Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, played a bunch over the weekend. I made the comparison before, and I believe others have as well, and this really is the tfc of mobas, really just what I needed. I just wanted a moba atmosphere with a casual mindset. Teamwork is very important in this game just as other mobas, but I like how the maps are smaller and you have a mount to travel around on making it easier to work as a team with pugs.

ETC has been my hero of choice, I seem to do a lot better on him than other heroes, I suppose because on other heroes I'm waiting on other people to make plays so I can capitalize on it, but etc I can make the plays happen. His peel is amazing, I can choose the target making it easier for an uncoordinated team to focus fire. If a dps/specialty hero gets just a little too close they are going to get stunned and knocked back into my party; likewise I can use his stun/knockback to keep heroes zoned out of a fight if the positioning calls for it. And I love the teleport ult, stage dive, it ruins so many people's day, can catch people out, or split push and drop in on a team fight, or get objectives.

Haven't tried tyrande yet, but I'm not sold on LiLi either, she seems like a solid hero, but I suppose as is typical for support needs a good team for her to support, the good thing is, she almost never dies so she is tricky to deal with. You can try and focus her, but with her increase move speed on hit makes her extremely hard to finish off, and if you focus the other hero she is with they are going to get healed a bunch. I just got her last night and only played a couple of games so it'll take me a little while to really use the hero.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok, yeah, I just had a bad first couple of games on lili last night. First team I play with that actually works together and I go 9-0. I guess my mmr has gone up over the course of me leveling because my games have fewer deaths than they used to.


Molten Core Raider
Game is extremely my shit. Everything fun about mobas ( to me, the casual, awful player) without the boring 15 minute lane farm. Good stuff.


<Silver Donator>
They're doing a large wave of invites this week apparently, or maybe next week not sure, but they're entering the "international" phase so a lot of people will get invited and I assume a lot of US invites too. Also new hero this week, Zagara.


Molten Core Raider
yeah, got my invite last week same day as another friend of mine. I think they're starting to ramp up. Both US btw.


LiLi is my 'go to' pubstomp character. Good damage potential and amazing survivability/healing/support.

I am still terrible at the game, just as I was in DotA2 and LoL, but at least the games are short enough that I do not feel like banging my face into the keyboard when it is a nearly sure loss and my team wants to see it to it's 50 minute conclusion.


I think my favorite part about this game is that you can be behind on levels / team fights, but still win if your team focuses on objectives / pushing to the core. I just won a game where we were dominated in team fights, but they just kept trying to team fight rather than getting skulls in the mines or capturing mercs. We ended up with a 100 skull golem and we pushed top while it pushed bot. And all of this was in a 14 minute game.

Regarding heroes, I played Tyrael enough to get his second tint, so I guess you could call him my main. But I'm trying to branch out to other heroes now.

I'm really liking Tyrande recently. She's not the easiest to play, and her heals aren't that strong, but her buffs are really clutch. Movement speed on heals, trueshot aura, skill shot with stun, and hunter's mark are all really good in team fights. Her auto attack dps isn't bad either and her ult can crush a bottlenecked push.

Sgt. Hammer has a really fun playstyle in that if there's no one around, you just siege up and push towers and unless they spot you, you're in the clear. I was working with a Murky once and we pretty much duo'd the lane while everyone else was teamfighting. It was another one of those games where we were just getting man handled on team fights and we were behind on levels, yet we ultimately won because they didn't focus on pushing, just killing us.

I know I said earlier that I don't really have time to play, but I've been making/finding time to play this game. 15-20 minute games are really an amazing thing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
LiLi is my 'go to' pubstomp character. Good damage potential and amazing survivability/healing/support.

I am still terrible at the game, just as I was in DotA2 and LoL, but at least the games are short enough that I do not feel like banging my face into the keyboard when it is a nearly sure loss and my team wants to see it to it's 50 minute conclusion.
I'm seriously about to quit playing until they nerf lili, they need to increase the mana cost of her heal big time. Its bullshit you can spam it and never worry about mana without even taking the mana regen passive at lvl 1.


I really want to play it because of the short game times. It's the match length that I can't stand in traditional mobas anymore. I played more arena in smite and scar in LoL because of their shorter game lengths. I just don't want to play games where matches can run for an hour and I have to be glued to my seat the whole time.


Patch Notes

TLDR Version:
- Zagara added
- UI smaller
- Li Li healing nerf
- Murky tuned
- Tassadar's time warp changed to psi-storm, area damage with a lot of +damage talents
- Sonya's whirlwind buffed


Blackwing Lair Raider
I never played murky before is the new talent that buffs pufferfish aoe replace the one that increased it's health because it seems kinda bs otherwise to also reduce its explode time to 4s, its already a very small, if any, window for melee to kill/chase murky out and destroy the pufferfish. If they still can spec extra health and they explode 1s sooner it'll be impossible for a melee hero to babysit murky. Octograb is actually really good cc, so these murky changes just seem to me he is going to be even more annoying. Really can't believe they didn't do anything with the egg, there needs to be some kind of debuff that takes longer to respawn the further you are from your egg so it actually encourages people to drop the egg out on the map and not just stay in their base, or in the case of that not happening I don't think murky should be allowed to mount, again to encourage people to not just hide in their base.

You also didn't mention one pretty big new feature, you can report people now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How is the playstyle of this compared to other mobas? Do I still need to click around in circles and try to snipe the last hit on enemies to get the gold/xp or w/e? I really hated that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are we BNet friends Mures?

Don't think so, Serum#1204
How is the playstyle of this compared to other mobas? Do I still need to click around in circles and try to snipe the last hit on enemies to get the gold/xp or w/e? I really hated that.
Nope, no last-hitting, just need to be near the minions to soak up xp for your team. In hots the focus is much more fighting the other heroes than minions/creeps.


Trakanon Raider
Awesome. I fucking hate gold farming, gear, and creep denial. This may actually be the first MOBA that I'll invest significant gaming time to.