

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That Novice Engineer nerf is stupid. A 2 cost 1/1 that cycles? It's complete garbage now.
i dont think teh 1 health makes it garbage. Its actually in a good spot like this. It has 1 less stat than the other cyclers but takes effect immediatly so no shenanigans happen. Its a good change to try and see some variations in the 2 cost cyclers.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"We want the game to be about."

That's the only phrase I needed to read to realize that this game was doomed from the outset. If you use this mentality, then all you're going to have is a game where every card falls within a very narrow set of parameters and you end up with a very bland game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought loot hoarder was marginally better to begin with.
the problems with deathrattles is you arnt guaranteed to get them.
the big miss in the patch is the defender of argus. 2/3 makes no difference at all. It should have made it taunt +0/+1 or something like that.


A nice asshole.
"We want the game to be about."

That's the only phrase I needed to read to realize that this game was doomed from the outset. If you use this mentality, then all you're going to have is a game where every card falls within a very narrow set of parameters and you end up with a very bland game.
The quest for "balance" may once again prove fatal to another blizzard game. The variety of cards already only allows for cookie cutter builds for best chance of success, keep on making the cards boring and the fun goes away.

The Ancient_sl

the problems with deathrattles is you arnt guaranteed to get them.
the big miss in the patch is the defender of argus. 2/3 makes no difference at all. It should have made it taunt +0/+1 or something like that.
If someone wants to waste a silence on a loot hoarder I'm going to feel pretty good about it.

2/3 does make a difference. It just doesn't completely negate the cards value.


Trakanon Raider
"Killed' might not have been the best choice of words but hitting their charges the way they did really hurts them a lot. It really limits what decks are viable for them. On the other hand, Charge (the card) was modified and not flat out nerfed so it might open up some new strategies for them.

Over all though, my personal, gut reaction, is that Warriors are similar to mages. They clawed their way to a top tier spot and now they're getting slapped back down again. And I still think Giants are too gimmicky and the whole concept needs a rework. Someone, someday, will find a new way to abuse them again.


Priests seem to be not so well represented from what I've been seeing anyway, so a slight buff to them might not be so bad.

UTH is going to be very strong again ... even getting two 1/1 beasts with charge for two is value already. Not to mention that it will be much easier to combo with a timber wolf/animal companion in one turn now.

Novice engineer was vastly preferred over loot hoarder, mainly (IMO) because it was more likely to survive and be buffed by an SSC/DID/Argus. Now it will be run much less most likely especially with the nerfs to those buff cards.

Warsong change really kills the card, which is really too bad because it makes it pretty worthless even in 'normal' non-OTK play which I enjoyed as a warrior. The only point of it was to get some nice charges off with big minions. Now I really can't see it being used ever. I think warrior will be fine though. Grom + inner rage is such a huge finisher and they have a ton of control as it stands - just no more OTK.

Sylvanas was overrepresented compared to Cairne or The Beast or Baron Geddon, much less the more 'situational' legendaries - seemed like every deck that I saw played on a top stream (other than murlocs) had a Sylvanas.

The obvious point that wasn't addressed is molten giants + argus type combos. I guess those have easier counters though.

I think argus wasn't nerfed enough really - maybe I'm just jelly because I don't have a black knight

Anyway good to see changes that will mix up the meta and keep things interesting

The Master

Bronze Squire
I don't get the abusive sergeant "change", do they not know that is already how the card worked?
But yeah, it is really more of a buff for did. The majority of the time the +2 just went on a minion to trade and now you can play it with nothing on the board.
It used to be friendly only.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"Killed' might not have been the best choice of words but hitting their charges the way they did really hurts them a lot. It really limits what decks are viable for them. On the other hand, Charge (the card) was modified and not flat out nerfed so it might open up some new strategies for them.
the place it really hurts warriors is in arena. i wouldnt look forward to playing one now.


Trakanon Raider
Holy Light x2 (12), Lay on Hands x2 (28), Guardian of Kings x2 (40), Brewmaster x4 on GoK (64), Farseer x2 (70), Elune x2 (78), With Doctor x2 (82), True Silver x2 (90), Captain Greenskin x1 (92), Darkscale Healer x2 (96). Which is literally every possible piece of healing available to a Paladin. So unless you're counting some weird Alexstraza combo happening multiple times, or counting minion healing on the Darkscale... not quite. Though considering the way the numbers line up, I'm guessing you expect to Brewmaster an Alexstraza four times and always have it take you from 1 to 15. Which is a little silly to contemplate.

The Abusive Sergeant Change is strong for Priests. It means any 4 attack minions can be boosted in SW: Death range to remove it, so for 4 mana and two cards you can remove a difficult threat and end up with a 2/1 on the board. I was playing with a Priest deck for a while last reset and other than losing to agro 'lock if I didn't draw perfectly, my primary issue was dealing with 4 attack minions.
Yeah exactly. But that's why I said more than 80 was highly unlikely. Just theoretical. But it's not that hard to hit 80 with double brewmasters. It's actually not doing so badly, because there's still room for some beefy finishers. I mostly did it just to do it.

Love most of the nerfs. The Blood Imp nerf went a little too far imo and the Defender of Argus nerf was lazy. Now too similar to Sunfury. It should have simply given +1 defense, end of story. Also Pyro coulda been changed to: (8) Deal 8 Damage to a Player or 10 Damage to a Minion, but I'm fine with the 10 mana as well.


<Silver Donator>
Interesting to see no direct nerf to druids though, I had kept some of my doubles thinking druid of the claw or keeper of the grove would get nerfed slightly just because, but apparently not.


Trakanon Raider
I agree with most of the changes. The abusive sergeant change is amazing for priests, which I've been playing recently. Definitely adding 2 post patch. As it is, I already phased out defender of argus from most of my decks anyhow since I run ancient watcher/sunfury in my control decks, and more often than not I don't have enough targets on board in my slow decks to get full benefit from defender. I finally saved up enough dust to craft a legendary and was going to make Sylvanas, but now I'm not so sure. I'll wait until postpatch to see feedback on how she performs at 6 mana.

Just finished a warlock arena run 12-1 last night, and I was totally carried by the 4 blood imps the deck had. The new imps are such a big nerf. Losing that 1 attack is a big deal in some situations.


Trakanon Raider
"Also Pyro coulda been changed to: (8) Deal 8 Damage to a Player or 10 Damage to a Minion, but I'm fine with the 10 mana as well."

My issue with Pyro is the following: Blizzard attempted to use a standardized formula for direct damage spells. A "vanilla" direct damage spell did mana cost +1. Now a lot of spells fall out of that formula and are either more efficient or less efficient based on not being "vanilla." At the very beginning Mages followed this formula (on the front page of the Hearthstone site you can still see Fireball doing 6 damage for 5 mana) but people were not playing mage with spells despite being the "spell caster" class. So mages, were specifically, buffed to be better with a more favorable formula of damage = mana +2.

Flash forward to today: Pyroblast is now the least efficient spell in the game since it's damage = mana. And as I mentioned, today's aggro mage won't live long enough to cast a Pyroblast and control mages are rarely seen after the rounds of freeze nerfs.

It just irritates me because Pyroblast was our "finisher." Unless things really lined up it was really rare to go back to back Pyroblasts to win a game (and that all relied on having Iceblocks being popped late). If we tried to go back to back Pyroblasts, it was very easy to finish the mage off before both were cast. Yes, Iceblock, does help but the one thing to remember is that Pyroblast AND Iceblock could not be played on the same turn unless the coin was saved until turn 10 (unlikely at best) or a Sorcerer's Apprentice was, actually, allowed to live for a turn after being played. Did back to back Pyro's happen and win the game? Yes, of course they did. But if the mage is able to get back to back pyros off, odds are the opponent was losing already.


Trakanon Raider
I guess Antonidas just got a lot better.
As I always say with Antonidas:

I've played him when my opponent had zero minions on the board, zero cards in hand, and zero cards in their deck (taking fatigue damage). My opponent still manages to find a way to kill him... He's a good Legendary but not the best class Legendary by far. If you don't combo him with cheap spells, odds are the only thing he's going to do is draw direct fire from your opponent (which isn't always a bad thing but not usually the reason a mage wanted to play him in the first place).


Lord Nagafen Raider
"Also Pyro coulda been changed to: (8) Deal 8 Damage to a Player or 10 Damage to a Minion, but I'm fine with the 10 mana as well."

My issue with Pyro is the following: Blizzard attempted to use a standardized formula for direct damage spells. A "vanilla" direct damage spell did mana cost +1. Now a lot of spells fall out of that formula and are either more efficient or less efficient based on not being "vanilla." At the very beginning Mages followed this formula (on the front page of the Hearthstone site you can still see Fireball doing 6 damage for 5 mana) but people were not playing mage with spells despite being the "spell caster" class. So mages, were specifically, buffed to be better with a more favorable formula of damage = mana +2.

Flash forward to today: Pyroblast is now the least efficient spell in the game since it's damage = mana. And as I mentioned, today's aggro mage won't live long enough to cast a Pyroblast and control mages are rarely seen after the rounds of freeze nerfs.

It just irritates me because Pyroblast was our "finisher." Unless things really lined up it was really rare to go back to back Pyroblasts to win a game (and that all relied on having Iceblocks being popped late). If we tried to go back to back Pyroblasts, it was very easy to finish the mage off before both were cast. Yes, Iceblock, does help but the one thing to remember is that Pyroblast AND Iceblock could not be played on the same turn unless the coin was saved until turn 10 (unlikely at best) or a Sorcerer's Apprentice was, actually, allowed to live for a turn after being played. Did back to back Pyro's happen and win the game? Yes, of course they did. But if the mage is able to get back to back pyros off, odds are the opponent was losing already.
Ice block is a secret right? So it doesn't need to be played the same turn as pyro...right?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Warsong nerf, I agree kills the card. Giving the first minion played each turn charge would have been a much better change imo. DoA change is just retarded it was already underpriced if you have 2 minions on the board and overpriced if you have nothing. There are sometimes those dire straits where you have to play the 3/3 for 4, now playing a 2/3 for 4 just isn't going to get it done. It is a defender, why not just change it to gives adjacent minions +0/+1 and taunt like everyone has been saying for the past 3 months, gaining +2 attack has always been the problem with the card/what makes it so powerful.