Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Let me know when you get back, I am the same in that I would much rather play even as a duo. Xith (and some others on my friends list) has been playing a lot of D3 and I keep missing Crazily online but if you want to set up specific times or whatever we can do that.
I'm already pretty bored with D3 again, so I'll be playing more HOTS.


Trakanon Raider
Alright, took the advice and have been playing Valla. She seems pretty strong, almost level 7 on her.

Looking at a tank or a support next, have been eye-balling Tassador. Partly because he's only 7000. But I always played Toss back in the day. Any suggestions for tank/support? Also thought Gazlowe looked cool.


Alright, took the advice and have been playing Valla. She seems pretty strong, almost level 7 on her.

Looking at a tank or a support next, have been eye-balling Talador. Partly because he's only 7000. But I always played Toss back in the day. Any suggestions for tank/support? Also thought Gazlowe looked cool.
Arthas is awesome for tanky character and my first choice, Diablo is great as well..he is more a CC/interrupter but he can be a beast when played well.

Support, not to sure, I play malfurion and Tyrande only....I guess they are considered support.

I started with Valla too but I switched to Jaina as my main hero for the moment.....she just brings so much AOE to team fights its crazy..


2 Minutes Hate
Tank: Stiches, Chen, or Tyrael
Support: Brightwing or LiLi

Tassadar is more of a ranged dps with shields.

Gazlowe is useless in pugs, but he can do some real damage if you can coordinate his bombs in a group.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'll toss these out as well just to fill out the more options

Tank: ETC or Muradin - both very survivable and disruptive
Support: LiLi, Uther, or Rehgar - like Draegan mentioned Tassadar and Tyrande are more of offensive second supports (I m a huge Tass fan though, hes fun) not a main healer type support.

::EDIT:: If anyone wants a EU beta key PM me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Planetkey Semi's and Final's today, Abathur finally picked in a competitive match. LDLC (formerly WANP) running a crazy comp ETC, Illidan, Rehgar, Abathur, Tassadar.

::EDIT:: and they win with that comp, enemy comp was Stitches, Uther, Hammer, Valla, Malf (for silence). It was honestly pretty 1 sided at that.

::EDIT2:: they tried again with that comp and lost, other team swapped Tyrande for Malf and it made all the difference.


Illidan with symbiote and lightning shield (15% basic atk dmg) sounds incredibly scary. But throw in Tyrande for Hunter's Mark, and I can see Illidan get blown up.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, there is definitely something about MOBAs as far as toxicity. Was doing some duo's with a friend of mine yesterday, a guy that pretty much never trashtalks normally. However, he was just laying into people after a couple games. Finally, after it led to someone just afking on our team the rest of the match, I managed to get him to stop.

On a more positive front, really enjoying this more as I get comfortable with more and more heroes. I still absolutely suck at melee assassin's though, just horrible. I think I am just way too aggressive, then I die a few times, then I end up being too timid. I need to find a happy medium.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People who do nothing but bitch on teams just makes no sense. No one will suddenly play better because someone calls them a moron and calls them out constantly. It is the surefire path to making sure you lose the game.


Tranny Chaser
I suspect this is because you have ample opportunity to see a complete tactical picture of what is going on when you are dead and nothing else to do but bitch.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah thats my favorite part. Generally the whiners are the ones who over extend and die immediately in a team fight then blame everyone else for not diving as hard as they did. I've yet to meet someone who whined endlessly and was also the best player in the game.


Etc has been my go to warrior lately. Love the mosh pit + ravenous spirit synergy. I also find stage dive to be solid as well. Really messes with enemy positioning.


Vyemm Raider
People who do nothing but bitch on teams just makes no sense. No one will suddenly play better because someone calls them a moron and calls them out constantly. It is the surefire path to making sure you lose the game.
I've never had anyone afk on me and have had reasonable success turning games around. I just ping the map and chat what we should do. Alternatively, sometimes you just have to follow along with a bad plan, and that it can usually work as long as the 5 people on the same team are together.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah ETC == Stitches these days then the other warriors are a bit below them. I personally prefer playing ETC more than Stitches since it seems like I'm either feast or famine with my hooks in games. Though I believe my win rate on ETC is pretty poor. I always feel like I'm playing well but we still end up losing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Coming up on my next 10k. Think I'm gunna get my Azmodunks on. Though I've also wanted to take Starcraft back up so not sure which competitive game I'll play more.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been wanting to get better on Warriors myself, feeling pretty good on Valla, Illidan, and Tassadar. I like ETC as well and feel like I do ok, much better than Muradin (who I like a little more) but I am not comfortable at all on them, especially in QM's. It feels like I am never on the same page as the rest of my team as far as engagements go.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Stitches is still the best, imo. A good hook completely changes fights.. not to mention gorge. I like ETC too and I've been talking him up for a while now, but it's hard to land a good mosh. I watched pros completely whiff with it. I've been playing Diablo some lately and he seems a lot better.


Unelected Mod
I've never had anyone afk on me and have had reasonable success turning games around. I just ping the map and chat what we should do. Alternatively, sometimes you just have to follow along with a bad plan, and that itcan usually work as long as the 5 people on the same team are together.
Yep, even if someone comes up with an idea that I think is bad, I usually follow along also. Better to be 5 people doing a bad plan, than 5 people separately trying to do what they think is good.

Another thing I try to do, when giving out suggestions, is to never name anotehr player. If I see an illidan avoiding team fights, if you say "illidan, please show up to tribute next time" they always get defensive. If instead you say "Lets try and stick together for the next tribute" then it tends to go over better.