J49: An Erotic Life


I'm Amod too!
You're just judging him because you think a guy who does whores must be a low-life.
Incorrect. I judge him by everything else he livejournals in this thread. I don't give two shits about the whoring itself, though I will judge the quality of whore he picks. I judge him for the bribery/kickbacks/stealing money from his workplace. I judge him for his complete emotional codependency on these hookers. His emotional abuse of his wife and total disrespect he shows for their relationship. The same could be said about his relationship with his children, one of them in the hospital and he's more concerned with sneaking a whore into his house. The man is a sociopathic piece of human shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Time to pitch in the torch..

Not sure what you expected from the casual browsers of this thread J49.

Sooner or later, someone was going to de-volve into insulting your wife, your kids and blaming you for the financial crysis in the world. So man up, brush it aside and that's it.

Personally, I think you could do much better for less cash, than risking one of them whores stabbing you in the face with a letter opener after going bonkers, but hey.. I don't judge, frankly, I don't really care, it doesn't affect me in any way.


I'm Amod too!
I think he meant Johnny is Tyen.
It's too late to take it back. To defend my honor we will now meet in a neutral city of Tuco's choosing where we will both be given a day to find three $10 whores. Then we battle Pokemon style with the looser being the one getting raped by the winners team.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Here's my team captain



Molten Core Raider
Meet my team captain. Prepare your assholes....

Safe for work, but still needs a spoiler because I'm classy like that. Classi with an I


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Incorrect. I judge him by everything else he livejournals in this thread. I don't give two shits about the whoring itself, though I will judge the quality of whore he picks. I judge him for the bribery/kickbacks/stealing money from his workplace. I judge him for his complete emotional codependency on these hookers. His emotional abuse of his wife and total disrespect he shows for their relationship. The same could be said about his relationship with his children, one of them in the hospital and he's more concerned with sneaking a whore into his house. The man is a sociopathic piece of human shit.
A> kickbacks are a very common feature of the construction business especially around NY/NJ.
B> You haven't posted pics of the chicks you bang, Johnny could do worse.
C> He's having emotions for the women, but then you call him a sociopath - would it be better if he came in and said he gives no shits about them or what he's doing? He's either a sociopath or he's emotionally codependent... those are contradictory.
D> You don't know what the relationship with his wife is like.
E> You don't know what the relationship with his kids is like. You never got some pussy when you could have been with your kid? So he took a few hours to bang a hooker, big deal. Kid wasn't going anywhere. Do you have kids? Have you ever not been a grade A 100% perfect parent?

Johnny isn't a perfect guy but he's being honest about his trainwreck life. He could just post in the FSR once in a while or post in the Hearthstone thread and say nothing, would that be better? He's obviously going to live his life the way he wants to live it regardless of what we say, except maybe now he's not going to be honest, is that better? How does posting some judgy petty shit in his thread help? You don't like it, don't click it. And attacking the mans kids is pretty low, especially when he's said he's home every evening and arranging his life so he can pay for their educations and shit.

Ya'll need some fucking perspective, the man gets his dick wet in junkie whores and doesn't have a good relationship with his wife. Wow, he's human shit now? Grow the fuck up.


I'm Amod too!
A> kickbacks are a very common feature of the construction business especially around NY/NJ.
B> You haven't posted pics of the chicks you bang, Johnny could do worse.
C> He's having emotions for the women, but then you call him a sociopath - would it be better if he came in and said he gives no shits about them or what he's doing? He's either a sociopath or he's emotionally codependent... those are contradictory.
D> You don't know what the relationship with his wife is like.
E> You don't know what the relationship with his kids is like. You never got some pussy when you could have been with your kid? So he took a few hours to bang a hooker, big deal. Kid wasn't going anywhere. Do you have kids? Have you ever not been a grade A 100% perfect parent?
A) Doesn't mean I have to respect him for it.
B) Inconsequential. I wasn't aware I had to bang supermodels in order to call a chick fugly.
C) Wrong again. I call him a codependent for his obsession with his Whore. I call him a sociopath because of the many times he has given examples of the emotional manipulation he uses against his wife.
D) I know what he has explained here and it doesn't paint him in a good light.
E) I can tell you for sure I damn well wouldn't be sneaking a whore into my family home while my wife was at my child's hospital bedside.

And fuck off with your "don't like it, don't click it" whiteknight whine fest. He posts here because he is an attention whore. I'm not interested in being nice to a piece of shit like him.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
A) Doesn't mean I have to respect him for it.
B) Inconsequential. I wasn't aware I had to bang supermodels in order to call a chick fugly.
C) Wrong again. I call him a codependent for his obsession with his Whore. I call him a sociopath because of the many times he has given examples of the emotional manipulation he uses against his wife.
D) I know what he has explained here and it doesn't paint him in a good light.
E) I can tell you for sure I damn well wouldn't be sneaking a whore into my family home while my wife was at my child's hospital bedside.

And fuck off with your "don't like it, don't click it" whiteknight whine fest. He posts here because he is an attention whore. I'm not interested in being nice to a piece of shit like him.
If you speed, you also engage in a routine minor violation of the law. If you browse rerolled at work or any other site, you routinely shit on your employer's time and money. Get the fuck over yourself.

Yea man, we know whatever her name is has knees too sharp for a stud such as yourself. You could do better. :thumbsup

Like I said, you don't know anything about his relationship with his wife. He has said she refuses him sex, controls all the money, etc - he's not very eloquent so its hard to tell but her behavior could be the cause of his. Or maybe he's a shitty husband. Who cares? Jesus christ visit the marriage thread for some shitty husbands/wives on display. Nobody's perfect.

So, it really is the "whore" aspect that bothers you? If he cheated with some slutty nurse in "the family home" while his wife was away, that'd be ok? I'll grant you bringing junkies to the house is stupid. Bringing any woman to your house is stupid. It doesn't really need to be said and isn't productive to the thread.

This has nothing to do with white knighting, I don't give a shit about Johnny. But he's doing something here nobody else does: he's being honest about his life. You shit on him for it and he's going to stop. How is that better? If reading about junkie whores bothers you, there are other threads for you to read. Don't be a dick unnecessarily. Oh wait, this is the internet. You're free to be a dick I guess.

Carry on!


I'm Amod too!
Did you just try to compare browsing the internet at work to embezzlement and bribery? Jesus, you're usually smarter than this.