Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Really because I'm only level 22 at the moment and I've made about 20k+ gold. If it only takes 28k gold as the cheapest route to purchase characters, I think I'd have that before I hit 30.
You get piles of gold early on then it completely dries up. But I'm also really lazy about leveling heroes to 5. I think I hit 30 this week and I made maybe 23k or so. AFAIK the only hero I purchased were Abathur and Raynor and have 11k sitting around. This is also getting to 30 almost entirely solo w/o friends and winning probably 70% of my games.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of those champions. No nova for me.
ok. one thing I should mention. HoTS is VERY ability centric. like any champions "auto attack" traits, are almost always, "doing it wrong". ability power traits, doing it right.
So, when I say like Caitlyn, don't think I mean you autoattack with her.
It is snipe spam, and triple tap.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really because I'm only level 22 at the moment and I've made about 20k+ gold. If it only takes 28k gold as the cheapest route to purchase characters, I think I'd have that before I hit 30.
Well you also got the easy gold, gold rate will have slowed down a lot for you now. As far as lvling to 30, I'm not sure how dota works, but you have to lvl to 30 or something (which may be max lvl) in lol before you can play ranked, not sure on the numbers, but I remember I had to play lol for about a month before I could play ranked and that was with xp boosts on the last couple of weekends.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How does Azmodan stack up in regular play? He seems more my speed.
He's decent. Fantastic split push and okay'ish team fight. Most Azmodans I am teamed up with tend to just afk push a lane and never engage in team fights and it becomes very frustrating to play with these kind of people. Unlike DOTA simply pushing lanes isn't a very big gain so if we lose an objective and/or teamfight and the Azmo just destroys a keep that is a huge net loss for us. Many Azmo players tend to not grasp this concept.


Okay fuck it I'm maining Murky, these heroes all look pretty interesting though.

Increases the damage of Octo-Grab by 10000%!!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Currently, with one of my purchases, I bought Azmodan out of curiosity. Before him I played a lot of Jaine and Rehgar, getting them both to about level 8. I really do enjoy Azmodan though and think he's very underrated.

1) He's an incredible laner having both a powerful AOE in his Q and single target DPS in his E.
2) His W and R allow you to solo all PvE mobs incredibly quickly, espeically Golemns. (When the PvE objective comes up, if it's the mines or the garden map, I will always go to a Golemn first and solo kill it before the opposing team can get there.)
3) His E allows you to take down oppnents PvE npcs, like the Dragon, Plant creation and Golemn much faster.
4) His E also takes down opposing towers, turrets, gates and healing pools incredibly fast.
5) Built correctly, there aren't many solo heroes that can defeat just his E ability. He can pretty much solo any support, Melee tank/warrior.


Silver Knight of the Realm
He's decent. Fantastic split push and okay'ish team fight. Most Azmodans I am teamed up with tend to just afk push a lane and never engage in team fights and it becomes very frustrating to play with these kind of people. Unlike DOTA simply pushing lanes isn't a very big gain so if we lose an objective and/or teamfight and the Azmo just destroys a keep that is a huge net loss for us. Many Azmo players tend to not grasp this concept.
This game is all about objectives and team fights. As Azmodan I try hard to push my lane but when an objective comes up or someone pings for help near me I always go. Unlike Dota and LoL this game is all about making sure your team as a whole levels and are all there for objectives.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Okay fuck it I'm maining Murky, these heroes all look pretty interesting though.

Increases the damage of Octo-Grab by 10000%!!
I honestly haven't played a hero which I found completely boring and just off. Maybe, MAYBE Diablo but he's due for a rework.


Avatar of War Slayer
I found Az a bit ungainly. not my cup of tea. however, the moveset in the right hands is beast.

Q range is obscene. can interrupt tributes, and pirate channels from complete safety. Can also snipe fleeing injured players, or people doing minion camps. Can also do plink damage to bases, towers, etc.
(another thing new players overlook, or forget. ALL abilities hit buildings in this game. ) wont be fast, but lobbing your Q at the enemies moonwell every CD in the early game can screw them over nicely.

The E obliterates static targets as noted. buildings, bosses, player stunlocked.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Assuming the support is AFK and doesn't interrupt his E in any way
I've had very few characters interrupt my E other than someone like Diablo, Stitch or which ever the male human starcraft character that has the knockback. Even with an interrupt using W twice and then E again once it's up usually wins me the fight.


Avatar of War Slayer
Nope, sticking with murky for hipster factor. He seems like the teemo of this game.
ha. ok.

I haven't actually played as him yet. But there are a few things I would point out.
important for him, and stealthers too really.

you can sneak behind enemy lines in this. the first gate/walls, are not total. you can just go up and around them, and kill murky eggs that are "safe" behind the gates. And also abilities like azomodans Q as noted, if the player knows where your egg is.
At the same time, there are TONS of "dead ends" on every map that seem to exist for murky eggs, and wall jumping chars to hide in, for ambushes. 90% of the time players never check in them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've played as and with Murky for a bit. I don't really like playing as him but I do like playing with him if I'm on Brightwing. He has such a low HP pool that a simple blink heal can top him off fairly easily. Since he has his bubble I find each of his HP very valuable. If you can keep him in the fight he can force the other team to run around his pufferfish and his slime and autos starts stacking up huge amounts of damage. The problem is most people will just right click him and he blows up instantly and the team fight is already decided before he can actually get back into the fight. So if I can blink him a few times to keep him up so he can get a few bubbles off he can really turn a team fight around.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've had very few characters interrupt my E other than someone like Diablo, Stitch or which ever the male human starcraft character that has the knockback. Even with an interrupt using W twice and then E again once it's up usually wins me the fight.
If people aren't focusing on an Azmo just unleashing his E then I think you're just playing on bad tier. That is like just letting a Nazeebo just let loose his Ravenous without doing anything about it.