If you could make any one law legal.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Require anyone receiving government assistance (IE food stamps, welfare, etc.) to work in a government program for free until they find work, this will be mandatory to receive their "freebies".
I'd make it illegal for those who have little to envy those who have nothing while the actual parasites sip champagne.,

I would make a law that IF ANY politician took any kind of bribe, kickback, gift ect they would be punished by death. Fucking sick of their "do as I say not as I do" shit.
My choice as well. Nothing worse than corruption.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This doesn't actually work. If you put them in a job that there is demand for, you've just created another welfare case. (They took the job someone else was getting paid for.) The alternative is to assign them to a job for which there is no demand (Digging holes and filling them, rolling a rock up and down a hill, etc.) but that's just pointless cruelty.
I think we're beyond the point where full time employment is possible for everyone and it's not getting better.

So we either cut down what full time employment is so everyone can have a job or we'll end up in a situation where half the population works and feeds the other half with their income just to avoid social unrest.
in that same tone : politicians, lawyers, cops, hell anyone who is in the legal profession or enforces / dictates the law get 3X the punishment when they break it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My law would be simple: If you see someone driving erratically, and notice they are on their cell phone (talking or texting) you have the right to shoot them in the face. I don't see any enforcement of the "No texting" laws we have here in TN, BUT we have tons of accidents and vehicular homicide due to it. I'd rather the people who can't wait to reply "LOL" to some dumbass get killed by a concerned citizen, than to have them on the roads.

I seriously have premonitions all the time that I'll be driving some place and some teenage girl is going to cross the center line at the last second, not giving me any time to respond, and kill me. I'd say it was an irrational fear, but it's becoming more and more prevalant. Has to happen to someone.


That guy
I finally thought of one -- anyone who has ever or is currently an oil speculator shall be executed at the soonest possible moment in public.


Silver Knight of the Realm
2. Anyone who is the recipient of government assistance of any type has their right to vote suspended for the duration of that assistance. In this way, welfare recipients can't just vote themselves more welfare, as they do now.
I love the spirit of this idea... but there is some serious infrastructure that needs to change in our world before this could become any sort of reality. Obv, you didn't write that so it would be a perfectly written law, but I assume you mean people on welfare-type programs in the US... But if you have a dictator/king type who owns everything, and everyone is living off of his wealth, then that means, by your system, that no one would have a vote but him. Obviously that isn't what you're going for, but I think that it raises the question of... in our fucked-up system, how do we keep people who have wealth from using their power to keep other people down?

I also loved the 3x stricter punishments for people who are enforcing laws vs. people who live under the laws. Why did people hate that?


Silver Squire
Politicians, in order to serve, must thoroughly pass an examine with respect to modern macroeconomic theory. Judging by the current bits of the politicians words, none of them have even a high school level understanding of economics.


Silver Squire
shit i just realized this is a thread in ss and not general. I'd like to see death by snoo-snoo implemented in Texas.

The Master

Bronze Squire
S. I. Hayakawa's Semantic Amendment would be my choice, it gives anyone the right to challenge the legality of any law on the question of "Can a reasonably intelligent person understand this?" If the answer is no: law is automatically repealed. Considering there is a lot of effort put into making lawsintentionallynot understandable to an average lay person, we'd suddenly have a lot less laws. Including the entire tax code.