

Molten Core Raider
Here is what I'm hoping for in Season 4(assuming there is a season 4?)

Carrie goes to Istanbul or wherever the hell it was they were sending her, and since she can hand-pick her own people she takes Quinn with her and he becomes a major character, carrying out missions for her and such. I hope that Saul can still somehow stay in the series as a private sector consultant, Carrie could still use him in various ways as well, I'm sure the CIA hires private sector people for certain things. I hope the whole baby thing is handled well, and not in the Dexter "Hey I have a kid that someone conveniently babysits 20 hours a day for me" unrealistic way, but I hope it's not a major focus of the show. Dexter went to shit once the kid came into play, hope that doesn't happen here.

Carrie and Quinn kicking ass in the middle east could make for some really entertaining television. Crazy agressive leader willing to take risks(Carrie) + a badass elite killer(Quinn) being half a world away from CIA headquarters and out from under constant scrutiny and politics of higher-ups.

Don't fuck this up, writers.


FPS noob
eh, i dunno, a show called Homeland should be about terrorist stuff happening in America, not Carrie's continuing misadventures in the Middle East. The Iran stuff already seems a stretch for the show, I would hope season 4 returns to focus on possible near-future threats that could happen here in America.

I mean hell, just today we found out someones hacked 40 million credit card transactions from Target stores, imagine if that was a Russian syndicate who have a much larger agenda of destroying our financial system and this is just one of the many small steps. Or someone turning all the NSA surveillance tech and data against us.


Molten Core Raider
I mean hell, just today we found out someones hacked 40 million credit card transactions from Target stores, imagine if that was a Russian syndicate who have a much larger agenda of destroying our financial system and this is just one of the many small steps. Or someone turning all the NSA surveillance tech and data against us.
Live Free or Die Hard


Got something right about marriage
Finished the season. You guys were right, definitely got a lot better.

I was kind of hoping that was the final season, I think it would have been a fitting end. Instead this is going to jump the shark big time, probably next season, and it will be basically unwatchable all the way til season 8 when Brody magically didn't die and Carrie's kid is the new Abu Nazir.


Molten Core Raider
Finished the season. You guys were right, definitely got a lot better.

I was kind of hoping that was the final season, I think it would have been a fitting end. Instead this is going to jump the shark big time, probably next season, and it will be basically unwatchable all the way til season 8 when Brody magically didn't die and Carrie's kid is the new Abu Nazir.
Showtime is pretty bad about milking its popular shows and running them into the ground (Dexter, Weeds)

HBO angers me sometimes when they kill off a show too soon (Deadwood, Rome, etc), but at least they almost never let a show run multiple seasons past its prime, degrading into a shell of its former self like Showtime does.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Finished the season. You guys were right, definitely got a lot better.

I was kind of hoping that was the final season, I think it would have been a fitting end. Instead this is going to jump the shark big time, probably next season, and it will be basically unwatchable all the way til season 8 when Brody magically didn't die and Carrie's kid is the new Abu Nazir.
I think it could go either way. They have the benefit of basically starting over next season since they've tied up a lot of the storylines and have been able to jettison the characters that weren't originally intended to go beyond the first season (ie the Brodys). It's just a matter of whether or not they'll be able to come up with something as compelling as the first season or whether they've just run out of good ideas by this point.


Vyemm Raider
Doubt im going to continue watching this w/o Damien Lewis - To me its like Walt being killed off in season 3 of BB and leaving it up to Jesse to be the sole main character.


<Prior Amod>
Here is what I'm hoping for in Season 4(assuming there is a season 4?)

Carrie goes to Istanbul or wherever the hell it was they were sending her, and since she can hand-pick her own people she takes Quinn with her and he becomes a major character, carrying out missions for her and such. I hope that Saul can still somehow stay in the series as a private sector consultant, Carrie could still use him in various ways as well, I'm sure the CIA hires private sector people for certain things. I hope the whole baby thing is handled well, and not in the Dexter "Hey I have a kid that someone conveniently babysits 20 hours a day for me" unrealistic way, but I hope it's not a major focus of the show. Dexter went to shit once the kid came into play, hope that doesn't happen here.

Carrie and Quinn kicking ass in the middle east could make for some really entertaining television. Crazy agressive leader willing to take risks(Carrie) + a badass elite killer(Quinn) being half a world away from CIA headquarters and out from under constant scrutiny and politics of higher-ups.

Don't fuck this up, writers.
fuck that kid, i don't want to see full house, hopefully grandpa fully adopts the baby and says "GTFO" whenever carrie visit's cuz carrie is acting carrie. that dad is kinda old looking tho, and with no grandma around is that adoption even allowed? i guess if it's between blood relatives, it kind of doesn't matter.

i hope we don't ever see brody's family ever again, not even hot firefly wife, cuz they were ultimately filler, i mean god, we could have saved 2 episodes worth of trash by forgetting brody had a family and a stupid emo daughter.

hell if there were gonna give us stupid emo daughter filler, what about the son? he just stands there and looks sad, at least just show him playing counterstrike as a terrorist all the time.


Molten Core Raider
I'd have been a little more accepting of the shitty wife/daughter stuff with brodys family if the daughter had been as hot as the wife. She wasn't close.


Unelected Mod
I think this show still has lots of promise, looking forward to watching it tomorrow. Saul and Carrie were the core of the show to me, and now with Brodie's family out of it, should be much more focused.


So glad to be done with the family. Brodie I liked as a character no matter how flawed he was. The family was never a good plot though.


Buzzfeed Editor
Brody's wife is so, so, so hot. So fucking hot. So hot. I mourn her loss.

But generally I think S3 was great. S2 faltered, S3 brought it back. I am about halfway through the second episode from S4 right now, it is promising. I hope they don't take Saul's story in the direction it seems to be heading, that would just be a retread and we don't really need that. I love how Quinn's arc is "get drunk, fuck a fat girl".


<Prior Amod>
Fattie will do anything for quinn, fuck i would, he almost 60's dinner napkin holder'd a guy, funny how later carrie is like "yea i had to chalk it up to PTSD", it probably really was.

This show is going deep, deep I had a friend walk out, she couldn't take all the krazy baby killer moment carrie was having.