Heroes of the Storm



I guess my MMR is 1600 right now....still learning the heroes, there is quite a few I have not played yet.

Not sure how this hotslogs website works but I am on a tear tonight.....won 5 straight and counting but it's not changing my MMR at all.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hotslogs takes about a day to update MMR. Not sure if it is a daily overnight process or what but it is not instant.


Trakanon Raider
My MMR is probably close to accurate, I feel as a player I'm borderline Platinum/Diamond league player. I'm currently sitting in the middle of Platinum, though if the MMR history is correct, it had me at 1700 one week and 2600 the next. Though I have a friend who only plays hero league with me or one other person and he has a pretty high rating. So if I ever play with them I assume its skewing my MMR rating a bit.

Personally I don't care about MMR, I know my limits and I know I can't cleanse a Stitches hook on Uther, but I also know my map awareness and decision making are top notch through 10 years of MOBA experience. If you're worried about MMR, stop and just play. If you're able to get Diamond league actually solo queuing, then you may be a competitive gamer, but I can tell you that very few of the current HotS "pros" have done that because they're too busy queuing with 3-4 other people everyday.

Edit: They just need to make the game free, get more people in the community, fix their matchmaking (please God please), and add the team league so groups will fuck off ranked play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Most competitive teams won't give you a tryout without either QM or Hero being ranked in Diamond. You can also quickly check hotslogs and click the "Friends" tab to see if they just inflated their MMR by constantly stacking. Like if they have 100 games played and 80 is with PersonA and 80 with PersonB and 75 with PersonC and the winrate with these friends is something like 80% it is pretty obvious they just stacked and rolled.


Molten Core Raider
Well, I hit a fucking wall at rank 4. Ragers mostly, which is surprising b/c getting to rank 5 was a breeze but now it's either ragers or I keep getting booted on hero select screen and have to play a quick match every other game. I don't know if its my internet connection but shits annoying.


Toe Sucker
I had my first 12 year olds rage quit after playing like little shitheads, 3 of them rush the opposite side of the map, start crying and telling me and my buddy to go "jerk off our dads", then they keep feeding and leave 15 minutes into the fight.
Like.. what?

Then again me and my buddy doing wombo combos with zeratul dropping a void prison on 3-5 people, then i time devouring maw to hit all 5 into mass aoe damage is really, really satisfying lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, I hit a fucking wall at rank 4. Ragers mostly, which is surprising b/c getting to rank 5 was a breeze but now it's either ragers or I keep getting booted on hero select screen and have to play a quick match every other game. I don't know if its my internet connection but shits annoying.
I honestly don't find hero league very fun. It feels like I'm always playing the same hero against the same comp doing the same thing. I like in QM how we can get a wonky combo versus another wonky combo and somehow make it work. It feels fresh and different every game. The only thing fresh and different about hero league is if someone is going to retard pick Murky or if I'll have to play Brightwing or if I'll play Valla this match.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm also getting super high on Lili lately. She isn't as good as Brightwing but she is so easy to play and straight forward that it is simple to play her at a fairly high level I can impact the game fairly well with her. She is also fairly beefy for a support and her trait makes her really hard to take down. I generally go straight brew build. I haven't tried the dragon build yet or if it is at all viable.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I honestly don't find hero league very fun. It feels like I'm always playing the same hero against the same comp doing the same thing. I like in QM how we can get a wonky combo versus another wonky combo and somehow make it work. It feels fresh and different every game. The only thing fresh and different about hero league is if someone is going to retard pick Murky or if I'll have to play Brightwing or if I'll play Valla this match.
Yah, it's pretty much the same 10-12 heroes every game in hero league. Apparently the cut over from Platinum to Diamond is around 2797.. I was platinum yesterday and today I'm diamond. I'm sure I'll be back to platinum soon enough.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I tried the dragon when I was leveling her to 5 just to mess around when we had another full support on the team and was thoroughly unimpressed. The slow was nice but the damage was completely negligible and the cast time made it even worse. Maybe if you were running like a pure melee comp or something, but even then I don't see a reason to run it over cups.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Interesting, I almost always take the hot. I'll check out the other next time I play her.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't know anything about lili but generally hots are shitty in PvP games. You need spike healing or shielding or avoidance.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
According to hotslogs most prefer the hot. I like pitch perfect because I can just hold down Q basically the entire game and never run out of mana. I also think it is better if you take it with Herbal. I think going HoT + Double is probably a better combo.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know anything about lili but generally hots are shitty in PvP games. You need spike healing or shielding or avoidance.
Another issue with the HoT is that it is a HoT over 6 but but CD on the direct heal is 3 seconds (1s at 20 if you have feet up.) So it is easy to waste.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah that joker skin for Nazeebo is pretty legit. Kind of meh on the others shown.