Heroes of the Storm


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't see it going anywhere, it has been well received and has started up a competitive scene. It's also a Blizzard game, so that alone probably gives it legs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think your criteria should be more for which game you prefer. If you like Heroes play heroes. If you prefer LoL play LoL. If you prefer DOTA2 play DOTA2.


Tranny Chaser
I enjoy the way this one is set up. Personally every time I tried a MOBA before I was lost more by the "what the hell items do I buy?" bit more than anything else. The levelling talent system in Heroes of the Storm is just the right balance between simplicity and customization for me. That being said there are more than a few talents which seem to be IQ checks rather than viable options.


2 Minutes Hate
Maybe, but not compared to LOL. The game is boring as shit to watch in my opinion. You'll need to change things around.

Heros either move too slowly, or are too durable, but it's tough to see really good plays being made.

Also there is much of a meta to follow or emulate.

That could all change as new hereos are released or tweaks are made to the game. Like changed how your team earns xp or make maps bigger.

It's too much of a brawler, or deathballing, to make for interesting games. They are all basically the same.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Still no win for a team running Illidan, really though WANP was going to be the first. Maybe if they had Tass.


Molten Core Raider
isn't it going to be harder to break into diamond now with the influx of players? not saying people who are there don't deserve it, but its not really a true measure of skill, because we both know people who are diamond and play like fucking retards, way to often now im my QM/Hero league do I see absoloute shit for builds on every single hero, this clearly has nothing to do with my skill level but effects my MMR

Biggest thing is chemistry, playing with eachother day in and day out, kinda like how you are with someone so often you can finish their sentences, the skill behind this game isn't very high certain roles and certain heroes require more practice of course but its relatively easy, it comes down to execution and communication. of course you have to land your skill shots but they aren't really hard.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't begrudge Tenks wanting to play with experienced players at all but I do agree with Teck to a point, I think it would be really beneficial to begin playing together to get familiar, get strategies in, etc. If I'm on I'm down to group, I've been trying to get a group whenever I go into QM regardless, be it from people here or from the MFPT channel or whatever so feel free to message me, I'm on most every night after 8 CST. I am leaning towards playing an assassin role (Likely ranged, Valla, Tychus, Tassador) but I want to learn the melee folks eventually as well as some map/comp dependent picks like Jaina.


Toe Sucker
Jaina is awesome, shes definitely been my top pick so far.

I kind of wish they would replace these traits that multiple characters have and replace them with a "class/character specific" options.. like every character that has sprint for example, they could easily replace that skill with a character specific version that functions almost the same, but slightly different.. for a company that loves the word "Fantasy", they sure don't like to give "fantasy" specific abilities to characters.

Nazeebo has sprint, they could make it Spirit Walk and function virtually the same way but at least its a familiar witch doctor ability from the game.
Jaina also has sprint, instead of giving her sprint, give her "Blazing Speed" the movement talent from mages in WoW.

Even if the skills are similar, they should be different.. generalized talents are boring, and i hope they know that.


Molten Core Raider
I don't begrudge Tenks wanting to play with experienced players at all but I do agree with Teck to a point, I think it would be really beneficial to begin playing together to get familiar, get strategies in, etc. If I'm on I'm down to group, I've been trying to get a group whenever I go into QM regardless, be it from people here or from the MFPT channel or whatever so feel free to message me, I'm on most every night after 8 CST. I am leaning towards playing an assassin role (Likely ranged, Valla, Tychus, Tassador) but I want to learn the melee folks eventually as well as some map/comp dependent picks like Jaina.
Oh I wasn't trying to go against him, I just don't think diamond is a requirement to be good(just look at all the complaints about hero league only being about games played), because we both know people up there and were not sure how they got there, I just think chemistry between certain people over rides an individuals skill especially in this game, if it was dota 2 id argue otherwise, but there is no "hard carry" in HOTS, its all about poking prodding dancing around until the right moment presents itself, your best player in dota is usually the hard carry / farmer role, in HOTS I guess your best player should probably be your initiator.


Vyemm Raider
I don't have much time to play steadily, but I am best at support, and then specialists/dps.

Mechanics-wise I am good as a tank, but I am a terrible initiator and have difficulty reacting to situations. As long as someone has a plan and communicates, I'm good at following orders and working with the team.


Molten Core Raider
im just looking for a group of static people I can play and grow more comfortable with rather its QM or HEro league so we can grow as a unit, solo q is ok I guess but if you really want to win just pick a healer most quick match games don't have one, and worst deal you get 2 healers and your team is godlike.

ill play support(main heals) unless someone really wants to, would need a Tank, support/specialist and another 2 good assassin players, a group of 7 players would probably be ideal so you have subs and what not, I think if the 7 most active guys here put together a team we would see decent results, and that's not me being cocky, its just night and day when I solo Q or even group with just 1 other person you know.

I really don't care about skill level all I really care about is you listen and try your best, don't get offended by advice or constructive criticism, and just the general desire to get better as a team/individual.


I enjoy the way this one is set up. Personally every time I tried a MOBA before I was lost more by the "what the hell items do I buy?" bit more than anything else. The levelling talent system in Heroes of the Storm is just the right balance between simplicity and customization for me. That being said there are more than a few talents which seem to be IQ checks rather than viable options.
I might just be getting old but I agree. Being able to jump in and play is a lot easier in HOTS then most other moba's. Combine that with the objectives which force you to fight early/often.....means you can play a game in 15-20 minutes. A lot of other mobas....take forever per game because people sit in their lanes and just XP.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Teck, I'm mainly a weekend player, but will try and get on more so we can have some fun!


im just looking for a group of static people I can play and grow more comfortable with rather its QM or HEro league so we can grow as a unit, solo q is ok I guess but if you really want to win just pick a healer most quick match games don't have one, and worst deal you get 2 healers and your team is godlike.

ill play support(main heals) unless someone really wants to, would need a Tank, support/specialist and another 2 good assassin players, a group of 7 players would probably be ideal so you have subs and what not, I think if the 7 most active guys here put together a team we would see decent results, and that's not me being cocky, its just night and day when I solo Q or even group with just 1 other person you know.

I really don't care about skill level all I really care about is you listen and try your best, don't get offended by advice or constructive criticism, and just the general desire to get better as a team/individual.
I just started playing about 2 weeks ago...I am not the best but I can hold my own. I think map awareness and teamwork > individual skill in this game. It's not like HON or LOL where 1 hero can just dominate an entire game.

I play all roles and have no preference (just specific hero preference). I raid wow on fri/sat 7 pm - 10 pm pst but I can play any other day between 6-11 pm PST.


Molten Core Raider
I just started playing about 2 weeks ago...I am not the best but I can hold my own. I think map awareness and teamwork > individual skill in this game. It's not like HON or LOL where 1 hero can just dominate an entire game.

I play all roles and have no preference (just specific hero preference). I raid wow on fri/sat 7 pm - 10 pm pst but I can play any other day between 6-11 pm PST.
Yep I completely agree, and that's fine by me im not amazing I just got into the alpha on the last wave probably got 100 or so games, and according to HOTSLOGS out of the 16 games it has recorded my MMR is 1800 probably awful, alright crone that sounds good.

Timing and execution of map objectives is the big thing in this game, you could have all diamond players if nobody is leading and just going awry you will loose to lesser competition that is well organized, where as in dota you can literally be losing every fight for 40 minutes, but once your hard carry has a full inventory of items, you guys roll out and win at 60minutes, this game is literally won and lost on team fights.


Tranny Chaser
The only disadvantage, such as it is, is that you really do only need to do your daily quest each day. Playing beyond that doesn't help too much excepting when you are getting each new hero up to level 5 and for just shits n giggles. Like right now I kinda want to play some more because trying to join a PUG Blackrock Foundry raid seems like a terrible idea, but I feel like I'd just be spinning my wheels for 10 gold