Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have been playing the Alpha some over the last week or two and I really have mixed feelings on it. The game itself can be fun but with how dumbed down it is vs other Moba's (No last hitting, No items, XP team wide) it feels a bit hollow at times.

The characters are actually pretty fun although there are some mechanics that are just fucked. Stealth is one of the biggest offenders since in other games you can at least get items to counteract. The reason Nova seems so broke is the burst she can put out even if you know she is there and it's coming sometimes there isn't shit you can do about it.

Gold acquisition seems low as fuck too, I like Dota2's model of giving you all heros and allowing you to buy cosmetic shit, but also giving you the chance to earn items here and there. In HoTS you get fuck all which is kind of off putting. I think I have earned about 15k gold and a good portion of that was from the leveling up process, at 20-30g a game it takes 400 games averaging 25g a game to buy a top tier hero. That seems beyond fucked.

Still it's a cool enough way to kill some time so if we have a few guys on here playing this shit feel free to add me. I wouldn't mind having some people to dick around in this game with.

If it makes you feel better Nova is going to get nerfed pretty heavily soon. Probably in a patch in the next few weeks. Nova is frustrating but also pretty easily countered. Just take block if you can at level 1 and spell shield at 13. She literally can't do any damage anymore. In fact I've recently hopped aboard the party bus of speccing very much for survivability and defense over offense.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If it makes you feel better Nova is going to get nerfed pretty heavily soon. Probably in a patch in the next few weeks. Nova is frustrating but also pretty easily countered. Just take block if you can at level 1 and spell shield at 13. She literally can't do any damage anymore. In fact I've recently hopped aboard the party bus of speccing very much for survivability and defense over offense.
Oh I am sure she will get nerfed with all the bitching being done about her. The truth is she has limited escape options and if they are a stupid playing and running around close you can knock them out of stealth. But if they are good they roam lines and hop in fights where a player it already at 50% and just zero's his ass in a second. As a stealth unit she shouldn't have more burst than non stealthed assassins. Even so it isn't a big deal either way. When your team groups it's less of an issue, but if you solo pug they stomp. My biggest complaint is there aren't many tools to balance the stealth. An example of bullshit is when they are behind your towers when you are going back to base since there is no detection.

Hell I think the gold gain is my biggest issue right now. Otherwise as I said it's pretty fun over all even if dumbed down compared to other MOBA's in this one it really comes down to team fight vs team fight.. Since laning, items, and XP don't matter.


Potato del Grande
Friend of mine in this alpha says that he signs up to everything as a 45 year old woman so that he gets invites when they target weird demographics. Anyone heard of doing things like this?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well whatever the case we need some more player because solo queue is fucking garbage. Some of the people who play this game have zero awareness of the shit going on around them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You gotta ping man. You can't expect everyone on your team to be a superstar. People will generally blindly follow pings. So if you are engaged in a 1v1 just above the lane just ping yourself or the enemy and generally the person in lane will assist. Can't complain when your team mates didn't make the right decision if you didn't let them know what you felt the right decision was.


If the opposing team is stealth heavy I usually take clairvoyance on Uther... that counters stealthies pretty hard. Losing cleanse sucks but takes a lot of skill to use well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Clairvoyance is overall just a good skill. Very nice for "I think they're taking these mercs" and getting confirmation or denial. I know some of the tip top level teams are starting to get away from it because the map movement is pretty predictable so they are saying the only time you use clairvoyance is when you already know where they're at so Cleanse is starting to get a bit more play.


Speaking of Uther... such a strong support. Lots of direct healing, two stuns, can keep healing and stunning even after death. Absolutely my go to support. My repertoire is basically uther, tychus, valla. Need to get proficient with a warrior now and Arthas seems like the obvious choice. Thoughts on that ?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If you get good at Arthas you can be proficient at the "OP and probably gunna get nerfed" trifecta of Arthas, Uther and Tychus.

an accordion_sl

I really wonder how accurate hotslogs is... every time I upload a replay batch all the losses are duplicates while almost none of the wins have been uploaded.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One of the HOTS personalities said he talked to someone at Blizzcon asking how accurate Hotslog really is compared to their internal MMR and he said they checked it recently against the playerbase and it wasn't accurate at all


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man Nazeebo is insanely good. Once you hit 16 to get the bonus poison damage to heroes he just puts out absurd hero damage. I swear my ult was doing like 5k damage everytime I popped it. I also found out Diablo is an excellent counter to him since Diablo can just ult when you ult to cancel it.


I just purchased him myself because everytime I see him on the enemy team he's a force to be reckoned with. He's a beast in lane, and like you mentioned, puts out insane hero damage. His ult is channeled, but I don't think many people understand that and unless you stop him quickly he's already won the teamfight. You could also scoop up sprint if you're worried about mobility. Looking forward to playing him more.


Had some good games this weekend with RR bros. Mures, Greatwent, couple others as well sorry if I don't remember your names. Don't think we lost a single game. Seemed to stick to a war-support-assassin/specialist setup. Worked well.