

what Suineg set it to
When trying to grind up ranked play, if you get a really, really bad match up is there a reason to not concede and save time? Yea, Icouldwin, but for the time investment isn't that less wise?

The Master

Bronze Squire
When trying to grind up ranked play, if you get a really, really bad match up is there a reason to not concede and save time? Yea, Icouldwin, but for the time investment isn't that less wise?
Well, are you on a win streak? How common is the match up? How bad is it? Like 60/40? 70/30? Are you rank 5-?

I don't, but then I think of it as practice.


When trying to grind up ranked play, if you get a really, really bad match up is there a reason to not concede and save time? Yea, Icouldwin, but for the time investment isn't that less wise?
If you are playing a deck that is so fucking bad that it can even lose to a player with bad rng, you need to re evaluate the deck you are playing in ladder.

I've never heard of anyone conceding at the start....

And if you can win, why the fuck wouldn't you play it. If you are playing a slow deck that has the ability to go into Fatigue it's going to be slow regardless..


Trakanon Raider
When I'm not trying to rank up, I instantly concede against Priests. For example, when I'm just trying to knock out the daily quests, if I see a Priest, I just concede. Even the decks I have that can win against priests are soul crushing because it always goes to fatigue.

And that brings me to my main point, I concede very early in games. I've played enough to know when my position has become unwinnable. There are a LOT of people who will play to the very last card thinking that they can topdeck their way to a win but I've found that rarely happens. If I'm in a position where a single card can turn the tide and give me back the edge, I'll hang in there but as soon as I realize the game is not winnable, I concede. I really wish other people would do the same (especially those priests I actually play that insist on taking the games to fatigue when they simply cannot win). I'm sure the person on the other end thinks I'm rage quitting but, in fact, it's the exact opposite. I've calculated my odds, realize my position is not able to be salvaged so I concede to get into a new match as soon as possible.


Trakanon Raider
Shoulda known better than to think Blizzard had the DDOS attacks under control and to play Arena. God fucking dammit. Why does it always only affect you and not your opponent? We should both get a disconnect and a draw, ugh, not just one of us a loss because of this bs. Just gets to attack right through while I don't get to do anything on my turn and get disconnected. Fuck you. Now a 32 minute queue? Go fuck yourself. These hackers are pathetic, not enough attention as children. ISIS and video games? Seriously?


I'm assuming this DDOS thing is why I can't play Hearthstone right now. I just wanted to finally catch up on Naxx...

ninja edit: looks like I'm not the only one, lol


Poet Warrior
Just got booted out of Hearthstone mid-game due to 'Sorry, it's busy today! *smileyface!*' and am now in a 6 minute queue??? wtf....

lol nvm I see I am not alone


Trakanon Raider
Why are they doing the ddos attacks? Just because?
Apparently to protest bombings against ISIS. Apparently they think the US government will stop fighting scumbags so we can play our video games.Lizard Squad (LizardSquad) on Twitter


I still don't understand why I was the one that specifically lagged out and lost a game I was literally about to win next turn and my opponent was fine? Why does it work that way... so dumb. When shit like this happens they need to DC/draw both players. FFS it's not that difficult.

LOL finally got through my queue and it gave me an error and sent me to the beginning. Fuck it, not worth it. Although of COURSE it had to be on a holiday (in England). Ugh.


Trakanon Raider
It's a bunch of retards begging for attention, they apparently called that there's a bomb on Smedley's flight and got it diverted. I liked that reddit had a "don't name them" policy


Blackwing Lair Raider
So are bets going on sludge belcher getting nerfed? Card seems like an auto-include in any control deck and maybe even in some not so control decks. Also no reason not to run tbk because you can get value from him against 98% of the decks on ladder right now.

Lvled warrior some this weekend with the new control warrior and its nice not having to run whirlwinds and instead get value from an extra taunt minion and a new weapon. Bad matchups are the even greedier decks, new ramp druid, and a new greedy priest I ran into. Anyone using something to specifically counter hunter on ladder?, because I'm still running into a lot of them. This deck does well enough against it, but its really close in my experience, seems like 50/50 or slight edge to warrior 55/45.


I seriously doubt they will adjust Sludge Belcher, he is one of the sole reasons everything is so slow right now, and Blizzard likes it like that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If there were more silence options belcher would be a non-issue, but with Owls in hunter decks being about all that's used right now, they are a pain to get around. That's why duplicating them is so hilarious, even in my aggro/tempo deck :p

The Master

Bronze Squire
I don't think Sludge Belcher will see a change. The defensive cards, the death rattle heavy meta, everything slowed the game waaaay down. If every single card introduced made the game slower, you can clearly figure out it was their intention even if they hadn't explicitly stated it. Since the game is slower, mission accomplished. No reason to change anything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Granted it does seem they wanted to slow the game down, but they also don't like auto-includes and it seems like sludge belcher is making his way into every deck. If the card continues to gain popularity it wouldn't surprise me to see it changed.


That's not why they nerf cards... The Sludge Belcher is designed exactly how they want him to be. Just look at the stats, and it's deathrattle it's pretty clear what they were going for.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Novice engineer, argent commander, doa, and ssc disagree. Blizzard even said as much when they nerfed them.