

Molten Core Raider
Im curious as how intermezzo would work with me since i have crohn's disease and i dont need anything making my shit habits any harder, i still havent found relief the best i get is seroquel 200mg, will net me 2 hours and i refuse to go up because of growin dependancy on it, how is intermezzo with this? i really need something to work on a regular basis where i dont need to keep increasing, because then im just going to be fucked if and when i cannot get sleeping meds, and i cant go call up my buddy and get some seroquel, xanax sure lol not seroquel and shit like intermezzo.

so im trying to find alternate ways than seroquel, and shit like benzos where im just going to keep increasing dosages, i should also add i started working and ive been doing 12 hour days, 5 days a week and i still cant sleep for shit, my psych doctor is literally stumped.


I use the MST3K "Hamlet" episode.
The Tree of Life for me. I don't think I've ever gotten past the first scene of planets and stuff.

Ambien used to work beautifully for me and now doesn't work at all. Not sure if my brain chemistry is irrevocably changed or what, kinda freaky.

Any day I do some intense high intensity interval workout I sleep really easy now though.


Musty Nester
Honestly it sounds like just stop smoking pot for two weeks and see how you sleep would be a good start. You're gonna build tolerance to any pill you get -- or worse a chemical addiction. If the body is healthy, which it seems to be you're saying it is, then the problem lies elsewhere.

Back when I smoked a lot of weed I'd periodically wake up after about 4 hours and not be able to get back to sleep. When you're 17 with an 8'oclock class who gives a shit. When you're older with an 8 o'clock shift, more shits are given. I have no idea if that would help but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt. Rotating through all these pills isn't going to do you any good. You already know that. Hasn't done you any good yet.


I've developed over the years a weird form or Insomnia.... it's really weird.
Before 2003 you could rape me during my (night) sleep, and i wouldn't wake up.
Now ? i wake up 5-10 times per night.

I don't think it's related to my job (fearing of waking up late) because even when i started at 3PM i had trouble sleeping.
Funny thing, is during the day, i sleep like a baby....

Friday Night, between 2AM and 8AM i'll wake up 4-5-6 times (i don't work on Saturdays).
Saturday i can start my nap at 1AM, wake at 5PM and not even wake up once (i don't nap often, but it's an example).

Anyone having similar issues ?


Bronze Squire
So I have been taking this supplement called 5-HTP. I am not an expert, but the way it was described to me as an naturally occurring amino-acid that is the chemical precursor to serotonin. In addition to helping with insomnia it has also been recommended to help improve mood and even for fighting obesity.

When I take it, it doesn't make me drowsy or fall asleep easier or anything, but I feel like I get into a much deeper sleep during the night, so even getting my normal 6-7 hours I feel more rested. Plus I have vivid, cracked out dreams, which may bother some people but I find them entertaining. I take a 100mg dose sometime between dinner and bed time.

Usual caveats about consulting your doctor blah-blah-blah apply.


Mobile Game Hunter
I've developed over the years a weird form or Insomnia.... it's really weird.
Before 2003 you could rape me during my (night) sleep, and i wouldn't wake up.
Now ? i wake up 5-10 times per night.

I don't think it's related to my job (fearing of waking up late) because even when i started at 3PM i had trouble sleeping.
Funny thing, is during the day, i sleep like a baby....

Friday Night, between 2AM and 8AM i'll wake up 4-5-6 times (i don't work on Saturdays).
Saturday i can start my nap at 1AM, wake at 5PM and not even wake up once (i don't nap often, but it's an example).

Anyone having similar issues ?
Do you sleep with someone else in the bed?


Just a Nurse
Im curious as how intermezzo would work with me since i have crohn's disease and i dont need anything making my shit habits any harder, i still havent found relief the best i get is seroquel 200mg, will net me 2 hours and i refuse to go up because of growin dependancy on it, how is intermezzo with this? i really need something to work on a regular basis where i dont need to keep increasing, because then im just going to be fucked if and when i cannot get sleeping meds, and i cant go call up my buddy and get some seroquel, xanax sure lol not seroquel and shit like intermezzo.

so im trying to find alternate ways than seroquel, and shit like benzos where im just going to keep increasing dosages, i should also add i started working and ive been doing 12 hour days, 5 days a week and i still cant sleep for shit, my psych doctor is literally stumped.
Intermezzo is brand new, so I would just recommend requesting from your HCP if you can get a sample or two. It's zolpidem tartrate, so, there is a risk for dependency. I checked FDA on side effects, and it looks like it will not screw up your digestive system. I would recommend, if you do get a sample, to take it on an empty stomach and while in bed. Since it's sublingual, the effects occur very, very fast -- anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes.

Also, I would suggest you take some psyllium fiber. Are your stools hard? Formed? Might want to take colace + psyllium fiber.


For what it is worth, I've not slept 'right' in 30+ years.

I'm 43 now and I don't think I've ever slept 8 hours straight since I was 12 unless I was blind drunk. Normally I'll be down for 3-4 hours, iffy for 10-15 minutes (or an hour if I get up) then back down for 2-3 hours of patchy sleep. Almost as commonly is the 2 hours/10m/2h/10m kinda game.

The funny thing is, it isn't **so** bad really. I can get by on 6h generally and can definitely skate on 4h/d for a week or so. Resistance or something helps.

The shitty part is when I *do* get decent sleep for a bit and start thinking about how capable I might be if I could do that all the time! All bullshit of course but hey, we all play games with our brains.


Molten Core Raider
Im gonna ask for some samples when i go to my next appointment, im just really trying to get away from the seroquel, and i feel like im always going to need a sleep aid, id just like the one thats going to give me the least side effects/dependancy issues.

northerner im almost the opposite, ill fall asleep for an hour-two then im up for another 18 hours, like right now my schedule is get up at 5am go to work, get out at 6pm, go to the gym come home eat relax smoke and im up till about 3-4 AM and if im lucky ill get 1-2hours of sleep, thats while taking 200mg of seroquel before i go to bed, i dont take it and stay awake waiting to just like fall asleep, so i take it when i get restless at like 3-4am knowing i gotta get up at 5 and rinse and repeat.

so i know what you mean when you get a good nights sleep and you see how much more productive you are capeable of being, and think fuck if i could only always get this kinda sleep, makes me want to tear my hair out some nights, because sometimes ill take a xanax if i know im going to have to work my ass off that day, and the 4-5 hours i get from that feels fucking amazing

edit kuriin my stools are so random due to the crohn's depending on what i eat that day really depends on if its gonna come out solid or not, the things you suggested are to loosen my stool? maybe i could incorporate these things to help with my diet to produce more solid stools if they are for that, my specialist has never suggested anything of that nature.


Just a Nurse
The colace will add water to the stool, causing your body to help eliminate it -- the added water will also loosen it. The psyllium fiber will bulk it up and make it more formed.


What could possibly cause major migraines after taking a nap in the afternoon? It might be some unrelated to the insomnia topic but is definitely related to sleep. Usually over the weekends after lunch that 2pm 3pm clock makes everybody groggy, so is very hard to resist a 20/30 min nap on the couch or bed. 80% of the time I wake up and I feel that I'm going to die of a stroke because of the migraine.


Musty Nester

No, seriously. Diabetes could do that. So could a hundred other things, though.


Just a Nurse
Yeah, a lot of things could play part in it. You could have a stress echo done.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What could possibly cause major migraines after taking a nap in the afternoon? It might be some unrelated to the insomnia topic but is definitely related to sleep. Usually over the weekends after lunch that 2pm 3pm clock makes everybody groggy, so is very hard to resist a 20/30 min nap on the couch or bed. 80% of the time I wake up and I feel that I'm going to die of a stroke because of the migraine.
Hypertension too. Get a bloodpressure monitor and take your bp after you wake up. If it's high or pre hypertension on a regular basis then see your doc.


has an outie
As long as I can remember I've had insomnia, it aggravates literally everyone I've known in my life. I keep getting told to just "fix" my hours, as if it's that simple. :/


I sleep alone at least most of the time, for some obscure reason i since 2003 sleep better during the day than during the night.
It's even the case when I'm on holidays (no wake up stress) or have exhausting days (when you'd expect me to be dead).

You could even say i don't sleep well because i nap, but during the week i don't nap (leave at 9AM, get home at 9PM).
Yet thursday evening i'll go to bed at midnight and wake up 2 3 4 times before 7AM.
On saturday ? well i start a nap at noon, and sleep like a baby for 3 hours, it's just weird.

Specially since "nothing" has changed in my life or lifestyle.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's funny in that there seems to be no logic or pattern to it - other than how fukdup it is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I swear I have now developed a super power where I can sense the future; only so far as it relates to not sleeping. I get a feeling when I am laying there and I know, that's it for the night. No matter what. It is eerie, and depressing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Im gonna ask for some samples when i go to my next appointment, im just really trying to get away from the seroquel, and i feel like im always going to need a sleep aid, id just like the one thats going to give me the least side effects/dependancy issues.

northerner im almost the opposite, ill fall asleep for an hour-two then im up for another 18 hours, like right now my schedule is get up at 5am go to work, get out at 6pm, go to the gym come home eat relax smoke and im up till about 3-4 AM and if im lucky ill get 1-2hours of sleep, thats while taking 200mg of seroquel before i go to bed,
TecKnoe talk to your doctor about having your adrenal gland functionality tested, your thyroid checked, and your DHT levels checked.