

You know, I have to give it to Blizzard on this one.

I hate it, I (as an ex-MtG player) *really* hate it for the simplicity and silliness and so on and so on but damned if they haven't done what Wizards never did.

I've actually *spent* twenty or thirty bucks on it so far. I **LOVE** MtG and have never spent a dime on sealed play. I stupidly don't care about doing so for an arena though... it is cheap entertainment but still!

Weird thought processes... I don't care about buying a card for whatever it costs. That's Magic. I, however, will flat out not buy a virtual card for even a nominal amount. Yet, I will (apparently) buy a ten minute playsession that gives me a shitty card pack to use in a mode I don't even like though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, that's the Blizzard deal right? Not innovation, but achieving mainstream success with the groundwork of others. I really think they have a hit on their hands. The game has flaws, but its not fatally flawed like D3 was at release so I think it has enough legs to survive the first year development cycle even with the slow Blizzard pace. I think they are nuts for not having a full team working around the clock to get this thing on mobile/tablets sooner than next year though.


Avatar of War Slayer
Best thing this game did was the stupid shit to click on while waiting for your opponent to play. And smooth animations for cards being played/attacks.

Aka. Yeah. blizzard polish.


Just stopped an arena run at 8. For my last game, I played try-hard mode until it looked like I had the win. My opponent was actually doing really well, but his early aggro Warlock deck sputtered out and my mid-range Shaman deck gained the upper hand. Then he started top decking, and I had board control, yadda yadda. But I didn't actually want to win, so I just spammed 'Well Played' and passed my turns without attacking. He realized and started spamming 'Thank You' and proceeded to kill me over a few turns.

I only had 160 gold, so I wanted to stop at 8 wins to get more gold. Ended up getting 220. Feels good to give back.

Also, I used to think thatAncestral Spiritwas a terrible spell, but its actually pretty good if you couple it with a big minion like Fire Elemental. Those two cards won me a bunch of games. (Stampeding Kodos eating Blood Imps were pretty big, too)


I run Ancestral Spirit and Al'Akir in ranked just for shits and giggles. Even though he's probably the worst class epic around, using him to suicide into things only to have him get resurrected and attack 2 or 4 more times that round is pretty hilarious.

I've also been running that warrior deck with Molten Giants and Brewmasters. Took a mage from 25 to 0 in one turn with it. Doesn't happen too often but when you manage to pull the miracle combo out it's very satisfying.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Ancestral Spirit on Argents is one of my favorite combos. I can't justify two, but I run one in my Shaman deck. I'd be curious to try using Al'Akir if I had him unlocked.


<Silver Donator>
It's complete shit, unless you also have ancestral. Mana cost is way too high for what it does imo. Divine shield and windfury doesn't synergize well, if it was a 6attack maybe it'd be ok, like a stronger Argent Commander, but since it's windfury you pop the shield on the first hit and take damage on second. Having taunt doesn't help much either.

Ancestral on taunters and shit is nice though, as long as opponent doesn't have silence or hex/poly. It's not super good but it can be annoying to deal with, like if you ancestral an earth elemental.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I got al'akir about a week ago, I don't play shaman too often, but whenever I've been able to play him I haven't been disappointed. He's very flexible, he's good when you're behind and he's good when you're ahead. If you're behind he's going to trade at least 2 for 1 because you'll undoubtedly be able to kill at least one minion, if your lucky you may be able to remove a second minion, but if not you'll at least weaken a 2nd minion making him trade it next turn or use another card to remove it giving you a 3 for 1. And if you're ahead, 6 charge damage is always good and he has taunt to help keep any low health minions you have alive. Plus if you're ahead you might have a flametongue or rockbiter weapon making it 10-12 charge damage.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That placement bug is making me fucking rage. My defender of argus not buffing a 3/3 and then the priest SW:pain hit it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Addendum: Played Silver Hand Knight, followed by my 2nd Defender of Argus. The 4/4 and his Squire flip places so the Squire doesn't get the buff. Seems like once it starts happening in a game, it just continues.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, minions that spawn minions are usually what causes the minions moving all over the board.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Deathwing is the most anti-fun card in the game, lost to a mage in arena after playing around 2 flamestrikes, was playing around a 3rd when they play deathwing. I'm a druid so I have no hard removal even if I wanted, had a silence in hand, but it does jack all against a 12/12. I don't understand why it is so big/how they expect you to remove it when it clears your board, its stats need to be changed to something like 12/x, x=the number of minions it removes or number of cards you discarded.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It's a legendary but i'm finding tinkmaster overspark to be a great general sheep/silence when saved for mid/late game. takes half deathwings bite away anyways....

The Master

Bronze Squire
Big Game Hunter is a neutral removal. Most Druids run at least one Naturalize in constructed for precisely those types of situations. But there are lots of class specific ways of handling it. Hex, Sheep, Aldor Peackeeper making it a 1/12 is suddenly not very threatening, or Equality to make it a 12/1 and then you can do any number of things to deal 1 damage.

The issue with arena of course being that if you don't happen into any of those things, you're screwed, but then the odds of your opponent getting a legendary is even smaller, and since most people try and draft very aggressive arena decks...


Yeah, in Arena Deathwing might be a great card if your opponent doesn't have any hard removal, but in constructed with sheep, assassinate, hex, equality it usually ends up a terrible card.

I've managed to draw it before as a Paladin in arena but of course they top deck a sheep or some shit. It has its niche but in no way is Deathwing overpowered.

an accordion_sl

Yeah, in Arena Deathwing might be a great card if your opponent doesn't have any hard removal, but in constructed with sheep, assassinate, hex, equality it usually ends up a terrible card.

I've managed to draw it before as a Paladin in arena but of course they top deck a sheep or some shit. It has its niche but in no way is Deathwing overpowered.
Can't this argument be made for every single high cost card?
Had the beta a couple days now. It's pretty fun and didn't take long to clear the AI and make Diamond III. Now every game is running face first into a stack of rares, epics, and legendaries often in finely tuned decks. It's still possible to win, yet difficult with a hodgepodge of starter cards. Frustrating.


Can't this argument be made for every single high cost card?
He mentioned that Deathwing wasn't particularly fun to play against. Alexstrasza, Malygos, Ysera, Ragnaros all have better battlecries/abilities that can be used that turn. As far as the high cost legendaries, Deathwing is one of the least used and tends to be fairly useless most of the time. Most any other legendary is a better pick than Deathwing in Arena and in constructed.
It's a legendary but i'm finding tinkmaster overspark to be a great general sheep/silence when saved for mid/late game. takes half deathwings bite away anyways....
everytime I saw someone play him his invention either healed me or that stupid device turned the Tinkmaster into a chicken and then one turn later itself
the Tinkmaster himself is an ok 6/6 and I can see why people put him into their starter decks when they only have the standard minions but his inventions are too RNG to be used as a guaranteed polymorph/silence


<Silver Donator>
I've had him played against me once where it actually won the game, but the rest of the times it did nothing more than a 6/6 and a few times it actually won me the game by healing me twice in a row or sheeping the tinkmaster then itself.

Just faced a hunter in arena at 7-0, fucking annoying deck he had 3explosive, 2frost traps, savanah+hyenas+kodo charger, and then when I thought I finally had board control(at the expense of my health, I was playing rogue so had to weapon facetank some shit and all), he fucking turn 9 charge dino shit, didn't even know that card existed. Dropped me to 5 health, thank god I had enough cards on board to kill it and still retain my stormwind commander, and finished him before he could steady shot me to death. Finished with 1 hp, close game. Think it's first time I got to 8/0, I then played 3 more games just attacking into creatures I couldn't kill and passing turns. My rogue deck was pretty good, tons of creatures and most of the good ones, a few bigger guys for late(stormwind commander, core hound because the other 2 cards were shit and I figured why not and venture co merc cause I love this guy) and quite a bit of control. No backstab, only one draw(shiv), only one assassin blade/no perdition, no SI:7. Overall a shitty "rogue" deck, but a good neutral deck.