Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
BTW ZPs if you're reading you should look into getting your stream added to the sidebar on TL


Bronze Knight of the Realm
New heroes drop to 10k 2 weeks after release, I'm curious to see how the B4B and Envenom changes are going to affect certain heroes (Sylvanas at the top of the list). Anyone tried out Illidan or AA Tychus yet?

::EDIT:: Or new Malf or BW?
I played a bunch of games as BW. Not as good as before, but still pretty solid. Polymorph is still great. More boring to play and the talents are more boring too. I used to like using sprint/envenom to track down and kill lower life people. The level 20 mist talent is good, but games often don't get that far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
New heroes drop to 10k 2 weeks after release, I'm curious to see how the B4B and Envenom changes are going to affect certain heroes (Sylvanas at the top of the list). Anyone tried out Illidan or AA Tychus yet?

::EDIT:: Or new Malf or BW?
Sylvanas ult nerfed as well and that hunter seeker buff to zagara is pretty big, wonder if they'll trade tiers.


Toe Sucker
sylvanas losing a small portion of damage won't budge her on the tier list.. black arrow is still way too strong to let her fall off from being top tier.
I don't think the envenom nerf will affect her all that much either


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Envenom had like a 100% pick rate on her. And although not seem very much in comp play Unstable Poison can't gib a team standing in creeps anymore.


Toe Sucker
doesn't matter, envenom wasn't a crucial part of her dps anyway lol. It's like kerrigan picking evenom, nothing else was worth getting in that tier compared to it. Evenom is boring anyway so i'm glad it got nerfed across the board


Lord Nagafen Raider
Envenom had like a 100% pick rate on her. And although not seem very much in comp play Unstable Poison can't gib a team standing in creeps anymore.
I didn't like the unstable change, it was just a noob punish but was still fun. She did have too much burst potential though imo with that, envenom, and b4b. I tried picking around envenom the past week to try and prep and that talent tier is really underwhelming. I guess lingering poison with the snare later on but meeeeeh.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've always liked e resetting q @ 4, envenom is 150 damage over 10s, resetting q assuming full charges is an extra 125 damage over a couple of seconds and that is reusable on e cooldown which is 11s as opposed to envenom which is what a 50s? cooldown.


Potato del Grande
Just noticed when you destroy the other team's core on the new map loot comes out of it like in Diablo, thought that was a neat touch.


<Bronze Donator>
Just noticed when you destroy the other team's core on the new map loot comes out of it like in Diablo, thought that was a neat touch.
I've played like 10 games today and only hit that map once. Seems like the map could be really snowbally, though we had 2 people on the team doing nothing at all practically.

Butcher seems to have incredible potential, lots of bads playing him today though. He's definitely a pretty soft target. Was watching Solidjake and Zoia earlier and they played against a team that had Uther and Butcher, and the Uther kept landing perfect Divine Shields on Butcher, they got slaughtered.


Toe Sucker
I can definitely see uther and butcher being best buds for sure, much like illidan and uther are bosses together


Blackwing Lair Raider
Paralysis > Envenom
Paralysis isn't bad either, lets you solo bruiser camps easily, but it also doesn't help in a team fight.

I might have to try paralysis with overwhelming affliction instead of evasive fire @13 though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I feel like Butcher is in a pretty good spot. He really shines at strict assassinations and unless backed up with a pocket support basically dies instantly to any coordinated focus. I was getting decent value out of him by simply going into a team fight, killing one person (using my W) and walking out. It felt if I tried to stay there with my W down I was a very easy to kill target. I think that this guy has a pretty high skill cap because not only do you need to intelligently use your E but you need to intelligently use your W as well. I was just selecting one person, throwing on W and going to town. But there were probably many times I didn't need to W my primary target and hold off on using it in case that target got blown up/escaped and I could have used my W on a different target thus securing additional value in team fights.


Molten Core Raider
I can definitely see uther and butcher being best buds for sure, much like illidan and uther are bosses together
Did a QM with a buddy on uther last night, getting divine shield or whatever to run out of a dive is ridiculously wonderful.


Confirmed Male
If you can pull off the timing, have the butcher ult go off twice at 20, you could reasonable run in the middle of a crowd, have the first one go off as you are charging your target in the back, then explode once you land a stun/plus hamstring. Would be nice to see that happen.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is kind of cute on the D3 PTR
