Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Looks like my MMR and rank are finally where Blizzard want them to be. Appears like rank 5 is my spot. Or maybe you stop getting bonus at rank 5. Regardless the gravy train is over.


<Silver Donator>
Pyros has good advice, you might also consider taking Ice Block at 13 over the auto rejuv, you can block during Tranq and become immune while still pushing Tranq out (nothing interupts tranq except you dying, this just makes you invuln while you do it) which allows you to position dangerously for your team and anchor a fight point. It might also fuck you if everyone runs away or somehow gets wiped with Tranq up but it is something you see more of at higher mmr.
That can be good if you play with kinda better players yeah, I'm still leveling though and in quick matches, your team will absolutely try to find every way possible to run out of your tranquility, so I find being able to move around is good. And I really like the auto regrowth. But yeah there's a bunch of levels you can pick other stuff than what I mentionned, that's just my general solo support build, I get full support shit and just run around healing people, works well. You can get the bigger stronger root, mule, the better moonfires for pew pew and stuff like that too, quite a bit of flexibility.

Out of all the supports I've played, I prefer Malfurion by a fair margin. I liked Tyrande too but picking her in quickmatch means you're losing like half of them when you're matched against a "real" healer with your shitty healing. I think what I like about Malfurion is the roots though, not the healing. Healing is adequate, but so is healing for other supports, however I feel when I played Reghar, Lili or Brightwing, you lack some good disables. Brightwing has polymorph which is great against assassins but it's obviously single target and I find his healing output pretty shit until you get the talent to proc your passive every cast.

The problem of how they've designed supports in this game though is that if you don't have the healing output of the better supports, you're shit unless you have 2 healers. That's fairly poor design. In LoL they had to heavily nerf Soraka at some point because her healing was too good too, and in Dota the healing is all around pretty shit and is more a sustain mechanic than an actual healing mechanic(you heal up after the fights or to slightly extend your lifes during fights, lengthy coolodwns and low value healing). Good supports are more like controlling/buffing heroes, rather than healing. So healing output becomes a utility rather than a necessity, something that's weighted against control/enhancing abilities. It's similar to the 2nd healer in a 2 healer setup I think, where you'll more often pick a hero that does more than just healing(Tassadar, Tyrande or just another Specialist instead).


Vyemm Raider
What's with the back to back to back +xp weeks? Is it just to boost people up to hero league or is there something else going on. My 1-2 match a day ass isn't complaining mind you, but if they're going to continuously have the xp boost why not just change the scale or the order of rewards.


<Silver Donator>
What's with the back to back to back +xp weeks? Is it just to boost people up to hero league or is there something else going on. My 1-2 match a day ass isn't complaining mind you, but if they're going to continuously have the xp boost why not just change the scale or the order of rewards.
I guess it's because it's launch and shit? Not sure if they wiped either after beta, did they? If they didn't, it'd be to compensate for a bunch of people having a leg up and what not. I think it's great, got me playing since I was bored, between this and the stimpack, I'm gonna get to lvl 30 or whatever in a week or fairly casual play, which is just fine with me, lots of gold to play around(well not that much, but still).


Toe Sucker
they didn't wipe, but they seem to want to get people to lvl 30 for hero league asap. Which is also kind of shitty because it's getting more and more people into HL before they even know what they're doing lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What's with the back to back to back +xp weeks? Is it just to boost people up to hero league or is there something else going on. My 1-2 match a day ass isn't complaining mind you, but if they're going to continuously have the xp boost why not just change the scale or the order of rewards.
Last week as 50% this week is 100% bonus XP for the launch event


Maybe it's minor, but a drawing of Auriel (female archangel of hope, save her at the beginning of act 4) was shown at the beginning of the Eternal Conflict trailer. She could be the D3 support char HoTS is missing. At least, she seems more plausible than Deckard Cain.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They could work it so Monk is D3 support. Maybe in a support capacity more akin to Tyrande and Tassadar.


True. The only ability they showed was Seven-Sided Strike, which would be like an invuln / damage skill. You could argue that he used Dashing Strike too. Third skill could be Breath of Heaven to heal himself and allies.

Dunno, just grasping at straws here. We'll see soon enough.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I assume seven sided strike would be an ultimate option. The last thing we need right now are more assassins.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also someone on reddit about his trait

Also, his trait should be noted here as well:
When Skeleton King Leoric perishes, he will wander the map as a Wraith. He will stay on the battlefield until his death timer comes up. His attacks will not harm enemies, but rather slow/debuff enemies. Any damage he would have dealt (if it was not for him being a ghost and all) will decrease the death timer. Leoric will revive wherever his Wraith was last.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also heard a rumor some Korean person played a PTR version of Heroes and Brightwing lost Gust of Healing at 7. If so that takes a ton of oomph off BW's burst healing abilities.


Molten Core Raider
I also heard a rumor some Korean person played a PTR version of Heroes and Brightwing lost Gust of Healing at 7. If so that takes a ton of oomph off BW's burst healing abilities.
Damn, I was about to drop 10k gold on him. I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

Also,how are the treasure goblins going to work? 1:41 of the video shows them kill a goblin and a sack of gold appears. Do we get free gold now if we kill one?