Heroes of the Storm

The Master

Bronze Squire
Still never seen anyone else in the rerolled channel. On an unrelated note, I decided to do a 24 hour HotS stream today, since my stream will probably be all Hearthstone all the time starting next week. Twitch.tv/cavalierguest if anyone wants to drop in. I'll be grinding HL basically the whole time, unless I get a new hero and do some QM practice matches with it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Ugh. I kinda hate that Khara has a "dps" option. So many fucking retards try to play him as an assassin. Even better is when they do it as the only support.

Anyways, Kirun#1416 if anyone wants to add me. Tired of playing with fucking scrubs.


Golden Squire
I've never been more on tilt with Heroes in my life. Literally every top player is getting fisted up the ass with the matchmaker changes. It's fucking miserable. It's created a class of super happy mid tier players that hit Rank 1 because they're in the only MMR range that can actually hit it. Just terrible on all levels.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I've never been more on tilt with Heroes in my life. Literally every top player is getting fisted up the ass with the matchmaker changes. It's fucking miserable. It's created a class of super happy mid tier players that hit Rank 1 because they're in the only MMR range that can actually hit it. Just terrible on all levels.
Blizzard has a pretty long history of having shitty matchmaking/ladder systems. It is unfortunate.


I've never been more on tilt with Heroes in my life. Literally every top player is getting fisted up the ass with the matchmaker changes. It's fucking miserable. It's created a class of super happy mid tier players that hit Rank 1 because they're in the only MMR range that can actually hit it. Just terrible on all levels.
Can you or someone else elaborate? Is it because you don't get enough points ?


Can you or someone else elaborate? Is it because you don't get enough points ?
I'm not sure that it's true, but I've read that with the placement matches the game reset rank, but not the internal MMR. There were too many people at Rank 1 before, so Blizz wanted to thin them out. The highest rank you could be after placement was Rank 5. To get to Rank 1 you needed to earn an additional say 200 MMR from there. MMR is harder to earn the higher up the MMR scale you go. So a 1500 MMR player that got to Rank 5 after placements will have an easier time getting to 1700 than a 1600 MMR player getting to 1800. In other words, it is harder for better players to hit Rank 1.

I haven't seen any of that confirmed anywhere. There's always the risk some Rank 1's are upset they are no longer Rank 1 but that everything is working as intended.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Was in a game on Garden of Terror where the whole team was bitching at the Nova for not doing siege damage/contributing to XP and we were losing. Kept asking her why she was standing around. Meanwhile the last pick Brightwing who said he'd support didn't even take Blink Heal and had 1/3 of the healing of the support of the other team. We ended up winning because the other team threw the game and because the Nova got tons of good picks, but I was just stunned at how oblivious people can be.


The worst oblivious players are Leorics who feed the entire game bc of his rez trait. No, you should not be going in 1v5...

Solo supports not taking healing talents are up there too though


<Silver Donator>
Leoric's free next week so you'll see a bunch more I guess. Looking forward to try him, I kinda need a warrior that I don't hate, I really like Johanna so far so gonna test Leoric and see. I'm also leaning towards Arthas, looks kinda fun.

Leoric being free probably won't be the worst though, fucking Gazlowe is free too, shitty Gazlowe are like worse than shitty Abathur, or anyone really. Even a good Gazlowe is still pretty shitty most of the time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've been more heavily invested in PoE in my freetime but I got a few games as monk in the other day. Super fun kit. I played him once as DPS (we had a malf) and once as support. Even as DPS I considered him more of a disruptive support-y damage dealer. I don't recall my exact build but I remember feeling super godlike around level 16-20 but then once storm talents worked in I started to putter out. His Divine Palm ult on yourself when you're DPS is fucking god-like though.

The next game I played him more traditional support. I like that you can Q in, try and get some passive healing off while body blocking and Q away if things get squirly. He seems to play almost like a pre-rework Rehgar. Which is a good thing.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Speaking of oblivious players, I find that's the most often reason for why I tend to lose in HL. People not sticking together for teamfights and grabbing merc camps that walk right into opposing heroes/enemy blobs while an objective is active seem to always be the two largest offenders.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think I played against you last night ZP. Wasn't sure if it was you because of the low amount of games played, but it makes sense now.


<Silver Donator>
Hmm Gazlowe is less shitty than I thought he was. He's not great but in pubs people are pretty idiotic and either like to ignore you while you're pushing or clump up during teamfights. He's a one trick pony in teamfights, but what a trick though, I keep getting 4-5man ulti into stun combos and shit just melts. Just gonna hit 5 and stop but I actually didn't mind playing him those games.

ETC on the other hand, what the actual fuck. He used to be pretty cool, now he feels like pure fucking garbage. Does like no fucking damage, can't push a lane for shit and his control is only good if you can land the fucking ult and even then since you're squishy as shit you can get fucked up while ulting if you don't catch the DPS and shit. Feels pretty bad, he used to do reasonable damage over time with the pulsing aoe after every move but now you pretty much can't kill anyone at all.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah Gaz is actually quite decent if the other team is bad enough to eat his wombo. The issue is against organized people they don't allow that to happen nearly as easily. But if you can get some decent setup (Divine Storm, VP, Maw) and you are allowed to R into double E you can win a team fight by yourself.

I also rarely see Gazs on my team (granted I only get them in QM) constantly placing and breaking down turrets to get their R back. But then again QM Gazlows love to take Robo Goblin but still try and pick team fights so who knows. Bads will bad.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah overall he's not as bad as the Gazlowes I randomly played with when he wasn't free, so I was a bit surprised. And yeah people are terrible about dodging the aoe thing. I don't get the double bomb stuff though, I mostly buff the turrets, single bomb generally wins the fight and the turrets do a lot of work when they have range+slow and you have 3-4 down in the fighting area.

I guess ETC isn't so bad either, but you need really good damage cause he's fucking useless otherwise. I've had a few good games with him where I just disrupt everything and do a bunch of support-y attackspeed+movespeed+healing+storm shield stuff at the same time, but other games we have like 3warriors 1healer and 1shitty specialist and the hero is complete garbage cause well, no damage. Downside of playing QM I guess, but I don't really want to bother with the drafting phase and being forced into certain roles when I play this, I just do like 1 or 2 games then go do something else.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't play Gazlow but I know when ZP was doing the Gaz challenge he always went double Q. The idea is that HotS games are won and lost in the team fight stage. Turrets bring very, very little to a team fight. Plinking away for 100'ish damage a shot isn't going to make or break a team fight. But potentially stunning 1+ hero for possibly 4 seconds? That is basically an ultimate. Combine it with his actual ultimate and you can suddenly do 1000 HP damage per hero caught in the black hole/double E combo. I think a big mistake people make when playing Gaz is to overestimate his turrets. His E and W are, imo, his bread and butter. Even early game you can bully lanes (especially if you have a partner) by blind charging W to max, unloading on either heroes or minions, eating a turret to get W back and repeat. It actually does a better job than just placing turrets and E'ing the minion wave but it is a bit less safe due to the stationary nature of the W. The only player I see consistently do that playstyle is NickHots.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Leoric's free next week so you'll see a bunch more I guess. Looking forward to try him, I kinda need a warrior that I don't hate, I really like Johanna so far so gonna test Leoric and see. I'm also leaning towards Arthas, looks kinda fun.

Leoric being free probably won't be the worst though, fucking Gazlowe is free too, shitty Gazlowe are like worse than shitty Abathur, or anyone really. Even a good Gazlowe is still pretty shitty most of the time.
Was having fun with leoric last night. Having better luck tanking with him than diablo. His ranged life steal thing is really pretty sweet. Just be careful when chucking graveyards at people. You can screw up a team fight bad if you mess up your ult.