Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That's an interesting take on it. So you're saying that screaming about people beating on their...and I quote..

fragile little racist dicks
on a message board is a sign of sanity then?



Isn't working anymore. You're gonna have to find yourself a new troll routine.


No, actually, Gavinrad pretty well summed up exactly what I was arguing, which is that is that he was beating him severely enough to warrant feeling his life was reasonably at risk and therefore the shooting was justified.

Just because you are incapable of expressing a cogent opinion, and have consistently been demolished in this debate, doesn't give you the right to put words in my mouth.
Sorry, asshole, you stated with confidence that Martin would have continued smashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete until someone interfered or he died. I'm not putting words into your mouth. Just because you regret saying something stupid that you realize can't be backed up, don't try to make it look like I'm making this shit up. Take responsibility for what you said, you pussy.

Irrelevant, akin to saying "Well smoking isn't bad for you because think of all the people who smoke and don't get cancer"
So if someone offers you a cigarette, are they trying to give you cancer?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Sorry, asshole, you stated with confidence that Martin would have continued smashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete until someone interfered or he died. I'm not putting words into your mouth. Just because you regret saying something stupid that you realize can't be backed up, don't try to make it look like I'm making this shit up. Take responsibility for what you said, you pussy.

So if someone offers you a cigarette, are they trying to give you cancer?
Call me when you grow a pair of balls bro. Negging from alt accounts is the height of faggotry.


Would love to see what you'd do in Zimmerman's situation. Going on the evidence of the case, not some ridiculous suppositions as to what you and the media think might have happened, what would you do when you are mounted, getting punched in the face (nose already broken, which if your nose has ever been broken probably means your vision is screwed) at night while you're screaming for help and now your head is being slammed into the concrete. What do you do? Go "well, in my analysis, very few people are killed in fistfights. I'll just lay here and take it, after all, statistics are on my side! Proceed, young negro! Do no permanent damage plz!"


I would do exactly what Zimmerman did. This is why i said Zimmerman was entirely justified in every action he took.

Rerolled:Anything but the point


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, that's what I thought. You're embarrassing trash. Taught by your embarrassing trash parents to act like embarrassing trash.
So what you're saying is that yelling every one on a message board are embarassing racist trash isn't an example of being embarassing racist trash?




Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ah yes, the "don't call us what we are because it hurts our feelings" defense. You're a real man's man hodjie.
So what you're saying is when we call Trayvon a thug who earned his own demise, it hurts your feelings?

TJ Lazer_sl

No I'm calling you a dumbfuck racist because you're whole argument is dogwhistle racism for you and you're racist friend's precious white ears.


Call me when you grow a pair of balls bro. Negging from alt accounts is the height of faggotry.
I don't have a single alt account. Not a one.

Guess what? More than one person on this thread thinks you're an asshole now, and that's nobody's fault but your own.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wah wah wah He was a thug! I tried to beat the mean thug up but he fought back! Wah wah wah! So I killed him!
He was. And the jury agreed

Stay oh so incredibly racially incensed over it though.


I don't have a single alt account. Not a one.

Guess what? More than one person on this thread thinks you're an asshole now, and that's nobody's fault but your own.
Sure you don't. Except that one with one post that had 1 plus and negged me. And I think its pretty clear you've been in the minority on this all along.


Vyemm Raider
You mean the fat loser who started a fight because a kid was black and lost and then murdered the kid he lost to because he was black? Man.. you must be a bigger pussy than zimmerman.
Following does not start the fight, punching does.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
You mean the fat loser who started a fight because a kid was black and lost and then murdered the kid he lost to because he was black? Man.. you must be a bigger pussy than zimmerman.
Hey Tj Hooker you obviously don't know shit about this case. Go back to worrying about your dick obsession.
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