

Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah i cut off too much of his board, it was a handlock. He facelessed my sylvanas and defendered, I put double ancestral spirit on my sylvanas, suicided it into his, and ended up stealing his while creating 2 more of my own. Was pretty lulzy.


Poet Warrior
This has been my go-to deck for several months. It has fluctuated here and there but this is the main thing so far as I have made it. I made this deck long before the current Druid meta that exists today. Probably the two biggest differences between this and the 'standard' rank Druid are no Wild Growth, no Bloodmage Thalnos, and no Azure Drakes. I decided to just drop +Spell Damage altogether. A 5/2 Swipe is a thing of beauty, but it is a thing that I find I don't normally need. 4/1 works most of the time. The cantrip aspects of both Thalnos and Azure Drake are made up for in one card: a second Nourish. I posted this deck (or its contemporary manifestation of it at the time anyway) a few months ago and was ripped for having two Nourishes but I'm telling you guys, it works. I did drop the second one for a while and I noticed a difference. If you are not going to play the cantrips, you need the second Nourish.

I also finally dropped the second Force of Nature in favor of a Tazdingo and it has really helped me curve down to face the aggro decks.

So anyway, this is the same deck (or at least a newer version of the same deck) I posted several months ago and just wanted to submit it for review. I encourage people to try it. I really have a ton of fun with this one but am open to further suggestions.



<Silver Donator>
No Ancients of Lore? I have 2 regrowth but that's cause I only have 1 lore, I'd play 2lore 1 regrowth easily instead, lore healing is extremely nice situationally(like after alexstraza). Also not a fan of Power of the Wild without token deck, it sure adds to the FoN combo but it doesn't seem to be worth it to me vs running something else and you don't really have that many small minions either. Druid decks are pretty good overall though, the druid cards are just really good overall.

Edit: replace regrowth with nourish, always mix up the names.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It is always a mistake to not run 2x Ancient of Lore in any kind of druid deck.

I just came within a single Pyroblast of losing to Freeze Mage as Control Warrior. My shame would have been eternal to lose that matchup.

Then again, he was playing giants, so it seems likely that Pyroblast probably gets cut to make room.


Poet Warrior
Ancient of Lore.

I had this whole litany of reasons to disagree with you but I am being reminded of the card, Shadow Word: Death and the recent prevalence of Priests. If SWD is going to explode my Ancient no matter which one I play, then I might as well get the best Battlecry effect I can for my casting cost of 7.

This might be right. I think I'll start by replacing War with Lore and seeing what happens.


<Silver Donator>
Oh I'd keep war, I'd just fit lore in there. Probably remove one nourish and power of the wild for 2 lores, that's how I'd do it at least. Arguably can remove both nourish, but not necessary, that said unless you use the ramp with innervate on nourish sometimes, I think for late card draw lore is pretty much always better, you get one less card and pay 2more mana but you get one "card" in play, a big 5/5, so it's kinda like 3cards and you play a 5/5 for 2. It's such an efficient card even if you only draw out of it, and the heal can easily win you games at times, by simply putting you out of lethal for one turn or whatever.

Also as usual I call Nourish "regrowth", not sure why.

The Ancient_sl

If I was dropping something the first thing I'd take out was the elven archer or the argent squire. What are they doing in that deck?

Actually looking further, your curve is pretty terrible and you don't have the wild growth ramp. There is a lot to change there, how far did you get with it?


Golden Knight of the Realm
To me, any version of double combo probably would get better results than with that deck. Or if you're going to stay with tempo, I'd optimize things more. Druids--especially if you run 2 x wild growth/2 x innervate--don't really need one drops. You can get to mid game much faster than anyone else. Power of the wild can work on tempo/ramp, but just one? Only one Yeti/Shield masta? Two starfalls seems overboard too.

And yeah, 2 x Lore is basically required in any druid deck. They're too good not to use.

Maybe try:

- elven archer/argent squire/1 x starfall/2 x nourish
+ 2 x wild growth/2 x ancient of lore/1 x force of nature (I run two and don't regret it at all)

From there, see if you really need to keep the harvesters. I think you probably don't with 2 x wild growth. Think about replacing them with an extra yeti/shield masta.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't know how to beat miracles rogues without decks that scream I'M GOING TO BEAT MIRACLE ROGUES.

edit: shit like turn 4 drake into prep into fan makes me want to break things. That deck is just dumb as fuck.


<Silver Donator>
I don't know how to beat miracles rogues without decks that scream I'M GOING TO BEAT MIRACLE ROGUES.
There's just many ways to beat miracle, but it most often comes down to RNG. Miracle can beat any deck regardless of how much anti miracle counters it has, as long as you get the right cards at the right time. The miracle aspect is so strong it doesn't matter for shit what you do to counter it because they basically take several turns for every turn you play. At the same time, it's a combo deck, if you don't get the combo cards, it's pretty poop. It's always a speed race to see if you can kill the rogue before he gets his combo off and the combo is extremely centered around auctioneers which there's only 2 of and no way to go search for them, so not drawing auctioneers make miracle into a very shitty tempo rogue deck.

If he draws the combo right away, most decks will straight up lose. If he doesn't, a lot of decks stand decent chances, like control paladins(lots of healing and taunt), handlock(massive taunters and can somewhat keep up in terms of cards usage), freeze mage(if they don't massively pressure you, blocks+direct nukes will take care of it), any very fast rush deck with good draws(rush hunter, rush paladin, rush warlock).


Lord Nagafen Raider
The problem is you don't even have to draw 'the combo' right away. Of course if he draws straight air the entire game he can lose, but every non aggro deck can deal with the same thing.


<Silver Donator>
Correct but if you don't draw auctioneers to cycle the deck relatively fast, it becomes increasingly hard to win against anything unless you're lucky and draw the entire damage combo while the opponent doesn't have taunt. Even when you do draw the auctioneer, it takes 1 to 2 turns to close the game depending on how much health your opponent has and how late it is. This leaves a fairly ample time for other decks to win. The deck isn't particularily weak while waiting for the combo, which is one of its strengths, but you'll still lose often to bad draws, like any other decks and a lot of decks do well against an average draw.

It's not a unbeatable deck, it is however fairly consistent against most decks and can beat anything given the right draws regardless of what the opponent has, giving it a higher winrate that average I'd assume. Handlock and Freeze mages tend to be challenging matchups. Control paladin depending on draws does well too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So do we know if we're only gonna be getting Naxx cards through gold? Dust not gonna matter at all?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm havin a pretty hard time gaining any momentum in this game. My collection at this point is decent, but I don't have everything. Still short a few of the best legs. Alex, Sylv, Cairne...

And yeah, I'm MTG player #34903 to have a slow as fuck start in this shit.


Sparkletot Monger
They need better milling cards to counter some of these decks I think. Not enough good options there.


Bronze Squire
Supposedly only earned by running Naxx from what I understand. I would guess you can't craft them.
This is correct. The only way to get the Naxx cards as it stands currently is to plays the wings. You cannot craft them and they are soulbound once you obtain them.