only way it sees play is again if the game slows way down. That's basically the caveat for almost every card we've seen so far, and I don't believe we've seen enough anti-aggro cards to do it.
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Molten Core Raider
It's a must remove card in most cases like Brann. 5 mana 4/5 draw a card of the opponents deck, or 6 mana 5/5 draw a card seems like the most common modes. (Priest 1 drop or loot hoarder).

Yeah pretty good in hunter as well. This + Grandma is 7/7 stats on turn 6, deathrattle a 3/2.

Don't tend to think of the 9 mana stuff too much, since this of course will die on the turn after or you probably just get way ahead like druid does with Fandral. Or any class with Brann.
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<Bronze Donator>
oh man Hunter card that changes your hero power to give a beast +2/+2. Rat Pack just got way better
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Lord Nagafen Raider
That Hunter hero power card is INSANE value. I wouldn't be shocked if it single-handedly bumped hunter up a few levels in Arena. It's only 2 mana so I could see it being used in constructed for tempo hunter, or in aggro beast hunter to give yourself extra legs, turning the 1-2-3 mana beasts into legitimate threats mid-game.

Also some more taunts. But also a stealth poison 3 drop which gets you through fat taunts anyway.
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<Bronze Donator>
4 mana for +2/+2 is really slow. It's going to take a while for you come back from that kind of tempo loss. And it's not like people aren't already conditioned to clear hunter beasts because of houndmaster.
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