Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Yeah, not a lot to talk about really without knowing the context - they have kind of dropped the ball of PVE stuff, which is pretty obvious from the pledge distribution. The legendary dragon card is pretty neat though - if they have no removal available that's going to be game over in short order. I'd rate the grand strategist card higher in terms of outrageousness though, a passive that turns all your creatures into Master Decoys makes my blood pressure rise just thinking about it ;p
Hope the dragon deck has plenty of mana accelerators. The most expensive card we've seen in the only two shard starter deck seems like resource issues waiting to happen. He's definitely a brutal card (especially with his equipment), just spendy. And yeah, the strategist makes everyone horribly obnoxious. A human inspire deck is definitely stirring my sliver nostalgia. I think Zombie Plague is still my favorite card from those spoiled thus far though:https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...54195213_n.pngSuch a good match of theme and effect. Seems pretty powerful for only 2 blood, and the equipment just makes it a ridiculous snowball effect. Might not be all that useful in play, depending on how much constant removal there is and how long you can stall until it can do its work, but I just love thinking about it.

Agreed on PvE. It's obvious that they still need to do tons of work to get it into the client (Cory said as much when asked if the next twitch stream could be PvE centric), but they really need to start pumping out some more articles on that half of the game at least.

Also, god damn, I hadn't even checked the kickstarter numbers for today. Dragonlords are sold out, and we're already past 800k. Probably 830k with paypal included by this point. Time to watch grand kings start dropping. Hopefully more details on the loot system and raiding will help incentivize people towards the dungeon crawler and raid leader tiers. Some early sketches of a horribly broken seeming raid deck would probably make a couple of raidleader's blessings on your side start looking pretty good.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
*sigh I kept putting of upgrading my account to pro and now they are all gone. I did upgrade it to King though, fuck i also spent the day at a card shop trading up for new magic cards. I am 42 years old and this is unacceptable behavior.


I am really tempted to upgrade from PRO to GK. I have a feeling they will start going fast now that PRO has sold out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am staying at Pro. The game is good enough for me to invest $250.00 on but I am not going to go all crazy and feel that I need to add another 250+. Hell, I wish one of thier stretch goals would be to add more money for advertising. Maybe make that the last one. I like free things , but I also realiize that the for me to have value on those free things, others must join that do not have that advantage. The more players that play this game after release, the more fun/value is given to those that "Did" invest in the game.


Hell, I wish one of thier stretch goals would be to add more money for advertising. Maybe make that the last one.
I am really not worried about advertisement.Ifa game is good, the word of mouth will spread quickly. I would really like more freebies, and hope that the game delivers.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'm wondering about the PVE side of things. They had several goals that added to the PVE content but there seems to be no info about it really. Adding "3 dungeons" without us knowing how PVE works is kinda pointless except for having a goal listed at all. Thing is I wouldnt play this for "PvP" if you call it that in a card game, I'd probably just play MTG for that.

I am however interested in it if the PVE side is entertaining in the long run. I remember playing the WoW tcg raids with some buddies that were heavily into it a few years ago (wasnt done by the company making HEX back then), that was pretty entertaining. The raids had specific cards, a setup that was taken from the pc game raid and so on. Will the PVE here be like that, entirely different, or simply AI duels/multiplayer with some extra non-pvp cards?


2 Minutes Hate
PVE, for me, is going to be a fun side show. But ultimately, I think PVE will be a way for me to fuel PVP. Get PVE rewards and sell them for platinum and then use that for PVP tournaments. This is why I went for GK.

I think most of the casuals, assuming this game gets somewhat popular, will be doing mostly PVE.


I just bought in at $500 Grand King, going to probably start up an FoH guild with Harfle and whomever. More information shortly before beta.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
PVE, for me, is going to be a fun side show. But ultimately, I think PVE will be a way for me to fuel PVP. Get PVE rewards and sell them for platinum and then use that for PVP tournaments. This is why I went for GK.

I think most of the casuals, assuming this game gets somewhat popular, will be doing mostly PVE.
I assume that most people on these forums are pitching in to this game expecting it to replace MTGO; I know that my valuation of getting the pro player tier was based on PvP only with PvE being the means to that end just like you Draegan. The fact that they will have a whole separate economy based around PvE/dungeons/raiding means that this may be the first MMO that is truly both PvE and PvP friendly.


New update athttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...e/posts/484901

No news on new stretch goals. Mostly clarification on what combining multiple tiers looks like (hint: it works the way you would expect), but he did tease a couple of things he wants to add in the future (not at launch), namely leagues and raid lords. The leagues seem like they'll be nicely customizable, and is a fun feature for sure. One of my favorite times playing M:TG was in an ice age league back around my first year of college.

The raid lord idea is interesting, but seems ripe for exploitation. The idea is that you could play as a raid deck against other players. Wins would earn you some sort of ranking, losses would let the players who beat you have access to some raid loot from a pool determined by your ranking. The higher your ranking, the better your prize pool would be. They also mentioned being able to charge challengers platinum for the right to fight you.

Now, that's a pretty neat idea on the surface, but humans being what they are, I imagine that would break down into "Raid duel a lot until you have the highest tier prize pool, and then charge people for you to join a game and then auto-pass every single turn so they can get access to your loot". There's a lot they'd need to work out in regards to win trading and the like. At the very least, losing should have a negative impact on your rating. Regardless though, it's got a lot of promise and gives another hybrid PvE/PvP style of game play. I'd hope they wouldn't let you play as a raid deck until you've beaten the raid in question (Maybe beaten it with some sort of difficult achievement condition in place? One can dream). The Warlord TCG did something sort of like this way back in the day, and I liked it there as well.

Damn him for making me look forward to things that are probably 2+ years away.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
New update athttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...e/posts/484901

No news on new stretch goals. Mostly clarification on what combining multiple tiers looks like (hint: it works the way you would expect), but he did tease a couple of things he wants to add in the future (not at launch), namely leagues and raid lords. The leagues seem like they'll be nicely customizable, and is a fun feature for sure. One of my favorite times playing M:TG was in an ice age league back around my first year of college.
Leagues were the BEST part of MTGO. They let you sample new blocks for a lower entry price. Didn't they last 3 months and you bought 6 packs? 5 for your deck and 1 for the prize pool? It really pissed me off when they took them away claiming that they were bringing them back "soon" and that was somthing like SEVEN years ago or some shit. They just realized that when leagues went away a bunch of those people threw down more cash for drafts so why would they bring leagues back to make less money? Fuck WOTC for that move.


Molten Core Raider
I'm still kind of bothered by blocks. I hope they do more stuff with older blocks other than legacy. Maybe throwback tournaments and stuff.


I'm still kind of bothered by blocks. I hope they do more stuff with older blocks other than legacy. Maybe throwback tournaments and stuff.
I think you're getting bothered about nothing, honestly. Here's one of their comments from the kickstarter:

Q:I would also like to know about the card rotation plan. Will there be standard and unlimited formats, or will all cards be legal to play forever?
A:Right now we're planned for a 2 block format, as well as an everything format. That is the current plan. We might revisit it after 2 years of data.

So both everything and 2 block (like Magic) planned, and they haven't even done a firm commitment that it will only be a 2 year rotation cycle. Regardless, it's not going to be an issue for 2 years.

Personally, I think a format with block rotation is almost a necessity if you want to maintain a thriving tournament scene. If you don't, then you have 1) Ever increasing power creep because there's never a reset switch. Decks change to reflect the current meta, but there's really only so many archetypes out there (I haven't played serious magic in years, but just flipping through some legacy decklists just now, they look very familiar) and 2) Unless you always allow all boosters to be available permanently (and hence remove any sense of collectability), then you have a gigantic barrier of entry for new players, and that's never good for business or for the community.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, but the thing is, after the block is over, you're left with a bunch of cards no one wants anymore.

Hell, I don't even know anyone who plays unlimited in Magic.