

<Silver Donator>
Beat it, was a lot more annoying than the first 2weeks I found. Razuvious I tried paladin with taunts/heals and couldn't get it done at all he kept overpowering me with his lategame shit somehow, eventually changed to crusher shaman(well with tweaks for the fight) and won on first game but got pretty lucky draw, ended with 3 earth elementals.

Gothik wasn't too much trouble, few tries with paladin deck with BoK/BoM/alpha wolf and a bunch of healing/lategame, he ran out of cards and had nothing on the board left when I killed him.

4 horsemen felt the most shitty, basically it's entirely reliant on drawing the right shit/him not drawing the right shit. Avenge as first turn secret is pretty much gg, weapon after you kill the 3mobs is generally gg, so yeah. Beat him with a rogue deck made specifically for this, Patient Assassin is actually a really good card for this since other than consecration he can't remove it so you get one knight, Assassination obviously but only one cause it's a slow card for this fight, Sap wastes his turns and reduces damage taken and can be used to bounce Avenger buffed mob. Used Crazed Alchemist+Betrayal and Crazed Alchemist+Backstab combos too. Once I had all 3 so I basically cleared the 3 knights in one turn, then he played his 2nd weapon and I still lost, fucking bullshit. Chargers+Cold Blood otherwise(wolves and arcane golem), Leeroy/Evisc to finish and a few stall cards like shield bearers, exploding ghoul and the 2/8 taunt guys(which summons nothing since he only has spells and weapons in his deck, but he generally corruption/shadow word pain it so not the greatest card).

Still took me several tries to draw the right stuff and not die to his 2nd weapon once the knights were dead. When I won I was basically dead if he had drawn the weapon the turn before(he had 6cards in hand) as I was 1 off lethal the turn before.

The Ancient_sl

It's fucking Magic the Fucking Gathering. They randomly make whole expansions that are shitty. They fill sets with garbage intended for play in limited and limited only. But over time the card power in eternal formats goes up and new cards that are strictly better than older cards do get printed. Hearthstone is not immune to that.
That's cool. We were talking about Column's assertion that Warlock power would be godly in Arena because all the cards are eventually so good. What were you talking about?


Trakanon Raider
I thought MTG might get mentioned when I made that post, but I didn't think The Ancient would be so stupid to assume that it's the same thing, considering Magic is released in blocks. The tiny blip that is a few classic cards and a few Legacy cards, over the course of 15 years, is NOT evidence that cards don't get stronger. Because if you look at the other 99% of the cards, including from Beta and Legacy or whatever, they simply DO. I can't believe you idiots are using PO9 as an argument. Do your research, PO9 was a design blip, they had no idea what they fuck they were doing when the game first started and it was designed to be a lot more casual. If you don't even know what an ante is, you don't understand Magic's history enough to make arguments about card power. Do some googling or read some archived articles. Magic designers have explained card inflation and raising power themselves. This is such a dumb non argument.

Owned Razuvious first try with Handlock. Will see about the other 2 later, hope they are harder. The last wing I killed the first boss with 30 life first try, but I was pleased that Heigan and Loatheb took me 5-6 tries.

Edit: Reading now I'm seeing how many problems people had with Razuvious haha. Guess I got lucky, although I felt like I didn't and was pissed because he got a perfect Brawl and a few other things to remove my giants, but still smashed him first try with my ladder Handlock.
How do you distinguish bots from bad players?
The bot plays pretty well. I don't wanna link their site/forum but you can just google it in 1 second if you want to. The bot doesn't hover over any cards (red outlining), it never shows targeting arrow, interval between plays is very regular no matter what they play etc. It can play any deck afaik but plays some decks better like token druid, shaman and zoo. At least those are the classes/types I've seen being botted mostly. Personally I'm 3-1 against what I'm 100% sure were bots and I don't remember any obvious mistakes from their part.

Dunno how much Blizzard can do to combat it really and I'm not decided myself how I feel about it. In chess even grandmasters haven't been able to win against computer for like 10 years I think?


Trakanon Raider
The bot plays pretty well. I don't wanna link their site/forum but you can just google it in 1 second if you want to. The bot doesn't hover over any cards (red outlining), it never shows targeting arrow, interval between plays is very regular no matter what they play etc. It can play any deck afaik but plays some decks better like token druid, shaman and zoo. At least those are the classes/types I've seen being botted mostly. Personally I'm 3-1 against what I'm 100% sure were bots and I don't remember any obvious mistakes from their part.

Dunno how much Blizzard can do to combat it really and I'm not decided myself how I feel about it. In chess even grandmasters haven't been able to win against computer for like 10 years I think?
I've decided I don't care. They play reasonably well and don't take 9 years so they are fun to play against. They'll never be as good as a computer that can play chess because of the random nature of HS. What does it really matter in a game like HS? Who cares, they are getting a golden hero or the max 100 gold a day, big whoops. Don't mind them. Although they do have some AI flaws, they play Savage Roar really badly @@. I doubt anyone will create one that will use statistical probabilities with their opponent's deck and make decisions like that etc. The algorithms are much simpler.


Poet Warrior
I don't have time to play this morning but I wanted to do the 700 Gold purchase of the Military Quarter before I leave so I wouldn't have to try during NA primetime. I clicked 'purchase' and it stuck on Authorizing just like last week. God dammit.

Had to shut down the game and try again, this time it worked fine. Thank lord jeebus. Last week sucked. Just finished beating Heroic Heigan last night finally. I am definitely making a goofy Baron Rivendare deck.


Trakanon Raider
Lul I mass Dispel'd the Horsemen on turn 4 and then double Mind Blasted and Smited with a Geomancer for the win.


Toe Sucker
Whats a good basic deck that can take out maexxna? i've had a hard time with her using mage and priest.. i don't really have any cards other than the basics and a few random ones like 2 abusive seargents, 2 of those silence moths, 2 of those spiders etc.

I only chose mage because i realized i got a Archmage Antonidas card at some point in the last couple days lol (which i didn't get a chance to use anyway because i'd get overwhelmed before i could try him due to bad RNG)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maexxna is the boss of the first wing right? Zoo works just fine, just google hearthstone zoo deck and build as closely as you can. Basically you just need a bunch of 1/2 cost minions to overwhelm. If its the heroic version elven archer and mind control tech are good cards to use, although mct is a rare card.
Had pretty funny wins for all the heroic military quarter. I thoughtstole 2 runeblades from instructor and just smashed his face in. The other 2 i killed with fatigue, gothik with a dodgy ramp druid deck with poison seeds soul of the forest and buffs/card mill. And horsemen i fatigued out with a priest with taunts, leaving one horsemen up silenced. Not the most efficient of wins but it was fun.


Toe Sucker
Maexxna is the boss of the first wing right? Zoo works just fine, just google hearthstone zoo deck and build as closely as you can. Basically you just need a bunch of 1/2 cost minions to overwhelm. If its the heroic version elven archer and mind control tech are good cards to use, although mct is a rare card.
I'll give zoo a whirl, i haven't liked it from what i've tried though lol


Trakanon Raider
Finally got him.

I had 2 Divine Spirits and an Inner Fire in my opening hand. So I got a Student up to 20 Attack and over 20 health and just beat his face in. It wasn't fun though.


Trakanon Raider
So Crusher Shaman is not any better at all. In fact, it might even be worse somehow. It's over complicated now. I've play tested a dozen games and am thoroughly exhausted and tired of how shitty Reincarnate and Rivendare are. They are so gimmicky it's not even funny. You'll get the rare x3 Earth Elemental, but the other times you are getting your ass handed to you because you're trying to set up over complicated shit. You'd think Reincarnate would just be good on its own with certain things even without combos like Ancestral Spirit or Rivendare, but it simply isn't and neither is Rivendare. Total absolute shit. It's only good for Leeroy (reincarnate). And yes if you manage to get Leeroy + Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate, you've got an 8 mana 18 damage combo (or 24 damage combo for 10 mana with a wind fury), but ugh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Crusher isn't a very good deck to begin with. Rivendare was always going to be shitty, Reincarnate is ok because it has a mild amount of utility aside from the various combo options.


By which i mean, Reincarnate definitely belongs in Crusher, and is worth experimenting with in general. Rivendare is a bad card period.


<Silver Donator>
Reincarnate is good with Cairne/Sylvanas, you pretty much fit those into crusher. Thing is the card is mostly a combo/control card, it's terrible against what tends to be the most annoying part when you play shaman which is aggro. The main problem with shaman control/crusher in general is it's very reliant on having the right cards at the right time because there's not as much recovery potential as other control decks. You don't get shit for draw mechanics(fucking totem sucks, most of the time it only cycles might as well play a fucking engineer instead) or heal mechanics. While druid/paladin/priest/warrior get plenty of both, if you fuck your start you're probably going to die before you stabilize or die after you stabilize from shit bypassing your taunts(silences+charges, direct nukes etc). Your lategame isn't even that much scarier until you get the right combos and for example Druid can combo almost as hard and sometimes harder(with the double roar innervate FoN).

I think if Shaman had like a Lay on Hands type of card it'd be so much better. Like Riptide or whatever, heal yourself for 4 then 4 next turn, draw a card then draw a card next turn. Shit would help so much in stabilizing if your start isn't perfect. Half the time when I played shaman it was like playing Miracle rogue without drawing an auctioneer, you hope you draw the fucking windfury/rockbiters/leeroy to turn the game in one turn before you die like shit. Once in a while you draw all your shit in the right order and you don't even get scratched but a lot of the time you just get crushed on turn 5 because you had jackshit and you need to play until at least turn 7-8 with 10+ life to actually have a chance.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah it's really annoying to me that Shamans have no healing. It's as if Blizzard has totally ignored the class design from WoW. They should have a couple healing spells, just as Druids, Priests and Paladins have. Why do Shamans get shafted?