Help a Brother out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't want to pile on but the website is straight out of the Geocities era. Looks like my Diablo 1 clan page minus floating, spinning skulls.


Just a Nurse
I am married and still nair my butthole. No, I would not laser that area. I would imagine that would burn the area to the point of no repair. ;p

edit: BTW, Atlas, I would remove your contact information. Unless you do want to eat me out. Then, well, ok.


<Gold Donor>
Is it gay if I kind of want to see Kuriin's butthole now?

Oh, on topic, I stopped reading that "logline" after a sentence or two because of how poorly worded it was. If you truly want someone to take it seriously, you might want to brush up on your writing skills a bit. A good idea (whether this is or not) hidden in terrible grammar and wording is never going to succeed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Book a flight and meet up with some internet mangina on Empire State Building in NYC with your kid, the woman you are looking for might look like Meg Ryan (pre Botox addiction).

On a more serious note: I could not bring myself to read past the first 2 sentences of your logline. Practice on your writing skills and should you get a cool story in your head, try to write the tagline(s), the hook, the catchers whatever you name it in (Iambic) pentameters or hexameters, it will really help to remember the lines.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I keep a google doc file full of million dollar ideas.

Here's a freebie: A modern day Picture of Dorian Gray where his Facebook absorbs his life of debauchery.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In the dark of night green commerce runs across a border farm. A waiting truck continues the journey to an unorthodox kingpin.

Tyler Marcus, son, heir, entrepreneur enters breakfast to the nagging of a disappointed father. His constant ally and protector Barbara Marcus works to diffuse the familiar paternal tensions. Tyler uses his line of retreat to go upstairs and prepare for school.

Once he arrives at the university he must navigate a hoping professor, a loving girlfriend, and the potential problems brought on by saying no to a drug deal. Money begets problems and Tyler moves through his day a firefighter on constant alert.

Not all fires extinguish quickly or easily. A confrontation in his own nightclub goes awry. Amid the destruction of a huge altercation he and his allies slide into a waiting limousine. Anger and resolution lead to a decision, the first move towards legitimization.

A calm morning with his love and a short respite from the chaos of his double life. Followed by an act of kindness towards a man who's lifetime of sweat for the Marcus family is not forgotten by Tyler. Tyler then must confront his patriarch, while supporting his brother in his moment of triumph.

At the celebration of his brothers victory, Tyler has more pressing needs. He must move quickly to diffuse the problems the fight has caused. Turning to a ruthless ally has he only taken on more duty, to a less forgiving master. Only time will tell.
Wow, that was very hard to read.

Your ideas are not necessarily bad or anything, but it was just like dragging your dick through a mile of broken glass to read from the first paragraph to the last.


FPS noob
change to islam, change your sex to female, die your skin so you look vaguely brown. be really tall and laugh like an anime character at every hollywood guy you meet and you can probably get a writers job, its probably a white jew boys club still

i know when i worked at tech we always gave like +20 levels to any female who wanted a job and wasn't a complete moron, since they are/were so rare. trifecta of female, ethnic, and muslim is like seeing jesus

i also thought most guys anuses were pretty stained and brown since guys have hair on their ass