

Vyemm Raider
Nah, supposedly there's only 6 total. So it's just a retarded gimmick with no support meant to water down the legendary pool and make you rage out when you open one in a pack.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
They'll have some flavor cards, probably 1 per class, but I doubt they'll go anywhere. Maybe Taunt Warrior, just because of how it aligns with odds. But for most it's just a massive sacrifice of card options for a boosted hero power. I don't see any of these cards creating new deck types. Reno, Kazakus/Raza, Kele decks were built around them because of RIDICULOUS powers. Kele can net a high roll of +20/+20'ish in stats and you only sacrifice 2 cost cards. Taldaram is only run in Cubelock which happens to not need any 3 cost cards, and is a special case of his ability aligning with Cube.

These cards also don't align with either Quests or DK's. The Even one just flat-out can't be played with Quests, and each one will have limited play in classes where it conflicts with their DK's cost. And even in those decks, the hero power bonuses are undone by the DeathKnights hero power upgrades, which are much more significant boosts, without the card sacrifice.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nah, supposedly there's only 6 total. So it's just a retarded gimmick with no support meant to water down the legendary pool and make you rage out when you open one in a pack.

Cards like this don't need supporting cards since they already dictate how you build the deck. Similar to Reno / Kazakus / etc.
6 is a lot for this type of card and if any are powerful enough then you're looking at some interesting deck designs.

Consider Keleseth (& friends) only required eliminated a single mana cost, these require 5+ mana costs be eliminated from your pool
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Vyemm Raider
if any are powerful enough then you're looking at some interesting deck designs.

None are. All 6 have been shown, and we know there's only 6 because of Donais' comment here. Baku is the only one that may possibly see play in some sort of face/charge hunter, but that won't be viable.

Unless the rest of the reveal is hiding some ridiculous synergy cards somehow without actually having the even/odd keyword, it simply won't be a viable archetype. It's just 2 wasted neutral legendary and some class epic slots.

Now, in future expansions they may go "hmm, this archetype isn't as popular as we wanted it to be, let's push some OP cards with the keyword to force people into it."

Gotta love blizzard design philosophy - play the game how WE want you to play.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
None are. All 6 have been shown, and we know there's only 6 because of Donais' comment here. Baku is the only one that may possibly see play in some sort of face/charge hunter, but that won't be viable.

Unless the rest of the reveal is hiding some ridiculous synergy cards somehow without actually having the even/odd keyword, it simply won't be a viable archetype. It's just 2 wasted neutral legendary and some class epic slots.

Now, in future expansions they may go "hmm, this archetype isn't as popular as we wanted it to be, let's push some OP cards with the keyword to force people into it."

Gotta love blizzard design philosophy - play the game how WE want you to play.

I disagree.
But every expansion is same shit. We speculate and feel ADAMANT we're right, and then some deck becomes cancer we never expected.
Like when the Possessed Lackey was released, most here said it was garbage.
Same with Voidlord
Same with Cubes
And more often we tend to hype up shit that actually never ends up working

So my prediction of the 6 cards:

Druid: Gloom Stag, 5 mana for a 4/8 taunt. It's close to being playable, especially if they get more beast support... which this expansion seems to be all about. I wouldn't cont it out yet.

Mage: Black Cat, probably the best card of the 6. I easily see this played.

Priest: Glitter Moth, seems like garbage. Works with inner fire but can't use Divine Spirit, so doesn't add to the consistency. Losing your big 5 dragon drop this rotation and can't be used in a Spiteful deck. I wouldn't be surprised if someone finds a combo with it though, or it becomes playable just because big health stuff has been a priest thing for a while now.

Shaman: Murkspark Eel. Making it Even-Cost makes this seem unplayable. Maybe meant for Elemental Shaman decks idk.

Baku the Mooneater: Seems really good, possibly bringing back Control Warrior. Warlock, Paladin and Priest also benefit greatly and can probably get away with an ODD deck. Makes Glitter Moth worth considering.

Genn Greymane: Probably not played, but Rogue, Shaman and Hunter likely benefit more here than from upgraded hero powers.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Druid: Gloom Stag, 5 mana for a 4/8 taunt. It's close to being playable, especially if they get more beast support... which this expansion seems to be all about. I wouldn't cont it out yet.

Can't run it with UI... Good luck.

Mage: Black Cat, probably the best card of the 6. I easily see this played.

No Fireball, Blizzard, Pyroblast, Pyros, Sorcerers Apprentice, Alu'Neth, Arcanologist, and Primordial Glyph.

Shaman: Murkspark Eel. Making it Even-Cost makes this seem unplayable. Maybe meant for Elemental Shaman decks idk.

A further push on Totem shaman with the reduced cost Hero Power. Still sucks. It's just too transparent of a deck strategy, and far too easy to counter.

Baku the Mooneater: Seems really good, possibly bringing back Control Warrior. Warlock, Paladin and Priest also benefit greatly and can probably get away with an ODD deck. Makes Glitter Moth worth considering.

Warlock can't use Gul'dan, Defile, Hellfire, Amethyst Spell Stone, Twisting Nether. Paladin loses Spikeridged, Tirion, Call to Arms, Crystal Lion, Val'anyr.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Can't run it with UI... Good luck.

No Fireball, Blizzard, Pyroblast, Pyros, Sorcerers Apprentice, Alu'Neth, Arcanologist, and Primordial Glyph.

A further push on Totem shaman with the reduced cost Hero Power. Still sucks. It's just too transparent of a deck strategy, and far too easy to counter.

Warlock can't use Gul'dan, Defile, Hellfire, Amethyst Spell Stone, Twisting Nether. Paladin loses Spikeridged, Tirion, Call to Arms, Crystal Lion, Val'anyr.

Druid: And no Swipe which imo hurts more. I said "almost playable". Would be more of a tempo/aggro deck, but 5 mana is expensive for aggro still.. but you can play Living Mana and Savage Roar still, so there is some potential. Also taunt deck could be revived.

Mage: Black Cat is for a Jaina/Alanna deck, don't need most of those cards you mentioned. Losing Blizzard is the greatest loss. Probably replace with the 5 mana aoe spell or something else.

Baku: I simply said it is strong to upgrade your hero power for those other classes. Based on when Trueheart was in standard. Warlock didn't run Trueheart either, but not losing health to tap is still powerful. I mainly see it as Control Warrior card, but there is potential with the others simply because we saw it with Trueheart.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Based on when Trueheart was in standard.

But Trueheart was just a drop in. Obviously it didn't give you the hero power bonus from turn 1, but you also only sacrificed 1 spot to include it.

I was just listing for some classes how big of a sacrifice including these guys is. And I just don't see a boost to hero power compensating for giving up such important cards. Warlock would have to give up ALL of their AE control cards, in an odds only deck.

Not to mention. The no even cards also mean no Spellbreaker or cheap Ooze. That's pretty damn rough in the current meta.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
But Trueheart was just a drop in. Obviously it didn't give you the hero power bonus from turn 1, but you also only sacrificed 1 spot to include it.

I was just listing for some classes how big of a sacrifice including these guys is. And I just don't see a boost to hero power compensating for giving up such important cards. Warlock would have to give up ALL of their AE control cards, in an odds only deck.

Not to mention. The no even cards also mean no Spellbreaker or cheap Ooze. That's pretty damn rough in the current meta.
If Warlock took it I was thinking a Zoolock or Demonlock deck. All the good demons are Odd. And Aggro/Tempo warlock decks usually don't run much aoe
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Molten Core Raider
At least the even or odd restriction legends allow for consistency since they apply at the beginning of the game. Keleseth and Reno were horrible in that there is no decision making. Either you draw Reno and just win vs aggro or you probably lose. Coin flippy bullshit like that is just bad to play with and against.

Black Cat might be pretty awesome because an upgraded mage hero power makes up for a lot of slack in low cost removal.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I also think this new gimmick won't be strong but ,as Ravishing mentioned, we are usually wrong. The stuff Blizzard tries to push the hardest is usually garbage and none of these look like Jade Idol. That was obviously and blatantly broken. I already have 1500g saved but the preorder deal is almost too good to pass on this time.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So far I’m more worried about Rush+recruit and cubes more than anything else.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Warlock took it I was thinking a Zoolock or Demonlock deck. All the good demons are Odd. And Aggro/Tempo warlock decks usually don't run much aoe

Problem with zoolock is that zoolock doesn't lose games from running out of hitpoints, so the improved hero power does not really help the deck.

But Trueheart was just a drop in. Obviously it didn't give you the hero power bonus from turn 1, but you also only sacrificed 1 spot to include it.

You didn't sacrifice one spot in your deck with Trueheart for the better heropower, you got a pretty solid minion on the board with it that your opponent had to deal with on their turn.

Also one thing people need to keep in mind: Baku tells your opponent everything about your deck. They see the hero power on turn one and know that you will not be running key cards of your class because they're even mana cost.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Problem with zoolock is that zoolock doesn't lose games from running out of hitpoints, so the improved hero power does not really help the deck.

You didn't sacrifice one spot in your deck with Trueheart for the better heropower, you got a pretty solid minion on the board with it that your opponent had to deal with on their turn.

Also one thing people need to keep in mind: Baku tells your opponent everything about your deck. They see the hero power on turn one and know that you will not be running key cards of your class because they're even mana cost.

A 6/3 isn't a decent body at all. She was played because the upgraded hero powers were worth the slot. Getting them turn 1 is very strong
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's a minion they have to remove, granted it's not hard to remove but it could force a removal otherwise reserved for a bigger threat.

Yes, getting the better hero power on turn 1 is strong. But so is knowing your opponent doesn't run any fireballs or twisting nether or free from amber and so on
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I think that this could be very useful for maximizing hero power in decks - which isn't trivial.

People tend to make the mistake about hero powers that they're only to be used if you can't do something better immediately. This happens less when you're planning multiple rounds ahead, but it still happens sometimes there due to improper valuation. Hero powers are a resource - you get as many of them as there are turns in a game. So if you end up with a situation where you can play a 2cost spell or a 2cost hero power, and you're in burn mode, then people tend to cast the spell because it is more damage, even though that means that over the span of multiple turns, they've done less total damage than they would if they'd have hero powered earlier and not left mana on the table in later rounds.
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Trump's Staff
None are. All 6 have been shown, and we know there's only 6 because of Donais' comment here. Baku is the only one that may possibly see play in some sort of face/charge hunter, but that won't be viable.

Unless the rest of the reveal is hiding some ridiculous synergy cards somehow without actually having the even/odd keyword, it simply won't be a viable archetype. It's just 2 wasted neutral legendary and some class epic slots.

Now, in future expansions they may go "hmm, this archetype isn't as popular as we wanted it to be, let's push some OP cards with the keyword to force people into it."

Gotta love blizzard design philosophy - play the game how WE want you to play.

People forget just how ridiculous Justicar Trueheart was in control Warrior, starting with that hero power turn 1 is nuts. Biggest thing holding back odd control Warrior IMHO is no silence, because Spellbreaker is 4. If they print a playable one it'll be a great deck.
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<Bronze Donator>
You don't have to have spellbreaker. It's main thing is going to be what is your actual win condition?
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