Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm watching qxc's stream and it seems to be constant skirmish at the moment. But it is cool because it looks like you don't want to completely deathball because you need to kill minions to gain gems. I'd say north/south it is pretty similar to sky temple if you removed the huge areas of sky temple at the north/south temples.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also Syl's banshee escape seems really, really good. One of the better escapes in the game as long as you can predict where the initiate is coming from. Probably not great if you get outright ganked.


2 Minutes Hate
The only "problem" is you have to plan for the delay in the travel time of the banshee. It's similar to Lissandra (LOL Champ) escape function.

It does have some play making ability because you can cast it. attack. and port a way.


Toe Sucker
yeah, you just cant last second blink like zeratul but thats not a huge issue, shes a ranged character anyway.

Gonna see if my GFs mac can run this shit tonight, i'm desperate lol


Trakanon Raider
I've run the game on a Mac Mini with low settings, you should be fine
Some Macs won't install it. HoS has some minimum requirements to install. I know my Macbook Pro that I played Skyrim on wouldn't install it, which is why I only started playing recently even tho I got into Alpha. Annoying cos it could have totally handled it.

an accordion_sl

I know you guys already discussed, but fuck I can't believe Illidan didn't get nerfed. If there's a single hero I dread being matched against, it's motherfucking Illidan.


Some Macs won't install it. HoS has some minimum requirements to install. I know my Macbook Pro that I played Skyrim on wouldn't install it, which is why I only started playing recently even tho I got into Alpha. Annoying cos it could have totally handled it.
Maybe it's changed then, I haven't played it on that computer in a few months, but figured it would still run.


I know you guys already discussed, but fuck I can't believe Illidan didn't get nerfed. If there's a single hero I dread being matched against, it's motherfucking Illidan.
I've noticed that anytime they don't touch an "OP" hero, s/he usually gets totally reworked and often gutted the following patch. It happened with Nova and Arthas in the past, then Stitches and Nazeebo were pretty much untouched last patch when people were whining about them the most and they got hit hard this turn. It's like they're one nerf cycle behind the popular bitching.


Toe Sucker
I can play on this thing on the bare minimum settings haha..its bad but ill take it.

Sylvannas is really cool and her silence is pretty god damn amazing, holy moses! Definitely the new main


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm yolo buying new Murk. No point in buying Sylvannas right now with 8m queues for her.
Yah, I had 25k gold, so I picked up Sylanvis.. still haven't played a game with her. Fuck waiting around for 8-10 minutes to play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I took her up to 5 in co-op, easy 80-100k+ siege damage in 10-12 minute games. Her push is fucking retarded good, 100% pick or ban the week she's eligible in the pro scene is my guess. She is really squishy but strong, and really fun to boot.


I'm getting anubarak to 5 for the gold and man I just can't get this hero to work. He's just to squishy for the role he's supposed to play.


Trakanon Raider
I'm getting anubarak to 5 for the gold and man I just can't get this hero to work. He's just to squishy for the role he's supposed to play.
Yeah same here. First game I did okay with him, but their dps was low so I did alright and we won pretty easily. 2nd game I just got annihilated. He can't initiate/tank with how squishy he is, the shields aren't enough. The vampiric beetle trait isn't enough. His E is almost worthless for what it's for (initiating). You just die instantly.

Did they ninja change how long healing globes are up? Feels like they despawn much faster now.

Edit: Tried full Beetle build and went 2-0. So in total I am 3-1 with Anub'Arak. hmmm.

First 2 games I went full CC (better Impale, movement speed on Shield, etc.) Second two I went full Beetle + Vampiric. Not enough data yet tho. These games look like landslides, but they weren't that way from the start, I definitely had a big impact. Anub'arak is certainly king on the seed/grove level. He can solo the terror first spawn, if you have allies that distract the rest, he can really push hard and solo mechanics very quickly. It's too bad they didn't fix beetle ai though, having 5 of my beetles leave me and run to the lane when I need them is annoying. They should just target whatever Anub is targeting and if Anub isn't targeting anything they go lane.

Omg first game as Nazeebo... highest hero damage by far, beating Valla and highest Siege Damage, beating Azmodan. God he is fun with DOTA experience. Just lost on Garden Terror map because we had 0 tanks and they had 2 tanks. We had 41 kills vs their 25. We couldn't get a single terror despite having 2 levels on them. He dominates spider queen level because of extra minions.

Harrison Jones incoming:Tomb of the Spider Queen easter egg - YouTube


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played alot last night. Am loving their new optimization. I play on low settings like in sc2 to avoid any chance of lag or whatsoever and even on that the game packs way more details now.

Played 5 games with Sylvanas. Shes a really fun hero. Much like gazlo, you cant ignore her if shes solo somewhere on a lane. She destroys forts. I love that her banshee / wailing arrow requires timing, gives the character more depth. Possession in its current state is terrible. It makes taking the arrow at lvl 10 a no brainer. I spent an entire game trying to possess something and it seems she can only land it on low lvl lane minions which makes it laughable for a lvl 10 heroic talent. I eventually ended up forgetting about it for the rest of the game.

Personnal beef i have agaisnt Nova: I find the character so one dimensional. Theres no counter move for when she pops on you out of no where. You cant run, cant dodge, cant line of sight. You can be at 100% hp has and asassin or specialist, you're fubar. Makes for some boring deaths / wait time.


2 Minutes Hate
Well possession has a 2s cooldown so you can spam it. I imagine it may be useful at 20 when you can merc with it (20s cooldown).


Trakanon Raider
So fucking sick of AFKer's having NO real repercussions. Just won 3 in a row with Thrall. Then had a Malfurion decide to feed 6 deaths before afking for the rest of the game at fountain. We almost won too, but because of him, we got fucked and he gets away scotch free. Needs to be like DOTA. Piece of shit.