Justice for Zimmerman

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Buzzfeed Editor
It's funny, because everyone I work with is so convinced that this trial is going well for the prosecution, and that he simply can't be found not guilty because he followed Trayvon... I really just don't know how they are going to react if it comes back not guilty.

What really bothers me is that it looks like Sean Hannity had something right for once... My god...


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's funny, because everyone I work with is so convinced that this trial is going well for the prosecution, and that he simply can't be found not guilty because he followed Trayvon... I really just don't know how they are going to react if it comes back not guilty.
Are you really surprised by this? People are fucking stupid.

Someone earlier in this thread responded to my criticism of televising the trial by saying something like "well it's good because it allows people to see the evidence and come to the logical conclusion." BULLSHIT. Most people made up their minds about this trial MONTHS ago and the vast majority of them are not going to change it, no matter what they see on TV. I don't know what kind of critical-thinking utopia you guys are living in, but down here in the real world this trial is sharply divided. I see and hear some frightening fervor in support of the prosecution and against the "murderer" Zimmerman quite often, despite the fact that the prosecution seems to be doing everything it can to lose the case. I live in a somewhat poor, heavily black area (OMG ZERO TOLERANCE RACISM!!1!1, don't infract me, bro!) and I really am worried about what might happen when Zimmerman is found not guilty. If this trial weren't being shown/being discussed on TV 24/7 this wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal.

That's not to say I haven't also seen some intelligent discussion about the trial, but that is largely drowned out by the blind, uninformed shouting from both sides in support of who they think is right.

*Edit* I was also disgusted to see CNN showing the trial in full screen, with coverage of the protests in Egypt in a tiny window at the bottom corner of the screen. Yeah, let's show this trumped-up garbage of a trial as our primary programming instead of focusing on an internationally important event that affects the entire world.


Avatar of War Slayer
I never owned a fire-arm, but does anyone have experience taking classes before they get their firearm? Do those classes involve information on self-defense?
Gun ownership is alot life martial arts, or wrestling type deal. The LAW and the "rules" aren't exactly the same. There are proper safety methods are you supposed to follow, but are not the letter of the law.

Here for example, carrying a gun, he had zero business following Trayvon at all. none. You are obligated to avoid conflict. but thats not the letter of the LAW.
Same way, any MA instructor will kick you out of a class, etc the moment you get into a fight out of class. A trained fighter on the street can seriously injure others even accidentally, simply because untrained combatants have NO idea how to even take a hit, fall or hold. They will likely do more damage to themselves then you do, with a simple arm hold.


Buzzfeed Editor
Are you really surprised by this? People are fucking stupid.

Someone earlier in this thread responded to my criticism of televising the trial by saying something like "well it's good because it allows people to see the evidence and come to the logical conclusion." BULLSHIT. Most people made up their minds about this trial MONTHS ago and the vast majority of them are not going to change it, no matter what they see on TV.
Well, to be fair, when this initially went down based on the reports I had my mind made up against Zimmerman. So did a lot of people. But as the facts came out it has become apparent that this guy is a victim of straight up media lying and the state is trying to quiet those concerns with a mock trial. If this wasn't on tv Zimmerman might not be on trial right now, but if he was I wonder if he would still get justice.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

SANFORD, Fla. - Thousands streamed into Fort Mellon Park, hard against the south shore of Lake Monroe, on that night in March 2012.

An unarmed African American teenager in a "hoodie" sweatshirt had been killed the month before in this central Florida city, but the agitated crowd felt echoes of another era."Trayvon Martin is Emmett Till!" radio commentator Mark Thompson declared, evoking the name of an African American teen murdered in 1950s Mississippi after being accused of flirting with a white woman. "This is racism perpetrated by violence."

An uncomfortable national conversation about race and justice had been touched off - in Sanford, at a "Million Hoodie March" in New York and when President Obama called for "soul-searching" and said if he had a son, "he'd look like Trayvon."

Yet, 16 months later, this case that was so entwined with race has produced a murder trial in which race is a subtext rather than a central theme.

Prosecutors have portrayed George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch enthusiast who shot the 17-year-old Martin, as being many things: profane, mendacious, overzealous, violent. But they haven't called Zimmerman, who is claiming that he acted in self-defense, a racist. Instead of becoming a meditation on race, the courtroom action is unfolding as a police procedural, a saga of guns and vigilantism, a glimpse of civic rage and frustration.

Outside the courtroom, the case is still widely perceived in racial terms.

Some here had hoped for more from this trial, which entered its seventh day of testimony Tuesday. They had envisioned a trial filled with testimony that more overtly deepened our collective understanding of race in America or placed the crime more squarely in a racial paradigm."It makes you feel kind of angry and kind of bad that race is not a part of this," said the Rev. Harrold C. Daniels, who has been attending the trial as part of a biracial group of Sanford pastors. "It's a missed opportunity."

This article spells it out pretty well: The race angle in this case was injected by people not involved in the case who basically see every single incident of white on black violence as a new excuse to dredge up shit like Emmitt Till from the 50s and 60s because large swaths of Boomers, black and white, can't move past that shit, even now, 50 and 60 years later.

My point: The world will be a better place when all the Boomers are dead.

Fuck Boomers.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My parents are boomers man.....


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mine too.

The Boomer generation ruined the planet though. Pollution, debt, crime, all the race baiting, economic collapses, housing markets, its all the Boomers. The most spoiled, selfish, self absorbed generation in world history. They had it all, they were riding on the victories of the US after WW2 and they squandered every bit of it.

Ever ask yourself why the Jetson's never became reality?

The answer is simple: Boomers.

Its 2013. We were promised by 2001 we'd have robots in our homes, and hovercraft and space oddyssey's and all this awesome shit. We got none of it.

Someone must bear the blame. That someone is the Boomers.


Seriously how did the people who went through the Great Depression and defeated the Nazis raise such shitheads.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
yeah well now it's our turn to either bitch about the boomers or make it better.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The WW2 generation grew up in the Great Depression and their parents lived through WW1. They basically had no childhoods. People were signing up to go fight the Nazis at 16 and shit.

When they came home, and America was riding high on all that wealth and the boom of the suburban lifestyles, the WW2 generation did what anyone would do: Try to give its children everything it never had.

The result?

An entire generation of narcissistic mother fuckers whose only concern was themselves.

Thus you get the late 60s Hippy bullshit, the 70s disco era, and the 80s with the S&P scandals, massive deregulation, and the "Greed" generation.

Its all been downhill from there.

yeah well now it's our turn to either bitch about the boomers or make it better.
No, can't make it better any more. Most of the world's precious resources have been consumed by the Boomers, we'll never get it back. China will rise, America will fall, and soon everyone in America will have the intellectual capacity of Trayvon's girlfriend.

Idiocracy defined.



Why is Marcia Clark considered an expert? The only questions she should take is on how to fuck up a trial. Pisses me off that someone has made a shit load of money on being fucking incompetent.
Pretty much.

Every time I caught some of this yesterday and saw Marcia Clark I thought 'if the glove don't fit...'

And yeah, CNN at least, seems really interested in pushing the prosecution's point of view.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
So GZ was taught all about SYG in school, but on Hannity GZ said he didn't know what SYG was.

Good find, prosecution.


Musty Nester
Well, to be fair, when this initially went down based on the reports I had my mind made up against Zimmerman. So did a lot of people. But as the facts came out it has become apparent that this guy is a victim of straight up media lying and the state is trying to quiet those concerns with a mock trial. If this wasn't on tv Zimmerman might not be on trial right now, but if he was I wonder if he would still get justice.
Yeah, I can totally buy the fact that some redneck in florida shot a black dude just to watch him die. That is not a strain on my credulity.

But that ain't this. And I swear it couldn't have been that hard to actually find that redneck if your goal IS to find him.

Ergo propter pooper: Zimmerman is not on trial. Florida and "Stand your Ground" is on trial. Even manslaughter is a loss, in that case. It's a horrible thing for the mother to do to the memory of her son, but it's an even WORSE thing for outside interests to use her son so casually and so cynically.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I guess they can say "Zimmerman was lying on Hannity, so you can't trust anything he says" but since he's never been on the stand officially, and thus subject to cross examination to see if there are any holes in his actual testimony to police after the shooting, and all the testimonies he's given to date with the police correlate with the evidence as shown thus far, its a pretty weak hand to play.

I mean, its not like you're under oath on Hannity or something.

But they definitely got him on a non essential disparity in his public statements on the case. I guess it could influence someone on the jury feasibly.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The WW2 generation grew up in the Great Depression and their parents lived through WW1. They basically had no childhoods. People were signing up to go fight the Nazis at 16 and shit.

When they came home, and America was riding high on all that wealth and the boom of the suburban lifestyles, the WW2 generation did what anyone would do: Try to give its children everything it never had.

The result?

An entire generation of narcissistic mother fuckers whose only concern was themselves.

Thus you get the late 60s Hippy bullshit, the 70s disco era, and the 80s with the S&P scandals, massive deregulation, and the "Greed" generation.

Its all been downhill from there.

No, can't make it better any more. Most of the world's precious resources have been consumed by the Boomers, we'll never get it back. China will rise, America will fall, and soon everyone in America will have the intellectual capacity of Trayvon's girlfriend.

Idiocracy defined.

then stay out of the way and cry while we fix it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That'd be a good argument if any fixing had been done to date.

So far I'm not seeing it.

Unless you're arguing a generation entirely consumed with their own selves like we have with the Facebook Twitter generation is actually fixing the problems, rather than just repeating them ad naseum.

So far all I"m seeing is the Boomers have created, not new great generations which can fix their problems, but spoiled generations who intend to continue them.

I suggest you peruse some of the victimhood cults on Tumblr for an idea of what so called fixing is going on in current generations (read: None, none whatsoever).

Example 1: Check your privilege chart from Tumblr.


yes its a parody but an accurate one
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