

Molten Core Raider
From a direct expansion vs expansion perspective, it is. From an overall look at where the game is headed, it's worse.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Gadgetzan seemed fine at first, then it became mega aids. Un'goro is already throwing off giant flashing neon warning signs about where the meta is going and it's been a week.
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
From reading this thread throughout the last year I'm pretty glad that all I do is play janky fun wild decks in the rank 12-20 range. From that point of view the game is entertaining for what it is.
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Molten Core Raider
Game blows dicks. And even though they're introducing "new" stuff (quests etc.), their game design has major inherent flaws. They'd really need to change a ton of shit in order to improve the game. Ultimately, the week or two of fun we have during each expansion start is is just too short.

I logged on the first night, opened my packs, spent my gold, opened more packs, had a decent tally in terms of legendaries. Made a deck, played some games. Same shit, different day. Had one game against a quest mage where he OTK'd after i popped 4 of his ice blocks. So, we nerf ice lance, because of uninteractive gameplay, but we introduce this shit... 4 turns of me hero power passing and popping his blocks. Fuck you, Blizzard.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well I'm having fun even though I've been stuck bouncing between ranks 4/5 for a week now, mostly because I keep trying new decks.
Meta seems great and the Tournament has been pretty awesome too, lots of cool decks and very little RNG outcomes, plenty of decisions to make, etc. It's too soon to say what will be S-Tier, Taunt warrior is leading the charge but that could change.

There are still blow-out games but that will never change, as long as it's not often then it's fine.

I don't know what you guys are seeing but I see the meta slowing down day-by-day. I play against less and less sMORC decks each day. I need to try that ramp Druid deck with the Anacondas.

Yesterday I was playing a couple versions of Murloc Paladin and ran into at least 5 other murloc paladins, which is a mid-range deck. Fun decks, had about a 50% win ratio, seems like something could be there. Sunkeeper Tarim is MVP. He swings so many games in your favor. Hydrologist gives you Kodo very often so you can bounce all your good shit multiple times and Stonehill can discover 3 of the 4 paladin Legendaries. With all the high quality discovers you don't need very much card draw. Most of the lost games were when I couldn't draw any of my early game and could never get board control. Even though it has Equal+Consec, I was always missing a piece. Deck I was running didn't have Pyros or Kodo or Doomsayers for the swing turns, might need to try adding something.

I think I'll do boring Jade Druid today and see if I can climb. It wrecks all the slow/mid-range decks and can steal wins from the aggro decks due to more taunts & increased armor gain.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
This expansion is leagues better than the last one. I remember last expansion literally day 2 was nothing but pirate warrior and day 3 was nothing but aggro shaman. I'm still seeing a lot of experimentation this expansion a week later.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You can tell people have been on auto-pilot the past couple years, watching Kripp/Hafu get wrecked by Meteor over and over because they never think about minion placements at all. Not saying I won't make the same mistakes, just funny and gives me a little hope for the game. When you can identify mistakes YOU make that result in a loss, that's a healthy loss.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Had my craziest arena draft ever. 2 Meteors, 2 Firelands, 2 Blizzards, 1 Flamestrike, and Hogger. I actually thought about trying to snipe one of the arena streamers with it because it was so insane. Probably the easiest 12 wins I've had in arena.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
HaHaaa!....had a priest rage quit when I killed his 20/20 with an hallucinated lyra + hallucinated swd.

Played some silence priest and control pally this morning to do a quest. Both seem like tier 2 decks to me, they have both good and bad matchups. I don't have the new paladin legendary though and he seems pretty legit.
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Trakanon Raider
What the fuck just happened

Hearthstone Screenshot 04-13-17 22.51.46.png
  • 1Smuggly
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
just got rekt by DayNine, both of us as murloc paladin, feelsbadman.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
ugh, I just wanted rank 3 but got fucked on final boss 3x and then streaked back to 5. zzzzzzzzzz.
Hit Taunt Warriors 2x and rag hero power hits me for lethal both times, was a 33% chance both times. I'm happy the game is a little less RNG, but that's some triggering bullshit.

Regarding paladin list, I'm running something slightly different than Day9 was, he's using a list from someone else, I forget who originated it.
There's also a tempo list that removes the Murlocs, adds Pyros / Twilight Drakes / Nesting Roc which I need to try.
Paladin is actually performing well with these lists and there are a ton on ladder now.

Better you than me, I can't stand that dude.

lol yea I don't really watch him, too outlandish. I was like "oh, Day9, he's not that good". Then I drew like shit and got smorc'd cause he had every damn murloc in his first 10 cards. The deck hardly ever draws that well... for me...
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Not known for being the best meta snapshot out there (VS report is S-Tier), but Tempostorm released their snapshot:
TempoStorm Meta Snapshot

Tier 1:
Pirate Warrior
Miracle Rogue
Quest Warrior
Quest Rogue

Tier 2:
Dragon Priest
Mid-Range Hunter
Freeze Mage
Aggro Druid
Mid-Range Paladin
Aggro Mage
Purify Priest
Murloc Paladin

Tier 3:
Who cares

Tier 4:
Who cares

Tier 5:
Holy Wrath Paladin
Tier 5: Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning.


So the Tier 1 lists aren't too surprising. I'm surprised Mid-Range Paladin & Murloc paladin made Tier 2 because imo both lists are still being worked out, similarly to Elemental Shaman which they have in Tier 3.

For Tier 2 I'd probably only put Mid-Range Hunger, Freeze Mage, Aggro Druid, and Aggro Mage.

Priest / Paladin lists are Tier 3 right now, they are unrefined and if Ele Shaman is Tier 3 then these should also be 3.

Zoo is weird, I don't see much of it so not sure if it deserves 2 or 3.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Alright... I officially retract my previous statements about quest rogue. The newest versions of it are simply OP. 1st iteration is still trash, but the RDU list is ridiculously good. He's top 5 Legend playing it and I just cranked out 7 games in 45 mins to go 5-2... and 1 loss was to a top-decking Hunter, barely lost, other loss was to another quest rogue.

There are counters for sure, but it's still not easy. Freeze Mage / Taunt Warrior / Pirate Warrior / Hunter seem to be the 4 decks with the best odds.

The RDU list has Doomsayers instead of Swashburglers. Also the standard Fire Fly / Igneous / Vanish instead of dumb Moroes/Teachers.

It's ridiculously powerful to the point I think the quest does need a nerf... hopefully sooner than later.

Vanish just makes it so ridiculous, you can completely reset board and since all your shit is 1 mana, you can flood it with 5/5s instantly.

I usually don't play cancer decks but instead of bitching about it I'm just going to spam the shit out of it and get golden Rogue finally. Only need 275 wins!

While the deck is completely bullshit, it is a strategic deck. Can easily make bad decisions. Facing aggro decks can be pretty intense, especially if you draw bad. Certainly a much more enjoyable "cancer" deck to me than just vomiting minions on board & always hitting face. Figuring out how to stay alive for the 1st 5-6 turns is pretty fun, then after that it's just dumb.
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