JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars movie


Lord Nagafen Raider
But really, what's Disney going to be doing with these STAND ALONE films...

Well, to start with they're going to focus on established characters and do solo films, no, not necessarily Han Solo films, but well, fuck it... The first Stand Alone film is going to center upon YODA. At this stage specifics are sparse, but Kathleen Kennedy is putting together a STAR WARS slate... I'm wildly curious for more details on the YODA film - would this be a young or old YODA tale?

Knowing that Lucasfilm is doing a series of stand alone character features... I wonder if Joe Johnston has pitched Kennedy his stand alone BOBA FETT film he was talking about after the release of Captain America. Hmmmmm... Now, let's chase after YODA details... Where's FRANK OZ? Giggle. Gotta love chasing STAR WARS stories! Oh - and I've also heard tale of a JABBA story that Lucas has floated to some of his buddies. But word is YODA is first.
I feel like a Yoda movie would be similar to midichlorians - answers to questions no one was really asking that take away from some of the mysticism of the Star Wars universe.

I was hoping that with new people in control of Star Wars, we'd start to get to see new stories set in the Star Wars universe rather than just extensions of the Skywalker saga. ThatSeven Samurais rumorsounded more interesting than this, too bad that was shot down.


Just because a director said "no, i have no plans on doing anything Star Wars" doesn't mean that is true. Look at Abrams. This very well could be true and we just don't know it yet. The one thing we all need to realize is this new territory for Star Wars and pretty much anything could happen. I wouldn't put it past Snyder and his reps to be saying this until Disney or Lucas Films puts out a solid statement about it.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
When you're making the short list of characters to base a stand alone Star Wars film around, how in the hell does Yoda get the first at bat? Especially given how jaded the long time fans have become.

Damn I hope that rumor ends up being horseshit.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Given Yoda's lifespan, if nothing else, it's entirely possible there are some good stories to tell. I'm hoping that they delve into the history of the Star Wars universe and show us that history before they do a Fett or Solo movie, just to give even more weight to them. I mean, it's possible, if done right, this could really reinvest audiences in that universe in ways the prequels failed entirely to do.

If they are serious about building a huge franchise, Yoda's 900 year existence could really lay the groundwork for all of the other characters' movies. Now normally, it being Hollywood, I'd never believe it, because they believe we're retarded. But Kennedy has been a part of some major-ass movies that have affected the culture, so it's entirely possible they are thinking that deeply about the untapped potential of Disney budgets and a bevy of A-list sci-fi nerds who cut their fucking teeth on Star Wars, and using this Yoda movie to lay the foundation for a rich and layered universe. They only have to look as far as Marvel and the rampant success of their strategy of using individual movies to really develop characters and history, before slamming them all together into a money explosion. Now add fucking STAR WARS to the mix and in a few years Disney will be wiping their ass with trillion dollar bills.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Hope that's not true, I don't think even the most hardcore of Star Wars fans want to watch a movie all about Yoda.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
I hope this 'Yoda movie' news isn't true. Yeah, not looking forward to more Yoda light-saber battles.

It got pretty universal open laughter in the movie theater. Not a good sign.

Just too hard to imagine Yoda being the central character in a full movie. Do we get to see his up bringing?? A planet full of Yoda-people (what every the species is called) and his family?? His mother and father, siblings??


Musty Nester
And most important, do we get to see yoda fuck? Do we get to see his O-face?

Do we get to listen to Morgan Freeman narrate, in the voice of yoda?

And it being Disney now... where are the rights to Dr. Seuss books? A short intermission with Yoda reading Green Eggs and Ham would be... better than the prequels.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Hope that's not true, I don't think even the most hardcore of Star Wars fans want to watch a movie all about Yoda.
Well the idea was not so much about a Yoda movie, but using the longevity of the character to reveal canonical, cinematic history of the universe before they start on other characters.


Millie's Staff Member
Yoda is a boring ass character by himself. imagine a day in Yoda's life when Luke isnt there. seriously, what do you think is going on in that swamp? not a goddamned thing, thats what.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It will take place during Yoda's teenage years, when he was a rebellious little Jedi troll, force-choking bitches and getting into all kinds of mischief at the Jedi-muppet training facility.


Millie's Staff Member
The worst part about a yoda movie would be how completely outlandish they make him look as a young jedi. They probably make him look like a navi from avatar and over 900 years shrinks down with age.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
It's like a reverse Benjamin Button meets Statler and Waldorf meets Twilight, it's a surefire hit with Oscar potential!

And I would have watched the shit out of Jim Henson's Jedi Muppet Training Academy.... in 1983.

Phoenix Prime_sl

Yoda could be interesting if its set during the time period of the creation of the Jedi Academy on coruscant. Gathering Jedi masters from across the galaxy to form a school for wayward force users, while having to deal with politics of the Senate. Less action based and more based on the actual teachings and philosophy of the the Jedi order. Kinda like a history piece.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yoda could be interesting if its set during the time period of the creation of the Jedi Academy on coruscant. Gathering Jedi masters from across the galaxy to form a school for wayward force users, while having to deal with politics of the Senate. Less action based and more based on the actual teachings and philosophy of the the Jedi order. Kinda like a history piece.
Take the Star Wars label off and you have the sort of movie more suited for an HBO original than a theatrical release.