

Trakanon Raider
Yeah, even on the browser forAmazon.com: 500 Amazon Coins: Amazon Coinsit says Amazon coins are not available at your location
This is so fucking annoying. I am American, all my accounts are American, I play Hearthstone on American servers. I live in London, but why shouldn't I be able to buy things via American dollars/American versions? What about people that travel? So how can I get around this shit? What's a good free/easy VPN?

Edit: Seems when I go to my amazon order history, it shows the UK version of HS, so when I searched for HS under the Amazon app store, it automatically downloaded the UK version. Does that mean I need to redownload everything while under a VPN, or can I switch it after VPN?

Yeah this is incredibly frustrating. It seems once you login to the Amazon appstore, that account is instantly flagged as UK and the coins are disabled. I created a new Amazon.com account and went to the Amazon website and the USA coins were there and available. I then logged out of the amazon appstore with my old account and logged in with this fresh one, went back to the website, refreshed, and the coins were disabled.

If I create a fresh Amazon.com account, buy the coins from there in a web browser, and then login to the Android Amazon appstore with that account, will the coins be there and will I be able to purchase American packs? Anyone know? My Amazon android apps are all in ? and listed as UK though, but if I log in with the Amazon.com account that already has the coins, they should still be there right? Even though normally if I do login to Amazon via android that way, it disables buying coins on that account? Just wondering if I manage to do it before it gets disabled, if I'll still have access to them.

I can't believe how frustrating and difficult this is. Fuck UK/USA restrictions


Trakanon Raider
It's probably your IP addy. Best log in via VPN.
Is there a free easy vpn? I tried open VPN, but am not having any luck with the client.

It would be easy if I knew that my coins will be there if I manage to buy them on a fresh Amazon.com USA account and then login to that Amazon account via the Android DUOS appstore thingy, but there's no guarantee they'll be there, even if I login with the Amazon account that has the coins already. I suspect they will be, since people have gifted them, but ugh can't be sure.

Edit: I've now tried 3 different vpns and proxies and no matter what I do, when I login to the amazon appstore via the duos thing, it shows up as UK and disables buying USD coins on that amazon account permanently. I've created like 6 amazon accounts now trying to figure this out. Somehow the amazonapp store knows I'm in the UK despite my VPN saying I'm coming from America.

What ... the ... fuck ...

I wish I could just buy the coins on a fresh account via a browser and then login to that account via amazon app store/duos and use the coins that way, but there's no way to be sure that they'll be there.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think Astral is free, but I live in China, so I rely on paid services since the internet here is retarded.

BTW, for anyone having issues running DuOS-m due to drive space on c:, you can edit the config file located under C:/Users/YourName/.DuOS to look for the sdcard.vdi file in another location. I was able to run it, log in, play a game, and get my free pack. Going to sleep on whether I want to blow more money on packs.

Give it a whirl!


Mr. Poopybutthole
That moment when your opponent casts an early call pet and doesn't play a beast. So he either drew an expensive beast, or didn't draw a beast.



Trakanon Raider
It's probably your IP addy. Best log in via VPN.
Is there a free easy vpn? I tried open VPN, but am not having any luck with the client.

Is there a way to logout of the Amazon appstore in Android and log in with another account? I was doing it earlier, trying to test out different amazon accounts. But now suddenly I can't and am locked on one account and can't log on another. This is the most frustrating thing ever. I fucking hate Amazon so much.

Edit: I may have figured it out using another vpn. Waiting for HS to install on the new amazon account. sheesh


Lord Nagafen Raider
I concur about hating amazon's app, it's been a nightmare for me to deal with ever since they released it. What's amazing is how much better it is and it's still annoying as crap.

Are you trying to get your Android phone/tablet to VPN or your browser? For Chrome you could tryHola, I've never used it but people talk about it all the time. For Android,SuperVPNworks well enough for me.


Trakanon Raider
I concur about hating amazon's app, it's been a nightmare for me to deal with ever since they released it. What's amazing is how much better it is and it's still annoying as crap.

Are you trying to get your Android phone/tablet to VPN or your browser? For Chrome you could tryHola, I've never used it but people talk about it all the time. For Android,SuperVPNworks well enough for me.
I'm using Cyberghost. It seems to be working because upon logging onto the amazonapp store via a fresh Amazon.com account, everything is listed in USD, while previously, no matter what I did, it was showing up as ?. When I go to the coin selection in the amazonapp store it's in USD. So I'm hoping I'm golden. We'll see after it's done installing. How long does it take for the coins to appear? I swear to god if I buy coins and don't get the bonus coins I'll be so annoyed. I'm paranoid because someone was saying to make sure the HS client you install is one that has a notification of bonus coins. On the browser version of amazon on HS, it shows it, but not in the amazonapp thing.

So help me with my math and correct me if I'm wrong. If I spend $80 I will get 147 packs and if I spend $40 + $5 for an additional 500 coins I will get 77 packs? Little confused atm.

5,000 = 40
2,000 = 15
With 1500 left over... so with the added purchase of another 500 coins, 2,000 left over, which =
2,000 = 15
1,000 = 7

77 packs for $45?


Trakanon Raider
I'm using Cyberghost. It seems to be working because upon logging onto the amazonapp store via a fresh Amazon.com account, everything is listed in USD, while previously, no matter what I did, it was showing up as ?. When I go to the coin selection in the amazonapp store it's in USD. So I'm hoping I'm golden. We'll see after it's done installing. How long does it take for the coins to appear? I swear to god if I buy coins and don't get the bonus coins I'll be so annoyed. I'm paranoid because someone was saying to make sure the HS client you install is one that has a notification of bonus coins. On the browser version of amazon on HS, it shows it, but not in the amazonapp thing.

So help me with my math and correct me if I'm wrong. If I spend $80 I will get 147 packs and if I spend $40 + $5 for an additional 500 coins I will get 77 packs? Little confused atm.

5,000 = 40
2,000 = 15
With 1500 left over... so with the added purchase of another 500 coins, 2,000 left over, which =
2,000 = 15
1,000 = 7

77 packs for $45?

Source: I got 77 for $45.


Molten Core Raider
Been messing around with Mill Druid (trying to get it to work with GvG I should say.)

Preliminary decklist:

Note there are 2 copies of Tree of Life at the bottom, making it 30 cards.

Having issues with midrange/long game priest, who somehow manage to thoughtsteal just the right cards, and of course everyone's favorite aggro warlock. Hunter I stabilize well against, if I can make it to 7/8 mana Tree of Life resets things and I start working on wresting board control from them.

I've beaten every Control Warrior I've come across (play it like it's mid-range druid, wait til they are at 8-9 cards in hand, then drop double oracle and naturalize their armorsmiths.) Usually bags about 6-7 key cards, even more if they drop some acolytes.)
Haven't really played vs any mages yet, or rogues. Ladder is dominated currently with Dru/War/Pal/Priest.


<Silver Donator>
Mana Wraith is generally good against aggro rush decks, at the very least they have to deal with it instead of ignoring it like almost everything else, though I guess it's fairly similar to the small taunting bears in that regard. Second swipe, second wrath are good options, pandas to bounce the coldlights also good and probably high priority, not enough mill otherwise. I don't think I'd play recycle, seems really expensive for not a whole lot of stuff done, especially since as mill you already run double naturalize. If you want removal for lategame threats, BGH is a lot cheaper, and you probably don't want to recycle a small mob anyway. Wild Growth also generally tends to do well in mill so you reach high mana count faster to be able to play several draw cards in the same turn(though you'd need pandas to do it efficiently, since you want to coldlight panda coldlight kind of stuff). Gorilla legendary very good if you have one, but probably not worth crafting. Dancing Swords also very strong.


Mr. Poopybutthole
wru Clockwork Giants.

I'd start with something like this if I were doing mill druid, although not this exact list because goblin sapper is trash.



Trakanon Raider
So the download is complete. I logged in and went to the store, but don't see an option to buy packs with Amazon coins? Do you need to have coins to see the option? It says purchases are made using my Google play account... that doesn't seem right. What did I do wrong?

I did NOT install it via Google play. I 100% installed it from the Amazon app store. Someone said if you click the buy button via cash it will then give you an option to use coins?

Edit: nm I see it after hitting buy, but if I try to buy coins directly from there, it lists 5,000 coins as $49.99. Is the discount not applied that way, or will it show up after I put in my card info?

Thanks for the help.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Here's a Druid Mill I've been screwing with in Casual play... haven't done ranked with it cause mill in general is bad.
Still fun for a few games.


Trakanon Raider
So the download is complete. I logged in and went to the store, but don't see an option to buy packs with Amazon coins? Do you need to have coins to see the option? It says purchases are made using my Google play account... that doesn't seem right. What did I do wrong?
Did you download Hearthstone via the Amazon Appstore? I went to buy packs, pick the amount, clicked accept, it went to authorize the purchase and let me choose between coins or credit card. When I highlight coins it said how many coins I'd get back as well.


Trakanon Raider
Did you download Hearthstone via the Amazon Appstore? I went to buy packs, pick the amount, clicked accept, it went to authorize the purchase and let me choose between coins or credit card. When I highlight coins it said how many coins I'd get back as well.
Bought the coins on the website, just waiting for it to go from pending to complete now. How long did it take for most people to complete? I see the option to use coins now, you have to hit buy first. So all good once the coins go thru.

Edit: Weird, so I ordered the 500 coins like 10mins after the 5,000, and those have gone thru, but the 5,000 haven't. Do the larger purchases take longer or is that order fubar'd?

Edit: omg I am having the worst luck. I keep getting "There was a problem with your request

There was an error with your E-Mail/Password combination. Please try again." trying to login to Amazon now. I haven't forgotten my PW, because I just created it an hour ago. But just in case, I reset the password 3 times now, and every single time, I get the above error. FML what is happening. So apparently Amazon thinks someone has gained access to my account because of the recent purchases made... 500 coins went thru, the other 5000 x2 didn't yet, and now I can't login as I get that error, and now apparently will have to deal with Amazon support on a Friday. Looks like I probably won't ever be getting these packs before the deal is gone. Amazon is the worst thing ever.


Molten Core Raider
I'm hesitant to add the Brewmasters simply because by themselves they do nothing - they don't help versus aggro or midrange, and I already beat control 90/10. I had Mukkla in originally but he didn't seem to perform well. I'll try him again though.
This is all casual, I mean I'm playing in the 12-10 rank currently, bouncing up and down, most of the people there piloting meta decks from big streamers, so I am getting a feel for it at least.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of milling in your mill deck nidhogg. You may want to explore just making a super ramp druid deck.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
On 3 game win streak with my mill deck posted above, in casual, taking it to ranked with a small adjustment: replaced jeeves and 1x mana wraith with 2x ooz.

trying it at rank 7-8 atm

1st game, against shaman, he's at 7 cards left in deck on turn 8.

2 cards left on turn 9.

This could be viable lol.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Beating Hunters with Mill is fun... his deck was total ass though. I don't even know how he was rank 7.
