Iron Man 3 [Spoilers Everywhere]

The Ancient_sl

The Mandarin treatment is silly, like many have said the Mandarin is Iron Man's Joker.
Fuck that noise, even if Mandarin is Iron Man's top villain, he's not his Joker. Joker is an amazing villain, you have to be a pretty die hard Iron Man fan (and let's face it, before the first film there are hardly any of those) to even give a shit about the Mandarin. I'm glad they altered the villain for the sake of story instead of having some one man version of the Planeteers shooting off his power rings.


Trakanon Raider
You know I was thinking something completely along those lines, except he is leaving the house, getting out before his arrest and he finds one of the rings in an old carved box in the mansion.
Exactly what the two of you said but I think Marvel backed themselves into a corner of sorts showing the dragon tattoos on Killian. I think they committed to their ignorance by throwing that in but I would forgive it rather quickly if they would make it right. It seems this is the final Ironman so i'll take the series for what it is.... overall, it was a fantastic trilogy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fantastic, I feel is overstating it really. The movies were mediocre at best. It was awesome seeing one of the greatest Marvel heroes come to life, but this wasn't the Iron Man that you knew and loved if you were a comic fan. This was Robery Downey Jr. wearing the Iron Man armor and calling himself Tony Stark. I liked the Thor movie better than I liked all 3 of these combined.


Registered Hutt
Thor was boring. All that shit on Earth was dull. Asgard was pimp. The movie should have had like 300% more asgard vs. giants.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I liked the earth shit, Natalie Portman is such a good actress that she made all of those parts awesome. With that said I can only imagine almost all of the next Thor will be in Asgard.


Natalie Portman is such a good actress that she made all of those parts awesome.
I think we were watching a different movie. Although to be fair I think the fault lay with the direction of it and while I very much respect Kenneth Branagh I really think he wasn't cut out to be the director of a superhero movie. The whole, "Oh... my... God!" Natalie Portman thing was painfully, and arguably insultingly, clich?d. At no point did I feel there were Asgardians walking around on Earth when his pals were wandering the streets. It just had the feel of a cosplay event gone awry.

Beef Supreme_sl

Dear Marvel,

You have in your possession, all the stories for the movies you are yet to make. GTG. Cut n Paste.


Stop reinventing the wheel.



Blackwing Lair Raider
I think we were watching a different movie. Although to be fair I think the fault lay with the direction of it and while I very much respect Kenneth Branagh I really think he wasn't cut out to be the director of a superhero movie. The whole, "Oh... my... God!" Natalie Portman thing was painfully, and arguably insultingly, clich?d. At no point did I feel there were Asgardians walking around on Earth when his pals were wandering the streets. It just had the feel of a cosplay event gone awry.
I think that was the entire point. It was meant to be corny and cosplayish when they came to earth, because it played in to the disbelief of the humans. Honestly I didn't even think how corny that was when she said "OH MY GOD" I just assumed she was surprised, but yeah that is pretty fucking lame lol. I still would put Thor over Iron man, Captain America probably over both. But I guess that's just the comic book nerd in me talking.


At least Thor, Captain America and even the Hulk tried to capture the character with varying levels of success.

With the identity theme argument You can look at a lot of comic book movies and see the concept of identity within them. And they do it without sacrificing the main character, that characters villains and the characters around them.

There is just no imagination in this movie, rather it was a movie rejecting anything comic book related.

And for whatever reason is making serious money.


Life's a Dream
It was awesome seeing one of the greatest Marvel heroes come to life, but this wasn't the Iron Man that you knew and loved if you were a comic fan. This was Robery Downey Jr. wearing the Iron Man armor and calling himself Tony Stark.
You have a point, but had it not been for the way RDJ portrayed Tony Stark / Iron Man, the entirety that is modern day Marvel cinema would not have existed at all. He hit the ball so far out of the park that they were able to use it as a pillar to build Thor, Captain America, & The Avengers off of. He really did crush this franchise with awesomeness and I appreciate him doing such a good job which allowed me to see The Avengers in my life time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So...wait...RDJ's Tony Stark was nothing like the one in the comics and the new hipster douchebag Spider-Man was a great translation?

I mean, taking away the alcoholism was weak but other than that he nailed the early womanizing conflicted charming playboy thing Stark has before he gets more serious.

The Ancient_sl

RDJ's Iron Man is better than the comic books Iron Man, that's why Iron Man is the most popular Marvel movies franchise while Iron Man the comic lingered behind Spiderman, A million different X-Men books, Wolverine, Hulk, Fantastic Four...

Beef Supreme_sl

Marvel needs to sack the fuck up and ditch the design-by-committee approach to movie making so they can take THEIR OWN FUCKING MASTERWORKS and adapt them into endless billion dollar movies.

Instead, we keep getting water downed drivel that has its moments, but is a far cry from what they could be.

Iron Man 3 was entertaining but was far from good. The ironic bit is that I really liked how they dealt with the Mandarin reveal.


Blackwing Lair Raider
RDJ's Iron Man is better than the comic books Iron Man, that's why Iron Man is the most popular Marvel movies franchise while Iron Man the comic lingered behind Spiderman, A million different X-Men books, Wolverine, Hulk, Fantastic Four...
I do like his Iron Man quite a bit, but the real question is. Do you ever see him leading the Avengers? Personally I think if they don't have Bucky as Cap and Steve Rogers as leader by the second Avengers they're fucking up. Skip the entire Iron Man leading/failing aspect.


Blackwing Lair Raider
New Avengers line, has Steve Rogers leading the avengers as himself and Bucky as Cap (after Siege events). I'm just hoping that at least one of the awesome story lines comes to life. Secret Invasion, Siege, Fear Itself.

The Ancient_sl

Yes, but why with 40+ years of materials to draw from do they need to duplicate today's current storyline in order to not "fuck up". They don't have Spiderman so don't get your hopes up for some Civil War.


Life's a Dream
People seem to neglect that around 95% of the audience of these movies have NEVER READ a comic book, much less a Marvel comic of Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America or Thor. We are a small audience. With that said, they can't introduce all of the nuances that make the characters great in a 2-2.5 hour movie. There's way too much back story and history in all of these characters that we love. It's 100% impossible for them to recreate it in movie form without having the large majority of the audience being completely lost. "Why did that happen? I don't get it!" They need to dumb shit down for people.

Hell, look at Game of Thrones. This show gets 13 hours (per book) to try and re-create the story, but you can't even do that perfectly for the sake of film. There's entirely too much going on to capture everything. I mean, how do you include thought bubbles for every character in a movie? Sure, you could have 1 overlaying voice to create the movie from the perspective of a single person, but there's a lot more going on in a comic than they could realistically reproduce.

That said, I still didn't like IM3 that much. Yes, it was entertaining. I just didn't like that they made Super Paltrow. It didn't make sense from a character stand point. Oh well.