Justice for Zimmerman

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FPS noob
thank god this story is over, they moved on to some pervert running for mayor in nyc who got caught being a pervert then had to resign and is trying to make a comeback even though he is still doing pervert shit.
that story is fucking gold - weiner is a jew, married to a muslim who used to work for hillary clinton, so there is some irony in the whole "forgiving your man for cheating" thing. Its pretty much the basis for the tv show The Good Wife. Plus something like 60% of new york democrats are willing to forgive weiner for cybercheating on his wife with multiple 20-something year old chicks, sending them nudes a year after he was first caught.

Sexting with sluts is ok, but the minute you shoot someone everyone gets upset!


Millie's Staff Member
i didnt know he married a muslim, i thought she was just some weird hispanic chick. i guess i should have realized that if she was hispanic, weiner would be missing his namesake right now. bitch is either stupid or has visions of grandeur. either way, yeah this shit is hilarious.


Vyemm Raider
There are people who are still convinced that Zimmerman beat himself up because "are we supposed to believe a reasonably sized adult can't better defend himself against a child?"

I really wish I was unaware such levels of stupid existed.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Can we get lyrical in here to tell us how he broke out of bodymore murderland?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
This should silence the "if trayvon martin was white he wouldn't be dead and/or zimmerman would be in jail" crowd.
"In April of 2009 Mr. Roderick Scott awoke at 3am to the sounds of three young men breaking into cars on his street. He called the police and went down to the street to make sure the young men did not flee before the police arrived. He shouted at the three to "freeze" and told them that the police were coming soon. The three boys stood before the big man obviously considering what they should do.
That's when Christopher Cervini (17) rushed at Mr. Scott uttering "I'll get you" or "I'll get him." Roderick Scott fired twice, killing the teenager. The trial that followed was again a case of prosecutorial overreach, as they tried to charge Mr. Scott with manslaughter. Fortunately for Mr. Scott, a jury of his peers agreed with him that he did only what was needed to protect himself.

Afterwards the prosecutor opined, "I just hope it's not a message to this community. that you have the right to shoot an unarmed 17-year-old kid for breaking into a car." The problem is that Mr. Scott did not shoot young Christopher Cervini for breaking into his car, but for attacking him. While the Cervini family may now be in much pain over the loss of their son, he brought himself to his tragic end through a series of terrible choices. Roderick Scott had every right to protect himself; he did what he should have. and a jury of his peers agreed.

Oh, and Roderick Scott was a 42 year old black man about the size of an NFL linebacker. Christopher Cervini was a skinny, 17 year old white kid with a little bit of marijuana in his system. Scott was justified in the killing of the younger man not because of the crime that Cervini had committed, but because Scott rightfully feared for his own safety.

There was no "white uproar" over the shooting of a young white man at the hands of a black man with a "hero-complex." The NAACP didn't show up to argue that the shooter should be jailed, or that the Justice Department should pursue charges of civil rights violations against the man for killing Cervini. Jesse Jackson, Al Shartpon, and all of the other race hate baiters stayed home for the trial. The trial was treated as a tragic situation that a young man brought on himself by turning to violence.
Which is exactly how the George Zimmerman case should have been treated. The next time someone tells you, "What if.?" You can tell them it already happened, and the outcome was exactly the same. minus the racial tension."


A large physically strong black man killed a skinny white kid charging him, that never hit him physically. all white jury acquitted him and no outrage, saying it was within his rights.


Vyemm Raider
"oh good you can site (sic) one case, to (sic) bad the odds are probably 100:1 the other way" - the response to me when I mentioned Rodrick Scott.

Also, if you defend Zimmerman, you are a racist. Said by a white guy.


A Mod Real Quick
I like Chris Browns' style. Bitch don't listen? Smack that bitch. People looking? Make sure it's worth it and disfigure her face.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The Justice for Tray FB page has a wicked thread of Chris Brown apologists. Some clips:

Y'all talk about him beating on ONE woman, ONE time . But I'm pretty sure atleast one of you punch the crap out of your child when they come in the house 5 minutes late or forget to watch the dishes or clean the house or don't do what you told them to do, when you want them to do it . He's not perfect, get over it . Rihanna did so why haven't you . He didn't insult or beat you . & If it was some other man, y'all wouldn't even know or care . So be quiet & get your life . Because I don't see you doing anything,about it .. (This does NOT apply everyone)
None of you never made mistakes????? You acting as if he the only one that ever beat his gf/ wife, at least he is doing some good now!!!! Good for you Chris!!!!
An he didn't evn 'beat' her. She got poppd in the mouth an thought she was dead.
None of you were there when Chris. And his girlfriend got into it, so stop judging him.


Mr. Poopybutthole

A large physically strong black man killed a skinny white kid charging him, that never hit him physically. all white jury acquitted him and no outrage, saying it was within his rights.
Look at that smug black guy in his fancy suit. Trying to keep the white man down. Those kids were probably just on their way home, got lost, and were looking into cars to see if there was someone to give them directions.


Vyemm Raider
Look at that smug black guy in his fancy suit. Trying to keep the white man down. Those kids were probably just on their way home, got lost, and were looking into cars to see if there was someone to give them directions.
I know right. They didn't even have a bag of skittles to defend themselves with.


Registered Hutt
I wonder if this is improving the sale of Skittles in a measurable way. Perhaps Mars engineered the whole thing.


A Mod Real Quick
If my parents ever made me watch the dishes I would be fucking pissed.

I did laugh at the "thought she was dead" bit.
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