Interesting, Non Political News

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Silver Baron of the Realm
'Massive' alligator weighing about 700 pounds found in Georgia. It was more than 13 feet long
Brent Howze found the animal on Feb. 18 in an irrigation ditch near a lake, DNR spokesperson said. A photo showing the gator with Howze in the background prompted an investigation from local media to prove it wasn't a "hoax." Hanson verified the photo to USA TODAY.

The animal was euthanized due to its poor condition; the large alligator had several old gunshot wounds, Hanson said.

It isn't the largest alligator ever found in the state — that was a 14-feet-1-inch gator found in 2015, according to Hanson. Male alligators can grow as long as 16 feet, although anything over 14 feet is considered rare, according to a DNR fact sheet.
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Being Poor Sucks.
New NFL requirement?

NFL draft prospect Kris Boyd: Team asked me at combine if I have two testicles

The NFL combine interview questions keep getting weirder.

This year, Texas cornerback prospect Kris Boyd may own the strangest reported question of the week.

"One crazy question I can think of was, 'Do I have both of my testicles?' " Boyd said. "And I was like, 'Yeah. I don’t know why you got to ask.' That was one I can think of."

I wonder...did they verify?
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Poet Warrior

Was hoping the video would have something that would make me think I wasn't looking at a forced perspective shot. I still think I'm looking at a forced perspective shot.

Guy seems nice and I'm sure he found a big gator, but I doubt it's actually as big as that one photo suggests. It could be both. It could be that the guy found a huge gator and we are looking at a forced perspective.
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Silver Baron of the Realm
Blood pressure medication recall expands again to include losartan
A widespread recall of common blood pressure and heart failure medications has been expanded to include more drugs containing losartan. The recall is due to an “impurity” that is classified as a potential human carcinogen. Camber Pharmaceuticals Inc. voluntarily recalled 87 lots of losartan tablets in the United States on Thursday. The recalled tablets, made by Hetero Labs Ltd. In India and distributed by Camber Pharmaceuticals, were found to contain trace amounts of the impurity.
Underground Garbage Fire in Arkansas Has Been Burning for Over Seven Months
More than seven months after residents first noticed a fire at an illegal dumping site in northwest Arkansas, it’s still smoldering, sending noxious smoke throughout the town and seeping into homes, with costs to extinguish the fire estimated at tens of millions of dollars. The fire is burning at least 70 feet (21 meters) underground in this community of about 28,500 people some 170 miles (2.74 kilometers) northwest of Little Rock has raised questions about how and why the dump operated without a state license for several years.

State officials and contractors in January began preparation for cleanup. Extinguishing the blaze is more complicated than just dumping water on it, said department spokeswoman Donnally Davis. Air pockets and various vents are interspersed between layers of dumped material compacted under dirt and more waste. Even flooding the site could leave small fires burning. Plus runoff could contaminate a nearby lake or seep into the groundwater.

The exact cost to put out the fire and get rid of the waste is unknown. Davis said estimates so far have ranged from $15 million to $37 million.
Winner claims $1.5 billion Mega Millions jackpot in South Carolina
The winner, who has elected to remain anonymous, has chosen the cash option of a one-time payment of $877,784,124. This is the largest jackpot to a single winner in United States history. The winner has marveled at how every decision made that day brought the winner to the store, at that very moment, to make the Quick Pick Mega Millions lottery ticket purchase. The winner even allowed a fellow customer to make a Mega Millions lottery ticket purchase in front of the winner while in line at the store. A simple act of kindness led to an amazing outcome.

KC Mart in Simpsonville, will receive $50,000 for selling the claimed winning ticket. The State of South Carolina will benefit from $61 million that will be collected in income taxes from the winner.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Indiana man with unlicensed gun accidentally shoots self in genitals, police say

An Indiana man was hospitalized last week after accidentally shooting himself in the penis with an unlicensed handgun, police said in a press release.

Mark Anthony Jones, 46, told authorities he was carrying the gun in his waistband while standing on a walkway near a Girl Scout cabin in Marion last Thursday, the release said.

Semi-nude bicyclist riding backwards on Florida highway seen in viral video

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Silver Baron of the Realm
Thailand: £240,000 and all my holdings for the man who'll marry my 26-year-old virgin daughter: Millionaire farm-owner declares
Mr Rodthong says there are no restrictions on what nationality the successful 'husband' should be - as long as they 'work hard and make Karnsita happy'. He said: 'I want someone to take care of my business and make it last. I don't want a person with a bachelor's, or master's or philosopher's degree. 'I want a diligent man. I just want someone with a hard-working attitude. That's all.' Despite having several other children of his own, including sons who would traditionally inherit the business, he adds: 'As soon as I have an in-law, I will give up all my assets to him.'

Miss Rodthong said that she was overwhelmed with the attention from her father's post and confirmed that she is 'still single'. But she hinted that her future boyfriend might have a struggle pocketing the money from her father, because she would 'like to use it herself for plastic surgery in Korea'. She added: 'I first found out about my father's post when my friend's showed me. I was surprised but I can see the funny side to it, too. 'It is true that I am still single. If I have to get married with someone, I only want him to be a diligent and good person who loves his family.'
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Silver Baron of the Realm
India: Sex Assault Victim Kills Her Attacker by Dragging Him Into the Flames
The 35-year-old woman, who was not identified, told police that her 42-year-old male assailant attacked her inside her home in February in India, according to the AFP news agency. Her three daughters were out of the house when it took place. “Then he poured kerosene on her body and set her on fire,” police officer Sajal Kanti Biswas told the news agency. The Times of India reported she grabbed him while she was still on fire, leading to his death. Police said the woman survived the attack and suffered burns to her hands and face, while the man died from his injuries at a nearby hospital. The woman was taken to the Malda Medical College and Hospital, where she is still under treatment.

India, over the past several years, has been in the midst of a rape epidemic, with more than 100 occurring each day in 2016, AFP noted, citing the most recent official figures. In 2013, an Indian nationalist party handed out tens of thousands of knives and a large quantity of chili powder to women in Mumbai to defend themselves against would-be rapists. The Shiv Sena party gave out some 21,000 kitchen knives with 3-inch-long blades to women and plan to distribute another 100,000, reported Reuters at the time. A spokesperson said at the time the gesture was “symbolic.”
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Gask News. I can dig this. Keep it comin.
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Silver Baron of the Realm
Girl With 4% Chance of Surviving Rare Cancer Now ‘Completely Free’ of Disease
Isla Caton was given the grim diagnosis in March 2017 of stage four neuroblastoma—a disease that affects just 100 children per year in the UK. The little girl has been undergoing special treatment in Spain since last August involving a novel therapy that combines antibodies and chemo. Players from rival British soccer teams West Ham and Millwall came together last year to help raise the $650,000 needed to fund Isla’s treatment.

The 4-year-old was fourth on the list to receive the revolutionary treatment at Sant Joan de Déu children’s hospital in Barcelona, but doctors decided she was the fittest, according to The Metro, so she became the world’s first. “She was given three months to live—that’s what we were told,” her parents said, according to ITV. “We decided to go to Barcelona for a treatment we were told was not available in the UK—and, six, seven months later this is where we are!”

After nearly two years battling the disease, Isla is now finally in remission. Her parents announced the breakthrough in a message on Twitter on March 1, saying “We have just received the most amazing news—we can confirm that Isla’s treatment has worked and she is now completely cancer-free and in remission.

“We are completely overwhelmed and cannot thank you enough for the continuous support throughout Isla’s journey.”
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Silver Baron of the Realm
Student Wakes Completely Deaf in One Ear After Falling Asleep With Earbuds
The case in Taiwan was highlighted by a doctor who warned that falling asleep with earbuds in is potentially more damaging to hearing than the regular use. Falling asleep with the earbuds in is more dangerous for two reasons. First, the ear is exposed to prolonged uninterrupted sound—for potentially eight or so hours. Secondly, during sleep, the delicate inner ear is more vulnerable to damage.

The louder the music, and the longer the headphones are on, the more damage can be caused to delicate hairs in the inner ear that pick up the vibrations. Those 15,000 hairs, inside the shell-shaped cochlea, need time to recover from loud sounds or risk being permanently damaged.

But during sleep, the body’s metabolism slows down, reducing blood flow to the inner ear. That means the hair cells receive less blood, making them more vulnerable to damage, explained Hujji, resulting in the sudden deafness in the case of the university student. Those cochlea hairs can bend, but not break, according to the CDC, but take a while to straighten out—which is what accounts for hearing gradually recovering after a loud event.

“After leaving a very loud event, such as a concert or football game, you may notice that you don’t hear as well as before,” explains the CDC website. “You might not hear whispers, sound might seem muffled, or you may hear ringing in your ears.” Typically hearing recovers within a few hours to a few days. “This is because the hair cells, similar to blades of grass, will bend more if the sound is louder,” according to the CDC. “But they will become straight again after a recovery period.”

“However, if loud noise damaged too many of the hair cells, some of them will die. Repeated exposures to loud noises will eventually destroy many hair cells,” Huiji said. Young people are more resilient to the bad effects, but they should follow the rule: “Listen for 50 minutes, rest for 10 minutes.”
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Silver Baron of the Realm
Ottawa Man Dug out by Police After Spending Weeks Snowed Inside Home
After concerned neighbors called the police they arrived to find a driveway covered by several feet of snow and a car completely buried. There were no signs that anyone had been in or out for some time. The man in his 70s had heat and electricity and access to a phone, but decided he would ration his food and wait for spring rather than call for help. “He just was going to wait winter out,” said police spokeswoman Const. Amy Gagnon.

The man was willing to continue his winter-bound lifestyle, but Gagnon said that was “unacceptable” to the officers so three of them joined forces to clear his entire driveway of snow. They also called in municipal workers to help remove large amounts of ice built up at the end of his driveway.

Ottawa has had more than 260 cm of snow fall since November, including a record-setting 97 cm in January and a winter storm in mid-February that convinced the city’s schools to close for the first time in years.
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