Heroes of the Storm


Trakanon Raider
Been playing a little bit every night trying to push for level 40 before beta. I honestly don't know if I'll play much after beta, depends on what they add and if ranked mode really changes how the game plays out. It'll be nice not having two of the same hero in half of the matches at least.


I should be on and playing more after the holidays. Gave wow a shot and not really ready to commit so I'll be spending more time in hots. I don't really care about mmr, I prefer to just have fun and play with people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No worries Mures, I've seen you pop on from time to time but I'm still learning and don't want to fuck up anyones MMR or w/e. I've been running Co-op mode mostly now, taken 5 heroes up to level 5 (Muradin, Sonya, Falstad, Uther, Illidan) and have Raynor at 3 I think. I have 2 more that I bought to take at least to 5 (Malfurian and Valla). I like the game so far, not spending gold yet since I have no idea whats worth buying. I see what everyone was saying about Illidan, man he is fun but holy shit is he easy to fuck up. Sonya seems like a fucking meat grinder, Muradin was fun Falstad was pretty good too. I did not like Uther, I don't mind support but I think Ranged support may be the way to go.
Its cool, I couldn't have told you what my mmr was, but a friend that I play with last week told me I'm diamond for whatever hotslog is worth, I don't track my games though. Co-op is pretty painfully slow lvling heroes, I have only 5 heroes left that aren't 5 I believe and I've just been lvling those in vs.

I just played illidan for the first time when he was free last week and was surprised I really enjoyed him as I'm usually not an assassin or melee type of person and he is both, but yeah, he's beastly when you're ahead, and very lackluster when you're behind. Just played sonya for the first time since wipe this week and it seems like she got worse. For ranged support tassadar is still pretty strong and of course brokenwing is still strong, malfurion is not bad on the cheap, but works better with certain heroes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks for the info, I'll go through and add some battletags later in the week, have a raid tonight but will likely be mostly in HotS more the rest of the week.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Artemis#1332 if you wanna group. The auto attacking creeps crowd while tribute is up is getting old.


Avatar of War Slayer
Artemis#1332 if you wanna group. The auto attacking creeps crowd while tribute is up is getting old.
Probably noobs. but, I would point out. "All tribute all the time" is also wrong.
The curse is of course, wicked strong. but, keeping track of counts is very good too. Especially if you have 1 or 2 strong harassers on your team.
Skipping the first tribute is popular. again, send 3 to harass, while 2 others get exp from 2 lanes, for a nice hefty exp lead, as well as pushing and possibly even taking early game towers while the other team is trying to get the tribute.
Late game, often the same deal. if the neither you or the other team has 2/3 already, consider if seigecamps/or pushing a lane to kill a base would not be more exp, and stronger field presence.
And, if its to get 3/3 for YOUR team, same question, is the game all but over? are you breaking off ending the game, to get the buff? (aka, comparable to breaking off to get dragon, when 4/5 of the opposing team is dead and you are on the inhib? Cause, I've had that more then a few times. players so focused on the buff, siege camps, they just won't end the game.)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The curse is deceptive. It has this awkward dichotomy of helping pushing but also denying your team a ton of xp via creeps one shotting other creeps. Really the curse is worth about 2 keeps. Sure you should try and get it but, IMO, it is vastly over rated. Especially if golems are down the curse becomes even less impactful.


Molten Core Raider
Thrall coming with closed beta jan 15th or something p sure. Maybe vikings/sylvanas sometime soon too.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Is Malfurion the worst character ever created or am I just god awful with him? Soon as I hit level 5 with him I'm never touching him again lol. Rehgar, Tassador, and Uther seem soooooooo much better than him. People burst through his HoT like it's nothing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not exactly. If your team is well coordinated a pure support can do alright. Malf has some very good healing with Enduring Regrowth and good CC options. But in general for most pub games you're going to want to hybrid him out a bit. I still build my Brightwing pure support but I feel she is a better pure support than Malf. Uther is also a really good pure support if you want to take on that role.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I always only play with 2 or 3 friends. It sounds like it just might be a problem of healing style. Never really liked the feel of HoTs. I do want to try Brightwing out for sure.
Right now Uther and Tassadar are my favs. I feel I can tangibly help my group with either of those guys.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Played Muaradin for the first time since he bugged out. If they don't just focus and pop you you're an immortal God out there on the battle field. I was taking block and spell shield and would just disengage when I got down to 20% or so and come back into the fight at 75% life after like 5 seconds. Was nuts. Dude still does fuck-all for damage though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I always only play with 2 or 3 friends. It sounds like it just might be a problem of healing style. Never really liked the feel of HoTs. I do want to try Brightwing out for sure.
Right now Uther and Tassadar are my favs. I feel I can tangibly help my group with either of those guys.
Malf may not jive with your playstyle then. He isn't an S class hero but he's probably A or B tier.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Well turns out it was because I was just BAD with him. Just got done with a 5 game win streak using him and being much more effective after reading some tips online. Went from healing for bout 50-60k per game to healing for 60-80k and staying alive longer which lets me help everyone else stay alive longer.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I knew something was off for labeling him an outright bad hero. Because he's pretty good. Certainly in the tier of heroes considered competitively viable. Maybe it is my RTS background as a competitive gamer but whenever I lose I always tend to blame myself and try and figure out what went wrong before writing it off to an external issue. I think in the current landscape of Heroes very few heroes even put your team at a decided disadvantage. Even a well played Murky can put out stupid amounts of DPS. I love when Murky is on my team (assuming he's not retarded) when I'm Brightwing. With Murky's bubble it makes his HPs so valuable and I can heal him for a ton of his HP bar with a single blink heal. Then I can cast rains when he does bubble so he can take a more DPS focused talent (B4B) at 16 instead of self heal.

WoW has been sucking up most of my time so I haven't been on this for a while. Really just waiting out for beta to start and ranked. Right now the rankless match making is annoying at best half the time. The other day I queued as Brightwing and had to abandon ship because my queue timer hit 7 minutes. God knows what would happen if I let it match me into a game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I missed like this whole rotation, sucks because I was looking forward to trying out Arthas and Anub.