Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Two new tiers are shitty. Boring actually.
They're a bit lackluster, I agree. I love that we're getting new raids, but we don't really have any context on what raids are like at this point, or how many there are before we hit that goal, so it saps some excitement out. I couldn't care less about the playmats. That stuff already looks a little annoyingly flashy in the videos they've released. If there's an option, I'm sure I'll end up playing on some no-animation flat black background setting.

As for the rewards, 3 drafts is nice, but not exciting. The new PvE card is a bit blah. 4 mana to practically force a win in a battle. It's a wild growth on crack that you can't use to boost damage against the opponent. *shrug*

The extra set of exclusive cards is nice for PvErs, though slightly counterintuitive for trying to maximize backers. I doubt that stretch reward is really going to do much to incentivize lower tier backers, but I know some insane completionists would want a playset of those, and they just dropped from needing 4 pledges at king+ (or 2 collector tier) to needing 2. Those people are probably few and far between though, so I guess it doesn't matter.


Molten Core Raider
The PVE seems neat, but I think most people are going to go for PVP. I mean, that's what TCGs are about most of the time. Though, from what I can see, raids are just PVE with two people coming along with you. I'm assuming dungeons will just be single player, which kind of sucks but I'll probably do it anyway.

What I'm wondering is will you HAVE to buy packs? Or can you simply earn them? As I said above, I'm not made of money, so while I'd buy a few per week, being able to earn them would be a huge boon.


The PVE seems neat, but I think most people are going to go for PVP. I mean, that's what TCGs are about most of the time. Though, from what I can see, raids are just PVE with two people coming along with you. I'm assuming dungeons will just be single player, which kind of sucks but I'll probably do it anyway.

What I'm wondering is will you HAVE to buy packs? Or can you simply earn them? As I said above, I'm not made of money, so while I'd buy a few per week, being able to earn them would be a huge boon.
It's hard to say. TCGs are mostly about PvP because they come from a tabletop lineage, and until the somewhat recent rise in the popularity of cooperative tabletop board/card games, that's been almost entirely a PvP space (except for roleplaying games). There are other examples of online TCGs with a PvE element to them, mostly facebook and kongregate type games. I have no idea what the breakdown between PvE centric and PvP centric players is like in them though. Personally, I'm more excited about the PvE than the PvP in this. I like the puzzle aspect of putting together a deck to defeat an unfairly powerful raid opponent. I like the idea of an equipment grind, and I like that I can build different classes of PvE champions and see how that influences the decks I build. While I'll certainly PvP, there's less driving me there. It's essentially magic with some nifty digital only design space.

And to confirm/clarify some things. You're correct, dungeons are single player. As far as I can tell, dungeons are the entirety of the single player PvE experience. There doesn't seem to be an overland. And yes, raids are PvE with two other people, and presumably opponent decks with brutal raid-only cards (and given how ridiculous some of the player cards have been, that's saying something).

As for having to buy packs, it depends. For PvE, no, you shouldn't ever have to buy packs. Doing PvE content will get you PvE cards. It will also get you gold, which presumably you can spend at faction merchants to buy more cards. You can also use gold to buy cards that people place on the auction house, including PvP cards potentially. Assuming they work the economy correctly, there will be a steady flow of PvP cards that people spent real money on originally for sale in the gold auction house, but I'm guessing that if you want to be competitive in PvP, you're going to want to drop some cash, or expect to grind quite a bit of gold in PvE to buy the cards on the AH you want for your PvP deck. Really though, it all depends on how the economies end up shaking out. If the bulk of PvP players don't have any interest in PvE, there's not going to be as much of a market for cards selling for gold on the AH.


Molten Core Raider
Well, the thing is, because there won't be grouping in dungeons, and raids are only you + 2, I don't really see why you'd go for that over PVP. Maybe it's because I haven't played a PVE TCG before, but I just don't get it. Will there be any real reason for PVP players to play PVE and vice versa?

It just seems at the moment that PVE and PVP are pretty seperated. In my mind, one should feed off the other. PVPers should have a reason to want to play PVE, and PVErs should have reason to want to PVP.

That's just me, though. Maybe I'm wrong or just missing something.


2 Minutes Hate
PVP cards can be used in PVE.
PVE cards can not be used in PVP
Equipment can not be used in PVP unless it's a special odd tournament.
PVP and PVE cards can use gems.


Molten Core Raider
I see, so I suppose there is a reason for PVErs to PVP (for PVP cards).

Can you get PVP cards just from PVPing?


It just seems at the moment that PVE and PVP are pretty seperated. In my mind, one should feed off the other. PVPers should have a reason to want to play PVE, and PVErs should have reason to want to PVP.
Draegan pretty much summarized it. There's reasons for PvE players to buy PvP cards, but unless they like PvP, there's no reason for them to play it (except the prize pool in tournaments will be useful for them). Similarly, unless you like the PvE game, there's no reason for PvP players to play it (except for the wacky modes that allow equipment).

It makes a certain sort of marketing sense if you think of it as a free to play game structure. The PvE game is their free to play hook. But if the PvE player finds a piece of equipment for a PvP card and thinks "Oh wow, I *need* that card" or "God damn, this dungeon is tough, and I don't want to grind gold to get more cards. Maybe I'll buy a booster", then they've got a reason to spend money, and eventually they might think "Hey, I can make a pretty decent PvP deck", maybe I'll give a tournament a shot, and they've become a hybrid PvE/PvP player who has even more incentive to keep putting money into the system.


I see, so I suppose there is a reason for PVErs to PVP (for PVP cards).

Can you get PVP cards just from PVPing?
Tournament prize pools will have booster pack rewards, I'm sure.

And of course you get to keep any cards you got from a drafting format on top of whatever the prize pool for the draft was.

Other than that, not at the moment, though they might add other strange game play modes. There's some keep defense mode they talked about briefly which is semi PvP (You can set a defensive deck and other people challenge it. You don't play the deck, an AI does. If they lose, you get something. If they win, you get something). That's meant to have a more detailed deep dive eventually. Some people on the forums have thrown around ideas for other PvP formats that could include winning cards off the opposing player, but I haven't seen anyone official at Cryptozoic comment on that possibility yet.


Trakanon Raider
As for the rewards, 3 drafts is nice, but not exciting. The new PvE card is a bit blah. 4 mana to practically force a win in a battle. It's a wild growth on crack that you can't use to boost damage against the opponent. *shrug*
I thought it was an interesting example of a benefit of the digital format - 10% chance to play it out of the deck for free when one of your guys is involved in a suicide block situation. The equipment makes it pretty crazy - 1/1 chump blocker suddenly becomes 9/9 lifedrain permanently heh. Would be sort of rage smash in pvp, probably why it's a PVE card.


Trakanon Raider
Other than that, not at the moment, though they might add other strange game play modes. There's some keep defense mode they talked about briefly which is semi PvP (You can set a defensive deck and other people challenge it. You don't play the deck, an AI does. If they lose, you get something. If they win, you get something). That's meant to have a more detailed deep dive eventually.
That mode looks like genius to me. A great way for PVE guys to get in a bit of semi-pvp without time constraints or pressure.


That mode looks like genius to me. A great way for PVE guys to get in a bit of semi-pvp without time constraints or pressure.
Yeah, it should be interesting. Unclear entirely how it will work though. Can you use PvE cards? Can you use equipment? What's the prizes for winning/losing? Really depends on implementation. Hopefully there will be an upcoming video about it. Oh, just found the original post by the Cryptozoic guy about it:

"Q?:Is Keep Defense like a dungeon or something?"

It is an offline play mode that will have a full write up in the next few days. Basically, you can attack another player's Keep, trying to win their treasure, if you lose, the fee you pay to challenge them is added to the treasure (and the owner of the keep gets a cut). If you win you get all the rewards they put in their treasure. It's a robust system that I'm just not doing justice to. Keep an eye out for the full article.

As for the analysis on the new PvE card, I agree that it's neat, and it does interesting digital only things, and certainly has a lot of potential for "Oh wow" moments when you have its legendary equipment. It's just so random though. But I guess there's rarely a time when you don't want a 9/9 on the table.

I wonder how the percentages stack with multiples. If you have 4 in your deck, is it still just a flat 10% chance to trigger one? Or is it checked per card in your library? Can multiple ones fire off on one block/blocked? If so, the notion of suddenly getting a 32/33 battle hopper is heeeelarious (even though it would only happen .01% of the time)


Molten Core Raider
It seems like PVE can net you new Mercenaries for PVP, so that's pretty cool actually. Gives me a reason to PVE.

I'd love to see crazy tournaments. Like maybe one that uses just uncommon and common cards, no rares allowed. Or maybe a tournament where both players bet a card from their deck, winner takes all (basically like the Yu-Gi-Oh tv show, lol).

If they set the game up where they can alter the rules, the potential for amazing new play styles is insane.


It seems like PVE can net you new Mercenaries for PVP, so that's pretty cool actually. Gives me a reason to PVE.

I'd love to see crazy tournaments. Like maybe one that uses just uncommon and common cards, no rares allowed. Or maybe a tournament where both players bet a card from their deck, winner takes all (basically like the Yu-Gi-Oh tv show, lol).

If they set the game up where they can alter the rules, the potential for amazing new play styles is insane.
Mercenaries are PvE only, I'm afraid. The PvP champion pool consists of 20 fixed champions in the base set. You have access to all of those from day 1 I believe.http://hextcg.com/game/champion/has some details

As for new tournament types, I think they've definitely engineered in such a way that they can change around rules pretty easily. They've talked about the possibility of doing cube drafting, and if that's a possibility, then common+uncommon only tournaments definitely are. But again, we'll need to wait and see what actually shakes out there.

While I'm here, there's a new article up on their website:http://hextcg.com/dwarven-drafting/No new information, but some new card teasers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They are going to reach the 660k stretch mark pretty soon. Anybody on the fence about the pro tier might want to jump off the fence pretty soon. 369 spots left. If that runs out a person has to go the 500+ route.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Eh, the King slot is unlimited, and all you miss out on is the free draft each week. Which will likely eventually be worth it if you play for a full year (assuming expansions are released at a decent clip), but if you play for 3-months when the game comes out or whatever, or if you go infinite as they said you'd be able to if you were good enough (although I'd have to see the tournament queue prize structure to see whether that's reasonable or not), doesn't amount to much. Adding to that, the base set cards are probably going to be utterly worthless due to the massive amount of it being given out cheap through kickstarter, so any drafts that occur during base set are going to be at reduced value.

Like, it's a perfectly fine perk, but not one I'm investing in before I see the majority of the base set of the game. I've been around enough CCGs to know that a handful of cards can destroy any enjoyment factor a game has for years at a time (And this is coming from the WoW TCG people. Black Ice was a totally fun deck to play against forever. Totally fun. All of the funs. Really.), and waiting to be able to see whether those are floating around before I sink too much money into a product I'll never actually be able to hold in my hands/resell (Yes, they said Ebay won't be pursued, but the base set cards are probably going to be worth too little to be worth the time of ebaying, for the most part) makes sense to me. I'm in at the King tier, since it's roughly the cost of a playset of a good card for another CCG, so even if I get a month or two of entertainment out of this, it's fine.


<Silver Donator>
Sadly the guy streaming looks pretty terrible and his deck also looks kinda weak or he has bad luck. First game he was mana starved all game, 2nd game he had a bunch of mana at the start but hasn't been able to play his 5 cost card after like 9turns already so yeah. I also hope they add faster resolutions for some of the actions, the game should be able to tell when there's nothing you can do(no charge, all mana tapped, no cards in hand playable) and just skip in this case. It looks a bit stupid when he can't do anything but still has to click through half a dozen of permissions during his opponent's turn.

Looks fun otherwise, hope they do a preview of the pve at some point though. I don't know about balance though, some of the stuff looks pretty OP. There's a necropotence card, it does cost 2mana 2life to draw a card instead of just the life but still.


Sadly the guy streaming looks pretty terrible and his deck also looks kinda weak or he has bad luck. First game he was mana starved all game, 2nd game he had a bunch of mana at the start but hasn't been able to play his 5 cost card after like 9turns already so yeah. I also hope they add faster resolutions for some of the actions, the game should be able to tell when there's nothing you can do(no charge, all mana tapped, no cards in hand playable) and just skip in this case. It looks a bit stupid when he can't do anything but still has to click through half a dozen of permissions during his opponent's turn.

Looks fun otherwise, hope they do a preview of the pve at some point though. I don't know about balance though, some of the stuff looks pretty OP. There's a necropotence card, it does cost 2mana 2life to draw a card instead of just the life but still.
It's more greed than necropotence.http://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/ca...tiverseid=1441But yeah, agree with everything you said. The stream has been kind of sad. Perfectly showcases why I hate the M:TG resource system. It's been fixed in any number of TCGs (including theirs). Sad to see them backsliding here, even if threshold and charge are slight improvements on it. Doesn't help that one of his key enchantments isn't working also. Go go pre-alpha!